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174 Cards in this Set

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physical characteristics of the vegetation
how classify biomes?
combination of environmental factors and physiognomy
hadley cell?
0 to 30 degrees latitude N and S and comes from the trade winds
dominated by C4 and CAM plants, lots of wind erosion, pressure on desert grasslands from grazing
two biggest classifiers of biomes
average temperature and annual precipitation
shortest growing season, permafrost, strong soil freeze, no woody vegetation
alpine tundra occurs at _____ altitude
artic tundra occurs at _____ altitude
temperate grasslands
stature ranges from desert, short grass to tall grassland based on precipitation, converted to agriculture, fertile soils
loss of grasslands
agriculture, fire suppression
transition from grassland to forest, evergreen and deciduous habit, fire prone
boreal forests
latitude > 50, 30 to 120 days > 10 C, only occurs in northern hemisphere, ground covered by bryophytes, wildfire natural, source of wood fiber, open forest canoopy with conical crowns, rich in iron ore underneath
temperate broad-leaf forests deciduous
nitrogen limited, heavily distrubed by humans, moderate to high growth rates, very diverse
riparian forest
subset of temperate broadlead deciduous, flooded for portion of year, fluted buttresses and knees
temperate broad-leaf evergreen forests
schlerophyllis (mediterranean, Asia), rainforests(NZ,chile,austrailia), most are heavily logged
temperate needle-leaf evergreen
conical architecture, many types
management issues of temp. evergreen conifer forest
logging, fire, drainage, insects
tropical broad-leaf deciduous
undergone greatest deforestation, lower biodiversity than tropical broadleaf evergreen, deciduous to avoid drought
tropical evergreen
high biodiversity, diverse in structure function and species composition, many stories,infertile soils, lots of precipitation
tropical forest deforestation
grazing, shifting agriculture, charcoal
primary tree growth
shoot elongation
secondary tree growth
expansion of stem and root, only in woody plants
excurrent tree form
terminal shoot exerts apical dominance over lateral shoots, common in northern latitudes, absorb more diffuse radiation
decurrent tree form
terminal shoot does not maintain apical dominance over lateral shoots, common in lower latitudes, absorb direct beam light
what is the function of stem and branch structure?
support photosynthetic machinery and transport water and sugars
cambium-meristematic region is responsible for what type of growth?
xylem grows ____ and phloem grows ______
inwardly; outwardly
sapwood function
transport of water
heartwood function
support, metabolic waste collection
bark function
protection; dead phloem
phloem function
food conducting tissue, smaller than xylem
xylem function
sapwood (water conduction) and hearwood (support),
found in gymnosperms, smaller in diameter, less suceptible to cavitation, slow rate of water transport
vessel elements
found in angiosperms, larger in diameter, more susceptible to cavitation, faster water transport, more susceptible to disease
diffuse porous
diameter smaller and more uniform
ring porous
larger diameter and less uniform
pipe theory model
positive relationship between the sapwood and leaf area of a tree; better in mesic soil vs. xeric soil
radial increment
function of photosynthate production, occurs after fine root production
function of shoots
CO2 assimilation
sun leaves
smaller in size, more lobed, more stomate, less palisade layers
shade leaves
bigger in size, not as lobed, fewer stomate, less palisade layers
why don't all plants support excessive amounts of sapwood?
not enough tree support for sapwood, need balance autotrophic respiration, cost to maintain and repair tissue, carbon balance
coarse roots
anchor of trees, some nutrient transfer
fine roots
water and nutrient absoprtion, occur in first foot of soil for most trees
when does fine root growth happen?
typically with non-frozen soil and with water and nutrients being highly available
pneumatophores or knees
roots used in low oxygen levels, end of it sits above water table line
buttress roots
better support in wetter soils
symbiotic relationship b/t the root and fungi present in all plants; essential for survival
two types of mycorrhizae
endomycorrhizae and ectomycorrhizae
most common; hyphae penetrate cortical cells
less common but many timbers have then, form mantle around roots
how do plants help fungi and vice versa in mycorrhizae?
plants supply the fungi with carbs and the fungi enhance the plant's ability to uptake nutrients and water
how do mycorrhize help chemical uptake?
facilitate chemical decomposition, uptake of organic forms of nutrients, release acid to help decomposition
transfer of energy as an electromagnetic wave
types of solar radiation
ultraviolet, visible and far-red/infra-red
total incidence of ultraviolet, visible and far-red/infrared light
10% UV 50% visible 40% far-red/IR
Energy budget equation
Solar radiation= reflected solar radiation+ convection+ conduction+ latency heat of vaporization+ photosynthesis
photosynthetic active radiation (PAR)
visible light; used to detect land cover and canopy structure
reflected solar radiation (R)
amount of short wavelengths sent back to the atmosphere plus long waves re-radiated
fraction of radiation reflected back to the atmosphere
heating of the air and transfer of energy as air moves over a surface
transfer of energy through a solid
latent heat of vaporization
the amount of energy required to vaporize water, approximately 580 cal/g water @ 28C
latent heat of vaporization in what cycles important for trees to balance?
