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42 Cards in this Set

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Five key feautres of emerging adulthood

Identity Exploration



Feeling in-between

Age of Possibilities

Three charactersitics shared by these late bllomers

support by adults

being planful

showing positive aspects of autonomy

Define obesity

Medical problem involving excessive amount of body fat

Culprits of Obesity

Heredity - Genetic component

Leptin - Protein released by fat cells; decreases food intake and increases energy expenditure

Set point - Amount of stored fat in body

Environmental factor - Greater availability of food

Dieting - Obsession to lose weight

Strategies to make exercise a part of life

Reduce TV time

Chart your progress

Get rid of excuses

Imagine the alternative

Define addiction

behavioral pattern with an overwhelingg involvement with a drug and securing its supply

two problems associated with excessive alcohol consumption

Binge drinking - people who had 10 or more drinks in a row

Alcoholism - Disorder that involves long-term, repeated and excessive use of alcoholic beverages

Peak level of performance for outstanding athletes

Most swimmers and gymnasts - late teens

Golfers and marathon runners - late twenties

Other areas of athletics - early to mid-twenties

Notable highly conditioned athletes that stretched the upper age limits of award-winning performance

Dana Torres (Olympic swimming)

Lance Armstrong (cycling)

Tom Watson (Golf)

Decline in Physical Performance Begins

- Decrease in muscle tone and strength around age 30

- Sagging chins and protruding abdomens

- Lessening of physical abilities after turning 30

College students from lower SES bg engage in

Lower levels of phyical activity

Eating more fast food

Less fruits and vegetables

Showed unhealthy weight control

Bad health habits engaged in during adolesence increased




Substance abuse

Reproductive health care

Lifestyles associated c poor health such as

FSNO (For Sure NO)

Failing to Exercise

Skipping breakfast

Not eating regular meals

Overeating to the point of exceeding the normal weight of our age

Young adults' life satisfaction was positively related to

not smoking

exercising regularly

using sun protection

eating fruit

limiting fat intake

Young adults' life satisfaction is not related to

Alcohol consumption & Fiber intake

Health profile of emerging and young adults can be improved by

Reducing the incidence of certsin-impairing lifestyles

Good eating habits

Regular exercise

Abstaining from drugs

Getting adequate sleep

Bacteria in STDs

Gonorrhea - Neisseria gonorrhoeae

Syphilis - Treponema pallidum

Chlamydia - Chlamydia trachomatis

Virus in STDs

Genital herpes - causes by a family of viruses with diff strains

AIDS - cause by HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), destroying the immune system

Genital Warts - Caused by HPV (human papillomavirus)

Efficient strategies against HIV and other STIs

Know your risk status and of your partner

Obtain medical examination

Have protected sex

Do not have sex with multiple partners

Define Rape

Forcible sexual intercourse with a person who does not give consent

Define sexual harassment

Manifestation of power of one person over another

Developmental changes during careers and works for children

Have IDEALISTIC fantasies about what they want to be

Developmental changes during careers and works for high school years

Thinks about careers from a somewhat idealistic perspective

Developmental changes during careers and works for late tenns and early twenties

Career decision making has turned more serious

Developmental changes during careers and works for college

Choosing a major specialization designed to lead in a field

Developmental changes during careers and works for early and mid twenties

Has completed their education or training and entered a full-time occupation

Developmental changes during careers and works for mid-twenties

Establishes their emerging career and move up the career leader

Define Career mystique

Ingrained cultural belief that engaging in hard work for long hours will lead to status, security, and happiness

Define purpose

Missing ingredient in many adolescents' and emerging adults

Define work

Key aspect of identity; has important influence on financial standing, health, etc.

Define dual-earner couples

Both partners are working, and have less manpower in handling the internal matters

Dimensions of adult personality

Easy to difficult temperaments - 3-5 y/o

Easy temperaments - well adjusted as young adults

Difficult temperants - not as well adjusted as young adults

Inhibition - Less likely than other adults to be assertive or exeperience social support

Ability to control one's emotions - Good control of emotions when kids show resilient in the face of stress

Attachments styles

Secure - positive view of relationships

Avoidant attachment - hesitant to get involved in relationships

Anxious attachment - demand closeness and less trusting

Benefits of secure attachment

Well-integrated. self-acceptance, and self-esterrm

Define first impression

impression that new acquantainces makes when we first meet

Importance condition for a close relationship

Familiarity and samilarity

An explanation of why individuals are attracted to people who are similar to them

Consensual validation

Attraction thru internet

Online matchmaking

The spark that ignites a relationship

Physical attractiveness

Define love

Vast and complex terrritory of human behavior

Hallmarks of intimacy


Sharing of privagte thoughts

Sternberg as a triachic theory includes

Passion - physical and sexual attraction

Intimacy - Emotional feelings of warmth, closeness

Commitment - the cognitive appraisal of the relationship