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89 Cards in this Set

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one animal species eats all or some of a second animal species

positive interactions/ facilitation

interactions between two species that benefit at least one of the species and do not harm the other


when both species derive benefits from the association, win-win


one species gains while there is no harm to the other, win-neutral

mycorrhizal fungi and plants

plants give sugars,

fungi- surface area, break down stuff and take it up,

both benefit



pollinatior benefits from stable food source

plants benefit through efficient sexual reproduction

jewelweed- landing pad

cardinal flower- long nectar tube

carrion flower- rotting mean scent

Pollination Syndrome

The convergence of unrelated plants on similar morphologies that attract the same kind of pollinator


family orchidanceae

~25000 species

highly specialized pollination systems

co-evolution with pollinators

deceiving pollinators

bees & coffee

self-pollnating plants, protected from pollinators in agriculture

study showed pollinator activity increase coffee yield

increased hybrid vigor

ants and acacias

Acacia: protection from herbivores and other plants

acacia ant- source of food and shelter

acacias without ants ofter grow slowly and tend to perish

no chemical defenses

foundation species

dominant species that for the habitat that shelters many other species

ex- coral reefs, overstory trees, mangrove trees

salt marshes

emergent vegitation

mussles also living

-deposits feces

-provide plants with nitrogen and phos

fidler crab

-burrows into ground with a lot of H2O

-introduces O2 to H2O

-cellular respiration

add on biomass, decrease erosion

Balancing + and - interactions


example: nurse plants

plants the provide some sort of protection to other plants during development (usually improve water balance)

Interaction changes over time +/0 to +/-

Example: Saguaro cactus with nurse plants blue palo verde

overcompensation hypothesis

moderate grazing wil stimulate biomass production


1. plant sagebrush in a common garden

2. subject to moderate, severe, and no browsing

white bark pine and clarks nutcracker

nutcracker eats seeds and digests them, they also plant some seeds

hide and store to eat late, but leave some for planting

population regulation

the maintenance of a population within a restricted zone of abundance so that the species neither becomes extinct nor increases without limit

-no population increases without limit

-abundance varies from habitat to habitat

determining equilibrium population density

principle: no closed population stops increasing unless either the birth rate or death rate changes with density

-a population in a closed system will increase until it reaches equilibrium point (birth=death)

density dependent

if death (or birth) rate per capita increases as density increases

density independent

death rate/birth rate does not change as density rises

inverse density dependent

opposite of directly density dependent rates, can never lead to an equilibrium density

spatial variation in Abundane

Principle: differences between two populations in equilibrium density can be caused by variation in either density- independent or dependent rates of birth and death

measuring birth and death rates

1. specify time interval

2. specify base population (per capita or per # population)

intrinsic and extrinsic factors

in: sex, age, physiology, behavior, genetics

ex: predators, food supply, disease, parasites, weather, shelter


a factor that produces a change in average or equilibrium density

regulating factor

a factor that results in an increase in % mortality as population density increases (density dependent)

Potential Regulating Factor

does not stop population growth

actual regulating factor

does stop population growth

Allee effect

produce instability in populations, invrese density dependence at low density

could be harmful to have overcrowding


inverse density dependence at low density

Glanville fritillary butterfly

most populations are small (5-50)

45% of local populations became extinct in 2-yr period

smaller patches= smaller population= high probability of exinction

Additive Mortality

for an increase in mortality, total mortality increases by a constant amount

compensatory mortality

many environmental factors affecting mortality

below a threshold mortality rate, any change in losses has no effect on total mortality

self thinning rule

applies to plants and organisms with plastic growth rates

relationship between individual plant size and density in uniform-aged populations of a single species

(-4/3 boundary rule)

source population

net access of reproduction over mortality

population potential to grow infinitely

sink population

net excess of mortality over reproduction

potential to reach extinction

source to sink population

habitat fragmentation

does natural selection affect population regulation?

myxamatosis in rabbits

coevolution of virus and rabbit

affected population abundance

balance of nature

idea: the numbers of plants and animals were fixed and in equilibrium

modern view: shifting balance between populations that are affected by predators, competitors, diseases and mutualists, which are influences by changing weather and human activity

intrinsic regulation

precocial- ready to live

altricial- need support by parent(s)


the universal process of change in communities and the order in which species replace one another

directional change

usually occurs in disturbed landscapes

one major group replaces another (Ex: trees replace grasses)

major focus on successional studies

cyclical change

occur on a small scale

replacement after death of individual or individuals

seral stages

the sequence of vegetation stages through which succession moves over time

format of succession

bare ground ---primary-> pioneer seal stage --> seal stages ---secondary-> climax

primary succession at mt st helens

1)Blast zone- vegetation blown down

2)pyroclastic zone- volcanic gas, pumice, and ash (North)

3) Mudflow zone- including ash deposits (South, east west)

