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63 Cards in this Set

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1558 crown debt

£300,000 debt and annual income of £286,667. Over £100,000 owed to foreign money lenders in the Antwerp exchange at 14% interest. Also Mary had sold crown lands and lost them in wars, meaning a lower income from rent. Inflation from 1540 Henry VIII debasing coinage. Taxes unpopular. Custom duties. 1170 items brought in £91,000 annually.

Debt solution

Halved crown expenses and sold lands raising £120,000. By 1574 out if debt. 1560 Thomas Gresham a financial advisor suggested a new rebased currency but hard to implement with old currency.

Government and society

Hierarchical society. 90% of population lived rurally.

Government and society

Hierarchical society based on inequality with Church highly influential. 90% of population lived rurally. Laws only passed by Parliament , who also approved taxes. but Liz could issue Royal proclamations and had prerogative powers. Privy council were members of the nobility who helped advise and govern the country. They monitored parliament, JPs (large landowners who locally iversaw law and order and attended court cases) and oversaw law and order and security. House of commons elected by noblemen and bishops

House of Lords noblemen and bishops and roch. Court chosen by and advised Queen. Lord Lieutenants noblemen appointed by queen governed counties and raised the local militia.


Gender. Mother (pope never acknowledged mothers marriage or Henry's previous wife's divorce.) born out of wedlock so illegitimate. Initially removed from succession before being reinstated. Young and inexperienced. Religion (protestant). Portrayed herself as the Virgin queen married only to her country (no heir was a problem) and propaganda as a strong powerful legitimate popular monarch. Well educated spoke 5 languages.

Act of supremacy

Elizabeth supreme governor of church (allowing possibility of pope as head), clergy had to swear an oath of allegiance to queen, members of clergy whose loyalty in doubt were punished by the Ecclesiastical high commission. Enforced through visitations.

Act of uniformity

Church prayer book printed in english and was protestant Edward VI 1552 book but with ambiguous wording. Priests allowed to marry.

Royal Injunctions

1558 part of Religious settlement. All clergy to teach Royal supremacy, truants from church reported to privy council and fined 40 shillings, every parish to have a bible in English, Churches allowed to keep images and statutes, a government license was required to preach, priests to wear plainer vestments, fake monuments and pilgrimages banned allowing possibility of real ones. Instructions for services.

Religious settlement opposition Catholic

Majority of normal people accepted the inclusive compromise. Little actual control on a local level of content of service. 8000/10000 clergy took the oath rest dismissed. 27 bishops dismissed. Recusant catholics practiced in secret. 1/3 of nobility. Papacy. Jesuit priests from Europe. Protestants branded as heretics by Pope. 1566 Pope orders English catholics not to attend Church. 1570 excommunication and plots.

Royal Injunctions

1558 part of Religious settlement. All clergy to teach Royal supremacy, truants from church reported to privy council and fined 40 shillings, every parish to have a bible in English, Churches allowed to keep images and statutes, a government license was required to preach, priests to wear plainer vestments, fake monuments and pilgrimages banned allowing possibility of real ones. Instructions for services.

Act of supremacy

Elizabeth supreme governor of church (allowing possibility of pope as head), clergy had to swear an oath of allegiance to queen, members of clergy whose loyalty in doubt were punished by the Ecclesiastical high commission. Enforced through visitations.

Act of uniformity

Church prayer book printed in english and was protestant Edward VI 1552 book but with ambiguous wording. Priests allowed to marry.

Religious settlement opposition Catholic

Majority of normal people accepted the inclusive compromise. Little actual control on a local level of content of service. 8000/10000 clergy took the oath rest dismissed. 27 bishops dismissed. Recusant catholics practiced in secret. 1/3 of nobility. Papacy. Jesuit priests from Europe. Protestants branded as heretics by Pope. 1566 Pope orders English catholics not to attend Church. 1570 excommunication and plots.

