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32 Cards in this Set

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Define dysrhythmia.
Any deviation in the heart rate or rhythm from normal.
What is the P-P Interval?
What is the R-R Interval?
The distance between consecutive P waves.
The distance between consecutive QRS complexes.
Each interval should be equal.
What single rhythm is considered Normal?
The sinus rhythm.
How to assess atrial regularity?
Analyze the P-P Interval. No more than 0.04 seconds difference.
How to access ventricular regularity?
Analyze R-R Interval.
In a regular rhythm what should exist before each QRS complex?
A P wave.
What method is a quick & simple way to determine regularity?
The paper & pen method.
What are the different methods of determining regularity?
1. Paper & Pen Method
2. Caliper Method
3. Counting the Small Squares Method
4. Rate Calculator Method
What are the types of irregularity?
1. Occasionally or Very Irregular
2. Slightly Irregular
3. Sudden Changes in Heart Rate Irregularity
4. Irregularly (Total) Irregular
5. Patterned Irregularity
6. Varying Conduction Ratios Irregularity
What is an occasional irregular rhythm?
A rhythm that appears mostly regular, but with areas of irregularity.
Why determine irregularity on rhythms?
To help determine what dysrhythmia might be present.
Why do occasional irregular rhythms occur?
Due to early beats or pauses in or arrests of the impulses arising from the SA node.
What are early beats?
Impulses that occur earlier then normal. The beat fires before the SA node initiates the impulse.
From where can early beats arise?
From any cell of the heart, ex.
A) atria
B) AV junction all tissue
C) ventricles.
In an early beat is the R-R interval shorter or longer then in a normal interval?
If an early beat occurs a few times/minute it's called.
If a number of early beats occur its
Occasionally irregular.
Very or frequently irregular.
What is pause or arrest of the SA node?
When the SA node fails to initiate an impulse.
How do yo recognize pause/arrest of SA node?
Normal rhythm then suddenly an absence of P wave, QRS complex, and T wave.
What is the prominent characteristic of SA node pause? and what can frequent pauses cause?
Longer then normal R-R Interval.
Bradycardia and reduced cardiac output.
What is a Slightly Irregular heart rate?
A slight variance in P-P & R-R intervals that are continuous throughout the tracing.
When do slightly irregular rhythms occur?
Instead of the impulse arising from the SA node, the heart beats or pacemaker sites shift from place to place throughout the atria.
What is a dysrhythmia that has a sudden, rapid onset and resolution?
A paroxysmal.
What is an irregularity caused by sudden changes in heart rate?
When the heart rate suddenly speeds up or slows down.
What happens with sudden rapid acceleration of the heart rate?
An ectopic site from above the ventricles fires rapidly and takes over as pacemaker.
What is Irregularly Irregular heart rate?
There is no consistency to the irregularity. The rate is chaotic and hard to find an R-R Interval.
What are the characteristics of Irregularly Irregular?
1. Atria fires at rate in excess of 350 bpm.
2. Only some impulses are conducted thru AV node.
3. Complete lack of consistency btw R waves.
Describe Patterned Irregularity.

And name the types
A repeated irregularity repeats over & over in a cyclic fashion a premature beat.
1. Early beats at regular intervals
2. AV node conduction blockage (dropped beat)
What is bigeminy?
What is trigeminy?
What is quadrigeminy?
Early beats occur every second complex.
Early beats occur every third complex.
Early beats occur every fourth complex.
What happens with a dropped beat?
AV node is weakened and fails to conduct impulse through ventricles.
Longer R-R Intervals
No QRS complex
What causes an early beat in patterned irregularity?
A cyclic speeding up and slowing down of heart rate.
What is the conduction ratio?
The number of atrial waveforms (P waves) to ventricular waveforms (QRS complexes).
Normally 1:1
What happens I with varying conduction ratios?
The distance btw R-R intervals changes. The number of atrial impulses (P waves) to ventricular conduction ratios (QRS complex) changes.