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12 Cards in this Set

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Interaction webs

Used to assess how interaction affects communities.

Trophic vs Non-Trophic Interactions

Direct vs Indirect Effects

Interfere Competition

- Direct physical interaction

- Individuals fighting over limited resources.

- Often asymmetric (one species is a better competitor than the other.


- Direct

- One individual eats another while it is alive.

Trophic Casacade

- Indirect

- When predators suppress their prey, releasing lower trophic levels.

Keystone Predation

- Indirect

- A predator (usually top food web), has a disproportionately large effect on community structure relative to its abundance.

- eg start fish prevent mussels from out competing.

Exploitation Competition:

- Indirect

- Competition through shared limiting resources.

-One competitor exploits the resources, negatively effecting the second competitor.

Apparent Competition

- Indirect

- Increase in pop of one prey species causes decrease in another prey species, due to shared predator.

- eg: beach seeds, mice and native birds > stoats

Competitive Dominance

- When one competitor is better than the other, it is the dominant competitor.

Removal Experiment

- Manipulating a community by removing certain components.

- Removing keystone Predator (starfish) from tide pool community causes mussels to outcompete all other sessile organisms, significantly reducing diversity.


Determines which species are the greater competitor and who will out compete who.