carbon (energy) and water cycles
what are ideal conditions for trees to exhibit high rates of transpiration?
good during wet and sunny days
small leaves are advantageous for what climate?
hot and sunny climate
photosynthesis and how it relates to the energy budget
small component of the budget
bowen ratio
the ratio of convection (C) : (LE) latent heat of evaporation; environmentalist use to characterize environmental conditions
Douglas-fir forest vs. clear-cut forest: energy budget comparisons
LE higher in DF because leaves have water for evaporization, C in CCF because no canopy to block warm air from warming the forest
where is solar radiation the greatest in terms of latitude?
between 30N and 30S degrees
which aspects receive more radiation?
southernly and westernly aspects receive more radiation
does higher or lower altitude receive more radiation?
higher altitude
beer lambert law
ln(IZ/I0) = -(k)(LAI)
where IZ =amount of light at some depth in the canopy
I0=light above canopy, -k=extinction coefficient, LAI= leaf area index
plants convert what % of solar radiation into biomass
light compensation point
where photosynthesis = respiration or where carbon balance= 0
light saturation point
where photosynthesis will not increase with increased levels of light
when phytochrome far-red is active it means the plant has/has not been exposed to light?
exposed to light
plants use ____ vs ______ to plan dormancy instead of temperature b/c it more reliable
day light vs. no-light
temperature is or is not the sole driver of vegetation
can unexpected temperatures kill plants?
organism that maintains a constant body temperature (warm-blooded)
organism that doesn't regulate body temperature so it relies on the environment (cold-blooded)
latitude effect on temperature
temperature decreases from the equator because: increase angle of light incidence and increased thickness of the atmosphere
elevation effect on temperature
decrease with elevation; lapse rate is 4 C / 1000 meters
aspect effect on temperature
higher temps on southern and western aspects
large bodies of water and temperature
larger bodies have a greater capacity to store energy (conduction) and release (convection) back to the air; more moderate climate
bud is greater than 25 cm above the ground
bud less than 25 cm above the ground
bud at soil surface
bud below soil surface
an increase in metabolic rate in response to an increase in temperature of 10C
three processes of concern with temperature
photosynthesis, autotrophic respiration and heterotrophic respiration
which is higher, the optimal temperature for photosynthesis or respiration rate?
respiration rate
affects of low temperature
decreased root membrane, frost cracks, frost heaving or ripping roots, desiccation
adaptation to cold temperature
dormancy, thick bark, germination bud place underground, complete life cycle in one growing season, remove free water from bud and load with salt
affects of high temperature
protein degradation, dehydration, excessive respiration, stem girdling (killing) from hot soil surface
adaptations to hot temperature
deciduous leaf habit, small foliage, thick bark, leaf structures to reflect solar radiation, leaf orientation
factors influencing the hydrologic cycle
climate pattern, vegetation, radiation and humans
percentage of total global water that is fresh water
less than 3%
water balance equation
precipitation (P) - (runoff (R) + subsurface or deep drainage (S) + evaporation (E) + transpiration (T) = water balance (W)
how does the type of precipitation influence the hydrologic cycle?
amount of moisture in the air is inversely related to temperature, i.e. rain vs mist, rain provides more water and mist provides cooling
patterns of precipitation
orographic, frontal, convective storms
orographic precipitation
caused by topographic pattern of land; precipitation is greater on windward side relative to the leeward side of the mountain due to cooling of air which causes the air to lose its ability to hold moisture
frontal precipitation
warm front = low intensity, cold front = high intensity
convective storms
heating of air mass, intense but brief, local distribution
factors influencing evaporation/interception
available water, rainfall intensity, solar radiation input, forest floor, LAI or canopy architecture (higher interception with higher density), leaf habit (conifers have greater interception)
the loss of water vapor due through the stomata of plants
soil plant atmosphere continuum model (SPAC)
as plant opens stomate, plant starts losing water, water concentration is higher in the leaf than in the atmosphere, creates tension in water-xylem transport system
higher LAI = _____ transpiration rate
factors influencing transpiration
leaf area, solar radiation (creates energy gradient), stomata behavior and stomatal conductance (ex. hot dry weather means stomata closed)
environmental controls on stomata
hot, dry air reduces stomata conductance; and lower internal water reduces stomata conductance
runoff affect on hydrologic cycle, when does it occur?
