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35 Cards in this Set

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Define Conduction

The transfer of energy that occurs when molocules collide

Define Convection

The transfer of energy by the flow of a heated substance

Define Ozone

A gas formed by addition of a third oxygen atom to an oxygen molocule. (O3 )

Order the Atmospheric layers from the closest to Earth's surface to the farthest.

Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere, and Exosphere

Define Radiation

The transfer of energy through space by visible light, ultraviolet radiation, and other forms of electromatic waves

Define Condensation

When matter changes from a gas to a liquid

Define Dew Point

The tempature to which air must be cooled at constant pressure to reach saturation

Define Humidity

The amount of water vapor in the air

Define Lifted Condensation Level

The hight at which condensation occurs

Define Relative Humidity

The ratio of water vapor in a volume of air relative to how much water vapor that volume of air is capable of holding

Define Tempature Inversion

An increase in temperature with hight in an atmospheric layer

Define Coalescence

When cloud droplets collide and form a larger droplet

Define Condensation Nuclei

Small particles in the atmosphere around which cloud droplets can form

Define Evaperation

The process of water changing into a gas

Define Latent Heat

Stored energy that, until condensation occurs, is not available to warm the atmosphere

Define Stability

The ability of an air mass to resist rising

The two most abundent gasses in Eath's atmosphere are

Nitrogen and Oxygen

The atmosphere contains small amounts of other gasses that play key roles in the production of weather and climate. These gasses are

Water Vapor, Carbon Dioxide, Oxone, and Dust

The _________ is the lowest layer of the atmosphere, contains the most of the atmosphere's mass, and is the most important for weather


Atmosphere layers are characterized by

Differences in tempatures

Eneregy in Earth's atmosphere comes from the


Solar energy absorbed by Earth's surfece is transferred throughout the atmosphere by the processes of

Radiation, Conduction, and Convection

Heat is the transfer of energy that occurs because

of a difference in tempatures

Temperature is the meassure of

how rapidly or slowly molucules move around

Atmospheric temperatures generally ____ with altitude


Air has mass and exerts a force called

Atmospheric pressure

Because there are fewer molocules of gas in the atmosphere, atmospheric pressure

Decreases with with increasing altitude

Wind is the movement of air that results from the differences in


Wind is effected by

Friction (e.g. mountains, forests and buildings slow wind down)

How do clouds form?

When warm, moist air is forced upward, expands, and cools.

Orographic lifting is a method of cloud formation that involves

Air moving up the side of a mountain

When air masses of different temperature collide, they can form

A cloud

Clouds are generally classified by

The altitudes they form at and their shapes

The four main types of precipitation are

Rain, snow, sleet and hail

In the water cycle, water continously moves between Earth's surface and the atmosphere through the processes of

evaperation, condensation, and precipitation