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26 Cards in this Set

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Define normal eating behaviour

Eat when hungry/until satisfied

Moderate constraint without being too restrictive

Eating = one important area of life

Two sub-types of Anorexia nervosa?

Restricting type (AN-R)

Binge eating/purging type (AN-BP)

Diagnostic criteria for AN?

Persistent restriction of energy intake leading to low b.w

Intense fear/persistent behaviour interferes with weight gain

Disturbance in how weight/shape perceived

Epidemiology of AN?

10:1 female to male

12 month prevalence .4-.8%

Onset - early adolescence-20s

Does AN have a varied course in its development/progression?

Yes - recover after single episode




Two Comorbidity d/o?




Aetiology of AN?


Harm avoidance

Feelings of ineffectiveness

Clinical presentations of AN?

Gradually eliminating food

Food rituals

Preoccupation with food

Health complications of AN?


Hormones issues

Frequent hospitalisation

Highest death rate of all d/o

Name two cognitive detriments caused by AN?

Deficits in executive functioning/memory

Cog/health issues can severely impact adolescent development

Diagnostic crit of bulimia nervosa?

Recurrent episodes binge eating (size, time, loss of control)

Recurrent inappropriate compensatory behaviour to prevent weight gain - purging, laxatives

Occurs once p.w. - 3 months

Self-evaluation unduly influenced by body shape/weight

Does BN have any subtypes?

Purging V’s non-purging

Epidemiology of BN?

10:1 f to m

Prevalence 1-1.5%

Onset - late adolescence/early adulthood, frequently begins during/following dieting

Comorbidity of BN?



Substance use

Typical Clinical presentation of BN?

Binge/purge cycle

Preoccupation with food

Weight = average

Low self esteem


Diagnostic crit. Of Binge eating d/o?

Recurrent binge eating

Three + of the following:

Eating more rapid, until uncomfortably full, eating large amount when not hungry, eating alone due to disgust

Once p.w. - 3months

Epidemiology of Binge eating d/o?

12 month - 2-3%

Gender difference more even

Prevalence higher in overweight pop

Name three clinics features of binge eating?


Eating when not hungry

Eating for emotional control

Define OSFED

other specified feeding or eating d/o

Define atypical AN

All criteria met despite significant weight loss

Individuals weight = above normal weight range

Similar health consequences but harder to detect because person not underweight

Why would a clinician diagnose a patient under UFED? (Unspecified feeding/eating d/o)

Due to high distress but not meeting criteria for other d/o

Insufficient info

What are the diagnostic criteria for AFID (avoidant restrictive food intake d/o)?

Persistent failure to meet nutritional/energy intake needs associated with one/more following:

Significant loss weight

Significant nutritional deficiency

Marked interference with psychosocial function

Not better explained by culture/lack of food

No evidence of disturbance in ones body weight/shape perception

Is the age onset of AFID younger or older than AN/BN?


Typically associated with childhood picky eating


Comorbid medical conditions

Diagnostic crit of Pica?

Persistent eating of non food substances - 1 month

Eating of mongoose inappropriate to development of individual

Increased prevalence in pregnancy

Diagnostic crit of rumination d/o?

Repeated regurgitation of food - 1 month

Not due to medical condition

Behaviour does not occur exclusively in course of AN, BN, BED etc

More common with intellectual disability

What is orthorexia?

Inflexible eating behaviours Aimed at purity

May start as clean eating - progress to eliminate food groups

Emotional well-being dependant I’m eating ‘right’ food

Rigid food rules/interfere with normal functioning/malnutrition