Religious settlement protestant oppisition

Puritans very vocal. John Foxe, and John Field openly anti-catholic and opposed bishops, in Parliament. Limited support. Crucifix controversy, vestment controversy (1566 Archbishop of Canterbury Thomas Parker held an exhibition to show vestments to Puritan priests in book of advertisement in London. 37 priests resigned as they refused to wear vestments. Protestant prophesysing. Thomas Cartwright 1570 published pamphlets against bishops.

Peace of Troyes treaty

1564 renounced all English claims to calais


1562 Elizabeth funded and supported protestant attack in port of Le Havre (320,000 gold crowns).

The Auld alliance

France and Scotland

Treaty of Cateau-Cambrais

Under Mary England lost all land in France after war. Pressure to regain it.

Treaty of Cateau-Cambrais

Under Mary England lost all land in France after war. Pressure to regain it.

French Civil war

Won by Catholics threat of joining with Spain.

1566 Dutch rebellion

Liz funded and sheltered protestant rebels against Catholic Spain.


Phillip closes Spanish wool trade with England

1568 Duke of Alba reestablishes Spanish control if Netherlands

With 100,000 men leader to harsher protestant repression.

1568 Genoese Loan

Liz seizes Italian Gold going to Spain worth £400,000.

Mary Queen of Scots

Alternative monarch catholic. 1568 Scottish protestant rebellion and Mary forces to abdicate. After death of Henry Stuart Darnley and Caskett letters affair. Mary under House arrest in England but she was a anointed Monarch so Liz reluctant to kill


Revolt of the Northern Earls. Earl of Northumberland (Thomas Percy), Earl if Westmoreland (Nevilles), Duke of Norfolk sympathetic to catholics. Council of North. Uncertainty of succession. Growing protestant influence. Money issues 1567 Percy lost rights to a new valuable copper mine on his land to Elizabeth. Angered by repression. 1561 James Pilkington Archbishop Durham was protestant and tried to keep catholics in check. 9th Nov takes control of Durham cathedral. Defeated by Earl if Sussex and larger army. Little support in North. Over 450 rebels executed. 1571 laws broadening treason (calling Liz a heretic), 1572 Earl of Huntingdon leads council of North leading harsh repression.


Revolt of the Northern Earls. Earl of Northumberland (Thomas Percy), Earl if Westmoreland (Nevilles), Duke of Norfolk sympathetic to catholics. Council of North. Uncertainty of succession. Growing protestant influence. Money issues 1567 Percy lost rights to a new valuable copper mine on his land to Elizabeth. Angered by repression. 1561 James Pilkington Archbishop Durham was protestant and tried to keep catholics in check. 9th Nov takes control of Durham cathedral. Defeated by Earl if Sussex and larger army. Little support in North. Over 450 rebels executed. 1571 laws broadening treason (calling Liz a heretic), 1572 Earl of Huntingdon leads council of North leading harsh repression.

Ridolfi Plot

1571. Supported by Spain and Pope with a potential invasion. Les to £20 recusant fine. Catholic conversion now treason.


Revolt of the Northern Earls. Earl of Northumberland (Thomas Percy), Earl if Westmoreland (Nevilles), Duke of Norfolk sympathetic to catholics. Council of North. Uncertainty of succession. Growing protestant influence. Money issues 1567 Percy lost rights to a new valuable copper mine on his land to Elizabeth. Angered by repression. 1561 James Pilkington Archbishop Durham was protestant and tried to keep catholics in check. 9th Nov takes control of Durham cathedral. Defeated by Earl if Sussex and larger army. Little support in North. Over 450 rebels executed. 1571 laws broadening treason (calling Liz a heretic), 1572 Earl of Huntingdon leads council of North leading harsh repression.

Ridolfi Plot

1571. Supported by Spain and Pope with a potential invasion. Les to £20 recusant fine. Catholic conversion now treason.

Throckmorton Plot

1583. French invasion. List of Catholic sympathisers found. 11,000 catholics imprisoned or under house arrest. 1585 act of treason to shelter Catholics. 1584 Bond of Association.