1)seed size--> bigger establish better

2)dispersal ability--> smaller disperse better

facilitation model


key idea:climax

mono climax hypothesis

all processes in succession will lead to formation of climax community

at each seal stage, the dom. species modifies the environment to make it more suitable for other species

inhibition model


key idea: initial floristic composition

whoever is there first wins.. until they die

short lived replaced by long lived species

tolerance model


key idea: species are replace by others that are more tolerant of limiting resources

intermediate between facilitation and inhibition

can start anywhere

modeling succession

graph from class


the final stage or stable community in a successional series. it is self perpetuation and in equilibrium with the physical and biotic communities

mono climax theory

every region has only one climax community toward which all communities are developing

polyclimax theory

many different climax communities in a given area (dependent on moisture, soil nutrients and animal activity, etc.)

climax-pattern hypothesis

A natural community is adapted to the whole pattern of environmental factors in which it exists.. allows for community of climax types, varying gradually along environmental gradients

cyclical patch dynamics

whole community moves slowly toward climax

local (patch scale)- experience rapid, cyclical changes (ex. heather and lichen)

bracken fern patch dynamics

fire resistant

underground rhizomes

spreads vegetatively

vigorous "front" of invading bracken fern

die back at the rear

forest gap dynamics


large gaps- large amounts of sunlight- maples are quicker to the punch, but these larger gaps are rare

beeches are good at being understory

frequent gaps= more maples in understory

measuring biodiversity

3 levels:

Genetic diversity

species diversity

community diversity


number of resident species


relative abundance of resident species


combination of richness and evenness

alpha diversity

within the environment

beta diversity

between habitats

how many species added when combining

biodiversity today

estimate 13-14 million species on earth

only 13% of these have been formally described and named by taxonomists

tropical biodiversity

general trend: biodiversity increases from the poles to the equator

Exceptions to this helps us understand other ecological factors that influence biodiversity

hotspots of biodiversity

linked with patterns of geographical isolation from continental drift

determined by number of endemic species

not restricted to tropics, but hotspots often occur in these regions

what caused differences in biodiversity?

evolutionary speed

geographic are

interspecific interactions

ambient energy



evolutionary speed

more time and rapid evolution permits evolution of new species

more time: tropical biotas are mature and have more time to experience evolutionary changes (temp/polar are immature from glaciation and climate shifts)

Rapid evolution: warm, humid conditions support shorter generation time, higher mutation rates

evolutionary speed at lake baikal

25 million year old lake

deepest freshwater lake in the world

contains 5800 species of benthic macroinvertabrates

Geographical Area

-larger areas are physically/biologically complex habitats provide more niches

-tropics have larger land area than temperate zones, contain more & varied habitats

-tropographic Relief: mountanious regions introduce mammal diversity by providing different niches and by geographical isolation

-not the small for tree diversity

interspecific interactions

-competition affects niche partitioning, predation delays competitive exclusion

-more competition produces more specialized organisms and produces species with smaller niche breadths and/or higher niche breadths and/or higher niche overlaps

-population regulation by predators decreases competition, but increases diversity

ambient energy

fewer species tolerate climatically unfavorable conditions

energy availability maintains species richness gradients

climate determines availability (solar radiation, temp, water)

can be measured by evapotranspiration rates.. consider radiation, temp, water

Ambient energy- coral reefs

warm water coral reefs-more available energy, species rich

cool water coral reefs- less available energy, fewer taxa


Idea: greater production will result in greater biodiversity

no proof for this

intermediate disturbance hypothesis

moderate disturbance delays competitive exculsion

hypothesis predicts that species diversity will be highest at intermediate levels of disturbance

if disturbances are frequent, community remains at pioneer stages of succession

if disturbances are reduced, succession proceeds and richness reaches a peak

saturated comunities

no more species can be squeezed in

all niches have been filled

community organization

what species are present, how abundant, who eats who, how do they interact?

3 approaches to understanding community organization

1. measure biodiversity

2. define feeding roles

3. determine importance of individual species

equilibrium communities


-measured by time it takes for a community to recover from disturbance

-fluctuation in comm. size

-presistance of comm. over time

major characteristics

-many biotic interactions

-rare species invasions

-rare weather catastrophes

non equilibrium communities

species operate individually

climate catastrophes are frequent

composition highly variable- result of frequent immigration/emmigration

food chains

trophic levels:


2)Primary consumers

3)secondary consumers

A given species may occupy one or more trophic level

often organized by size

food chain length

typical range is 1 to 9 links

most common number is 5 links

why?- energetic and stability hypothesis

constant proportion pred to prey (1:2.5)

energetic hypothesis

limited by inefficiency of energy transfer

longer chains in productive envirnoments

stability hypothesis

longer chains- less stable, fluctuations in low levels cause high levels to extinct

guilds/functional groups

groups of species exploiting a common resource base in a similar fashion (bees&hummingbirds)


1)focus on potentially competing species, regardless of taxonomy

2) Managable units of functional groups

3)Represent basic building blocks of communities

Guilds case study: Eastern deciduous forest

62 tree species

9 guilds determines by regeneration ecology

pioneer guilds

regenerate quickly in disturbed areas

opportunistic guilds

regenerate in a wide variety of conditions

persistent guilds

regenerate in shade and are long lived

guild concept generalizations

1) some species serve as a functional equivalents w/in a community

2) # of functional roles is small in relation to # of species

3) Limit to number of species that can fill and functional role

4) species within guilds fluctuate in abundance in such a way that total biomass/density of a guild remains stable