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47 Cards in this Set

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Define dynamic receive focusing

- Depends on reflector depth.

- Returning echoes are put in time delay.

- Occurs during reception.

- Performed automatically.

Define apodization?

Reduces side and grating lobes strength.

Stronger electrical signals excite the inner crystals.

progressively weaker electrical spikes excite the outer crystals.

Define subdicing:

PZT are divided into electrically joined sub-elements.

act as one crystal to reduce grating lobes.

Identify how modern transducers reduce side and grating lobes.

Apodization and Subdicing

identify electrical Spike lines used in beam steering and beam focusing

— Spike's travel down the wire and excite the active element.

— soundbeam is steered if the spike line has a slope.

— sound beam is focused if the spike pattern is curved

List the transducer types that utilize eletric beam steering and beam focusing.

Linear Phased Array

Linear Sequential Array

Convex, Curved, & Curvilinear Array Transducers

Identify the relationship between axial resolution and transducer frequency.

Shorter Pulse Length = improved axial resolution.

Higher Frequency = shorter wavelength

Define slice thickness

Elevational resolution, above and below the plane

Identify which transducers are capable of multiple transmit focal zones.

Annular Phased Array

Linear Phased Array

List ways 1 ½ dimensional arrays improve resolution.

Create thinner beams with improved slice thickness resolution over a greater range of depths.

improving elevational resolution (slice thickness) w/ 700 elements

Identify how linear array transducers are focused and steered.

Electronically focused and steered, time delay

Identify what type of resolution is improved when a linear sequential array is focused.


Define phasing and electronic beam steering.

Phasing = electronic steering & focusing

Bean Steering = Redirection of the sound beam

Beam steering is accomplished by?

Delaying the voltage applied to the crystals

Type of transducer that is mechanically steered but electronically focused

Annual phased array

What type of resolution is related to transducer frequency

Axial resolution

The use of focusing on linear sequential array transducer improves which type of resolution

Lateral resolution

Type of transducer that fires a small group of crystals to form a single

Linear sequential

Which array pattern will we use for superficial images

Linear array

Which type of transducer fires off all elements to create a single sound pulse

Linear Phased Array

Which type of transducers have elements arranged in a bowl or arched line


Dynamic received focusing introduces varying electrical

Delays during reception

Which transducer has the greatest number of elements

Linear phased array 100-300 elements

Primary purposes for varying the voltage is to?

Remove grating lobes

What type of transducer uses multiple focal zones to create each scan line of the image

Annular phased array

When a crystal has been divided into thinner segments

Sub dicing

Electronic pattern used for focusing


Electronic beam steering in linear phased array is a process called


The electronic Spike line is blank in an unfocused beam


Type of resolution degraded by side lobes


Image shape of vector array


Focusing technique for mechanical transducers


Blank resolution is another name for slice thickness


Image shape of the linear sequential array


Sound beam is blank if the electronic Spike line is curved


Type of transducer affected by grating lobes


The sound beam is blank if the electronic Spike line is sloped


Means always adjustable or multi focused

Phased array

Transducer with a small footprint


Used to reduce the strength of grading and side lobes

Apod ization

Blank shaped crystals provide the thinnest ultrasound slices


Type of transducer affected by side lobes

Single element

Annular array utilizes blank transmit focal zones


Electronic pattern used for sound beam steering


Type of transducer that uses mechanical steering

Annular transducer

The best resolution of phased array transducer


Image of shape of linear phased array transducer