occurs when precipitation > infiltration and transpiration rates; helps contribute to erosion and pollution of other ecosystems
subsurface flow
movement of water below the mineral soil
influences on subsurface flow
soil texture, storm intensity, forest floor, and soil bulk density
influence of water availability on structure of forests/trees
the ratio of leaf area: sapwood area, rooting (more rooting in water limited areas) and LAI
influence of water availability on function
more water means more LAI; productivity of forests determined by site water balance; more LAI means more biomass production
how does fire and harvesting affect the hydrologic cycle?
fire can create a hydrophobic layer in the soil thus decreasing infiltration rate and LAI; harvesting increases stream flow
spongy tissue to store oxygen, portions of roots abover water line and need low amts of oxygen
plants adapted for moderate water
adapted for low amounts of water, deeply rooted, thick tissue, large root/shoot ratio, small leaves, thick cuticle
Three components of soil
unconsolidated organic matter, miner soil and pores containing water and gas
five major factors that influence formation of soil
climate, topography, time, biota and parent material
soil horizons
physical layers of soil that differ in physical, chemical and hydrologic properties; formed from pedegonic process
forest floor is composed of?
organic matter
mor forest floor
develops beneath conifer forest
mull forest floor
develops beneath a hardwood forest
mineral soil is derived from?
decomposed parent material
order of soil layers
o horizon, a horizon, ab or e horizon, b horizon and then c horizon
o horizon
organic matter
a horizon
mineral soil, zone of eluviation (move out of soil and down levels)
ab or e horizon
transitional level
b horizon
zone of illuviation where minerals and other particles move into this level
c horizon
unconsolidated parent material
tundra soils, permafrost w/in 2 m of the soil surface, decomposition is slow
organic soils, not very decomposable
developed from accumulation of humus, Al and Fe oxides, occur under conifer forests, in cool and moist climates
volcanic soils, form from volcanic soils, holds lots of water and fixed phosphorous
youngest soils, no horizons, sandy soils
soil w/ younger age, mountainous regions, seen in many forests
most fertile forest soils, most soil in wisconsin, lower base saturation
mostly in SE U.S., in warmer temps and moister places, pedegonic process of leaching of nutrients and miners down the horizons, oxides seen
most highly weather soils, only occur in tropical soils, most infertile soils b/c of weathering, not all tropical soils are oxisols, high amt of Fe and Al oxides
clay rich, shrink and swell very badly do to wetting and drying
desert soils
prarie soils or grassland soils, deep A horizon development, very rich in organic matter
soil texture
relative proportions of the different size mineral particles in the soil
order these particles in size biggest to smallest
rock, sand, silt, clay
bulk density
mass per unit volume of soil, how dense the soil is
can bulk density be changed? how about soil texture
bulk density can be changed by human effects (compaction makes soil more dense) and soil texture cannot be changed
what can affect bulk density?
soil compaction, skid trails from harvesting equipment, grazing by farm animals
affect of bulk density and soil compaction on infiltration rate and?
reduces infiltration rates, reduces the ability for roots to explore the soil for more minerals, no regrowth
how to reverse compaction?
freeze-thaw action, burrowing animals, earthworms, roots, rip the soil with machines
field capacity
the graviational water contain in the macropores that has drained from the soil due to gravity
available water
the capillary water that is retained in the capillary or micro-pores in the soil and around soil particles by cohesion and adhesion
unavailable water
the hygroscopic water that is held strongly as a thin layer around individual soil particles , which is unavailable to plants
which soil particles have higher water holding capacity?
loams and silts; sand and clay are bad
soil acidity is dependent on?
H ion concentations
most natural soils are basic or acidic?
natural sources of acidity
organic acids, bicarbonate and nitrate
effects of soil acidity on plant growth
altered nutrient availability, adversely affect root membrane permeability,
cation exchange capacity (CEC)
the capacity of a soil to attract and hold positively charged ions to the net negatively charged sufrace of clay or organic matter particles
factors that influence CEC
% organic matter, soil texture, clay type and pH
CEC (increases/decreases) as pH increases
isomorphic substitution
the substitution of one element for another in the mineral structure of a clay particle without changing the crystal structure, charge will change
base saturation
the percentage of the CEC that is occupied by exchangeable bases relative to all bases
exchangeable bases
Ca, Mg, K, and Na
% B.S.
Ca + Mg + K + Na / (Ca + Mg + K + Na + H + Al)
heavily weathered soils have exchangeable/non-exchangeable bases
nonexchangeable (H and Al) because they are highly weathered
anion exchange capacity
exact same as CEC but with anions, has net positive charge, has nitrates, chlorides and phosphates, temperate forest don't use AEC, most plants can't take up anions so more are leached
deficiency zone
growth increases with addition of nutrient
transition zone
growth response declines, nutrient generally is no longer limiting
luxury consumption
excess uptake of nutrient, concentration. Increases in growth
high concentration of nutrient adversly affect growth or may kill plant