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76 Cards in this Set

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lengthy transition period

becoming an adult

refered to the transition from adolescence to adulthood

emerging adulthood

5 key features characterize emerging adulthood (Jeffrey Arnett)

Identity exploration


Self focused

Feeling in between

Age of possibilities

key changes in identity take place for many individual

identity exploration

residual changes peak during early adulthood, a time during which there also is often instability in love, work, and education


little in the way of social obligations, little in the way of duties and commitments, which leaves them with a great deal of autonomy in running their own lives


Emerging adults dont consider themselves adolescents or full-fledged adult


a time when individuals have opportunity to transform their lives

age of possibilities

3 characteristic shared by late bloomers

support by adults

being planful

showing positive aspects of autonomy

recently described the career mystique, ingrained cultural beliefsthat engaging in hard work for long hours through adulthood will produce a path to status, security, and hapiness

phyllis moen

defines people in fundamental ways


phenomenon of transferring from the oldest and most powerful group of students to the yoingest and least powerful group of students

top-dog phenomenon

peak level of performance occurs not only to young adults but also for these outstanding athletes

most swimmer and gymnast

golfers and marathon runners

other areas of athletics

decline in physicacl performance begins

decrease in muscle tone & strength around age 30

sagging chins and protruding abdomen

lessening of physical abilities just after 30

college students from low-SES backgrounds engages in:

lower levels of physical activity

eating more fast food

less fruits and vegetable

showed unhealthy weight control

bad health habits engaged in adolescence




substance abuse

reproductive health care

young adults life satisfaction was positively related to

not smoking

exercising regularly

using sun protection

eating fruits

limiting fat intake

medical problem involving excessive amount of body fat


% of the national survey where 20 to 29 years old were found to be obese in the US


culprits of obesity



set point

environmental factors


health strategies for making exercise part of your life

reduce tv amount

chart your progression

get rid of excuses

imagine the alternative

behavioral pattern characterized by an overwhelming involvement with a drug and a preoccupation with securing its supply


2 problems associated with excessive alcohol consumption

binge drinking


individuals who had 10 or more drinks in a row

binge drinking

a disorder that involves long-term, repeated uncontrolled, compulsive, and excessive use of alcohol


time frame during which most individuals are both sexually active and unmarried

emerging adulthood

% in the beginning of emerging adulthood where individuals have experienced sexual intercourse


most individuals have had sexual intercourse

end of emerging adulthood (Age 25)

more common in emerging adulthood than in the late twenties

casual sex

predictors of hooking up


sensation seeking

alcohol use

non relationship sex

hooking up

a relationship formed in the integration of friendship and sexual intimacy

friends with benefits

bacteria sexually transimitted disease




caused by the bacterium neisseria gonorrhoeae


a common STI named for the organism that spreads by sexual contact and infects the genital organs of both sexes


Viruses Sexually transmitted disease

genital herpes


genital warts

involves an eruption of sores and blisters

genital herpes

caused by HIV, which destroys the body's immune system


caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) which does not always produce symptoms

Genital warts

effective strategies against HIV and other STI

Know your risk status and that of your partner

Obtain medical examination

Have protected sex

Do not have sex with multiple partners

forcible sexual intercourse with a person who does not give consent


male rapist characteristics

aggression enhhances their sense of power or masculinityangry in women in generalwant to hurt and humiliate their victimes

aggression enhhances their sense of power or masculinityangry in women in generalwant to hurt and humiliate their victimes

a higher level of men's sexual narcissism

sexual exploitation

sexual entitlement

low sexual empathy

sexual skill

manifestation of power of one person over another

sexual harassment

Stage of Cognitive development of Piaget found in early adulthood

formal operational stage

young adults move into a new qualitative stage of cognitive development

postformal thought

postformal thought is

reflective, realistic, contextualprovisionalrealisticrecognized as being influenced by emotion

reflective, realistic, contextualprovisionalrealisticrecognized as being influenced by emotion

reflective, realistic, contextualprovisionalrealisticrecognized as being influenced by emotion

reflective, realistic, contextualprovisionalrealisticrecognized as being influenced by emotion

age where individuals genereate 80% of the most important creative contributions


qualifying any conclusion about age and creative accomplishments are:

magnitude of the decline in productivity

contrast across creative domains

individual differences in lifetime output

developmental changes in careers and work in children

have idealistic fantasies about what they want to be when they grow up

developmental changes in careers and work in high school years

often have begun to think about careers from a somewhat less idelistic perspective

developmental changes in careers and work in late teens and early twenties

career decision making has usually turned more serious

developmental changes in careers and work in college

choosing a major or specialization that is designed to lead to work in a particular field

developmental changes in careers and work in early and mid-twenties

completed their education and entered a full time occupation

developmental changes in careers and work in mid-twenties through remainder of early adulthood

seek to establish their emerging career in a particular field and start moving up the career ladder

an ingrained cultural belief that engaging in hard work for long hours through adulthood will lead to status, security, and happiness

career mystique

a missing ingredient in many adolescents' and emerging adults' achievement and career development




% had engaged in some potentially purposeful activities but they still did not have real commitments or any reasonable plans


% no aspirations and didn't see anay reason to have aspirations


defined people in fundamental ways and is a key aspect of their identity


helps individualls cope with unemployment

support of understanding, adaptable family membersjob counseling to provide practical advice on job searching, resumes, and interviewing skills

support of understanding, adaptable family membersjob counseling to provide practical advice on job searching, resumes, and interviewing skillsself-help groups that give emotional support

self-help groups that give emotional support

divisions of responsibility for work and family had changed for dual earner couples

1. husbands are taking increased responsibility for maintaining the home

2. women are taking increased responsibility in breadwinning

men are showing greater interest in their families and parenting

in the US more than _____ of all lawyers, physicians, computer scientists, and chemists today are females


key aspect of socioemotional development in adolescence

increased interest in identity

an individuals behavioral style and characteristic emotional responses


dimensions during childhood characteristics of adult personality

1. easy and difficult temperaments

2. inhibition

3. ability to control one's emotion

likely to be well adjusted as young adults

easy temperament

likely to be well adjusted as young adults

easy temperament

not well adjusted as young adults

difficult temperament

not well adjusted as young adults

difficult temperament

not well adjusted as young adults

difficult temperament

less likely than other adults to be assertive or experience social support, and more likely to delay entering stabile jobs


intervening contexts for initial temperament: inhibition


physical environment



have positive views of relationships, find it easy to get close to others, not overly concerned with their romantic relationships

secure attachment style

hesitant about getting involved in romantic relationships, once they are in relationship tend to distance themselves from their partner

avoidant attachment style