Revolt of the Northern Earls. Earl of Northumberland (Thomas Percy), Earl if Westmoreland (Nevilles), Duke of Norfolk sympathetic to catholics. Council of North. Uncertainty of succession. Growing protestant influence. Money issues 1567 Percy lost rights to a new valuable copper mine on his land to Elizabeth. Angered by repression. 1561 James Pilkington Archbishop Durham was protestant and tried to keep catholics in check. 9th Nov takes control of Durham cathedral. Defeated by Earl if Sussex and larger army. Little support in North. Over 450 rebels executed. 1571 laws broadening treason (calling Liz a heretic), 1572 Earl of Huntingdon leads council of North leading harsh repression.

Ridolfi Plot

1571. Supported by Spain and Pope with a potential invasion. Les to £20 recusant fine. Catholic conversion now treason.

Throckmorton Plot

1583. French invasion. List of Catholic sympathisers found. 11,000 catholics imprisoned or under house arrest. 1585 act of treason to shelter Catholics. 1584 Bond of Association.

Babington Plot

1586. Duke pf Guise invasion again. Mary's execution for involvement in 1587 after trial by privy council and found guilty of treason. 31 priests executed.


Revolt of the Northern Earls. Earl of Northumberland (Thomas Percy), Earl if Westmoreland (Nevilles), Duke of Norfolk sympathetic to catholics. Council of North. Uncertainty of succession. Growing protestant influence. Money issues 1567 Percy lost rights to a new valuable copper mine on his land to Elizabeth. Angered by repression. 1561 James Pilkington Archbishop Durham was protestant and tried to keep catholics in check. 9th Nov takes control of Durham cathedral. Defeated by Earl if Sussex and larger army. Little support in North. Over 450 rebels executed. 1571 laws broadening treason (calling Liz a heretic), 1572 Earl of Huntingdon leads council of North leading harsh repression.

Ridolfi Plot

1571. Supported by Spain and Pope with a potential invasion. Les to £20 recusant fine. Catholic conversion now treason.

Throckmorton Plot

1583. French invasion. List of Catholic sympathisers found. 11,000 catholics imprisoned or under house arrest. 1585 act of treason to shelter Catholics. 1584 Bond of Association.

Babington Plot

1586. Duke pf Guise invasion again. Mary's execution for involvement in 1587 after trial by privy council and found guilty of treason. 31 priests executed.

Walsingham's Spy network

Agent provocateur. Interception and deciphering of letters. Master crytographer Thomas Phelippes. Arthur Gregory master sealer. Surveillance and torture.

1558 literacy rate


1558 literacy rate


1588 literacy rate



Theatre 1576 James Burbage, the Curtain 1577, the Rose 1587, the Globe 1599, and Red Lion.


Theatre 1576 James Burbage, the Curtain 1577, the Rose 1587, the Globe 1599, and Red Lion.


Non-religious secular plays. All social classes attended. Blank verse. Actors all men, Richard Burbage, Edward Allen. Playwrites Christopher Marlowe. 1572 Censorship. Needed a royal license and scripts had to be read by Master of Revels first. Traveling Players, eg Queen's men and Leicester's men. Lord Chamberlain's men.


Popular but social divides separated classes. In public places and at festivals. Nobility had own players.

Poverty causes

Population growth: 3 million in 1551-4.2 million in 1601.

Increased demand for resources raising prices.

Sheep framing less labourers needed leading to unemployment. Less crops increasing prices as land used for sheep. Hit heavily by trade embargoes leading to unemployment. Enclosure Acts no sustenance farming. Bad Harvests 1562,65,73,86. Inflation.

Poverty causes

Population growth: 3 million in 1551-4.2 million in 1601.

Increased demand for resources raising prices.

Sheep framing less labourers needed leading to unemployment. Less crops increasing prices as land used for sheep. Hit heavily by trade embargoes leading to unemployment. Enclosure Acts no sustenance farming. Bad Harvests 1562,65,73,86. Inflation.


