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26 Cards in this Set

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Dying to Be Thin

Abnormally Thin & Cultural presures

Typical base for Anorexia Nervosa

Normal to slightly overweight---then they do on a diet

Escalation often follows a stressful event

Anorexia Nervosa

Restricted food intake, w/ significantly low body weight

intense fear of gaining weight

Distorted view of body weight & shape

Restricting Type (AN)

Restrict "bad" (eventually all) foods; no variability in diet

Binge-eating/Purging Type (AN)

Vomit after food, abuse laxatives/diuretics, exercise excessively

May have eating binges

Anorexia Nervosa Stats

Mostly woman, ages 14-18. less than 5% of females have this----less common in african americans---causes medical complications----most recover (but 2-6% die as a result)

Medical complications

amernorrhea, low body temp, low blood presssue, body swelling, reduced bone density, slow heart rate, dry skin, lanugo, poor circulation

Vicious Cycle of Anorexia

Fear of obesity, distorted body image, perfectionism----> Starvation---->preoccupation w/ food----> Increased anxiety & depression----> medical problems-----> greater feelings of fear & loss of control----> harder attempts at thinness

Bullimia Nervosa

Recurrent uncontrolled overeating binges----recurrent compensatory behaviors (vomiting, laxatives, fasting)----# of binges range from 2-40----binge in secret

Emotional/behavioral cycle of bulimia nervosa

feelings of tension/powerlessness------binge followed by guilt, depression & fear of weight gain----compensatory behaviors relieve negative feelings----Overtime (purging-->bingeing--->purging)

Bulimia Nervosa Stats

Patients are of normal or over weight, but may also qualify for diagnosis of anorexia----15-21 years of age


After a period of dieting--fear----drive to be thin----preoccupation with food weight and apperance----elevated risk of self harm-----anxiety, depression, perfectionism (an)----substance abuse----maladaptive attutudes

How bullimia differs

Motivated more about what people think---more sexually experianced----display fewer obsessive qualities----poor coping skills----controlled emotion---more personality disorders

damages caused by purging (anorexia=starvation complications

Societal Pressures

female attreactiveness

Groups at risk----models, actors, dancers

prejudice against overweight people (50% of elementary & 61% of middle school girls

Family Environments

Families often amphize thinness, appearance & dieting

Mothers more likly to be dieters and perfectionists

enmeshed family patterns (overinvolvement in family members)

Mood Disorders

MDD----close relatives have higher rates of mood disorders----possibly abnormal serotonin regulation----antidepressant meds's

Biological factors

Genetic influence

6Xmore likly to have eating disorder

identical (MZ) twins with bulimia 23%

Faternal 9%

Initial Aims of Treatment (AN)

Restore proper weight & eating habits (Needed for full recovery)-----recover from malnourishment (retrun menstration

Longer-Term Treatment (AN)

focuses on psychological factors---includes family therpy

Treatmant Stats (AN)

Close to 20% remain troubled for years----lingering fear and emotional-----1/3 recure after stress---death rate is declining

Eduaction & Therapy (BN)

eliminate binge-purge patterns & establish good eating habits---eliminate cause

Cognitive Therapy (BN)

Change maladaptive attitudes towaard food, eating, weight, and shape

Behavioral Therapy (BN)

Diaries: Help identify patterns

Exposure and response prevention

Drugs (BN)

Sometimes useful

Group Therapy

useful for both

Relapse (BN)

triggured by stress