Deserving poor; elderly, very young, infirm, orphans, or abandoned women.

Undeserving poor; idle/lazy, vagrants, vagabonds, and beggars.


Poor rates a local tax organised by JPs proceeds spent on improving lives of poor giving money or materials to make things

Statute of Artificers 1563 progressive ensuring poor rates collected £20 fine for JPs and threat of imprisonment.

1572 Vagabonds Act repressive harsh punishments. Whipped, hole in ear, imprisonment, then death. National poor rate. Not enforced easier to give beggars money and send them on their way.

1576 Poor relief Act. Progressive. Distinguished between poor. Poor refusers sent to houses of correction. Local government forces to provide work for poor.

Golden Hind

Francis Drake's circumnavigation ship. Knighted on it by Liz in 1580

Francis Drake

1570-71 voyage pillaged Spanish cargo and captured a prestigious Spanish ship Nevestra Senora de la Concepcion. £40,000 profit from stolen gold and silver. Hired as a privateer in 1572.

Spanish Fury

1576 Spanish government bankrupt in Netherlands and unable to pay troops (partly Drake and pirates like Sir John Hawkins in West Indies) Spanish troops ransacked Antwerp. United all 17 provinces and religions in the Pacification of Ghent.

Spanish Fury

1576 Spanish government bankrupt in Netherlands and unable to pay troops (partly Drake and pirates like Sir John Hawkins in West Indies) Spanish troops ransacked Antwerp. United all 17 provinces and religions in the Pacification of Ghent.

Duke of Aleçon

French lord attacked Netherlands in 1578 but unsuccessful so withdrew in 1579. Funded by Liz. Murdered in 1584.

John Casimir

British mercenary attacked Spanish Netherlands but also Catholics too. Resulting in Dutch Catholics making peace with Spain. 1568 council of blood after Dutch rebellion 1566-67 funded by English, many protestants killed so ran to England. Sea beggars took shelter in English ports before attack Spanish.

Phillip Vs Liz

1580 Liz supported alternative heir to Portuguese empire before Phillip took over. Phill support Irish catholic rebellions in 1579 and 1583. Duke of Parma restored Spanish control in Netherlands in 1584. Treaty if Joinville united Spain and England Liz's allies murdered Will Orange and Duke Aleçon


Treaty of Nonsuch, English army provided to Netherlands. 7400 men led by Robert Dudley. Different aims and limited resources meant failure. Rob's officers Rob of York and Will Stanley defected. Did prevent Spanish controlling deep water ports such as Ostend.

Raid on Cadiz

April 1587 singing of King's beard. Drake sent fireships into Spanish port destroying 30 ships. Led to a shortage of seasoned wood delaying Armada.


130 ships, 2431 guns, 30,000 soldiers sail to English channel and link up with Parma's 27,000 strong army in Netherlands. Land in London.

29 july Armada spotted in Channel

31 Battle of Plymouth 2 Spanish ships captured and rest forced along coast.

3-4 august Battle of Isle of Wight Spanish forced to calais

Parma late

8 August Battle of Grave lines. Fireships scatter Armada which is destroyed by storms on return journey.

Drake's Circumnavigation


£400,000 in loot. Claimed Nova Albion. Encouraged more exploration, trade and pirating. English dominance of sea. Treaty with king of Ternate for trade of spices. Revenge for Hawkin's fleet at St Juan de Ulua 1568 325 men killed by Spanish.

Increasing trade and exploration

Conflict with Spain, expansion of trade. Before 1563 75% of English exports wool bringing in £50,000 custom duty. Needed mew market afterwards. Profit making opportunities. Regular income for a sailor way out of poverty. Desire to spread protestantism and civilise people. New knowledge. Richard Hakluyt's 'The Principal Navigations, Viyages and discoveries of the English nation. Sailors oogs and Portuguese knowledge. Developments in boat design and 1569 Gerardas Mercator introduced sea charts with parallels of longtitude and lattitude along with Astrolabes and Quadrants increasing accuracy of navigation.