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149 Cards in this Set

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4 purposes of the digestive system

Ingestion, propulsion, digestion, absorption, and defecation

Tube that runs from the mouth to the anus

Alimentary canal

4 layers of the Alimentary Canal

Mucosa, submucosa, Muscularis externa, Serosa

The the 3 layers of the Mucosa of the Alimentary Canal

Epithelium layer, lamina propria, Muscularis mucosae

Layer of the Mucosa that is simple columnar Epithelium with exception of the mouth esophagus and anus. Found in stomach and small intestine and secretes mucus, digestive enzymes and hormones.

Epithelium layer

Layer of the Mucosa that’s made of loose areolar connective tissue, houses capillary beds that absorb nutrients, and contain MALT

Lamina propria

Layer of the Mucosa that adjusts chaps of mucosa layer and creates circular folds in small intestine

Muscularis Mucosae

The lamina propria of the Mucosa contains ______ ______ _______ tissue and _______ ________ _________ tissue (acronym as well)

Loose areolar connective, mucosa associated lymphatic, MALT

The lamina propria of the Mucosa contains ______ ______ _______ tissue and _______ ________ _________ tissue (acronym as well)

Loose areolar connective, mucosa associated lymphatic, MALT

In the _____&______ the epithelium layer of the mucosa layer of the Alimentary Canal secretes ______ _______& _______

Stomach, small intestine, mucus, digestive enzymes ,hormones

Places where the Epithelium layer is not found in the Mucosa layer of the Alimentary Canal. (3)

Mouth, esophagus, and anus

The Epithelium layer of the Mucosa is made of (3 words)

Simple columnar epithelium

Layer of the Alimentary Canal that is made of Areolar Connective tissue, contains BV’s, nerve fibers , and lymphatic ducts and May contain glands that secrete lubricating mucus into lumen.


Layer of the Alimentary Canal that is made of Areolar Connective tissue, contains BV’s, nerve fibers , and lymphatic ducts and May contain glands that secrete lubricating mucus into lumen.


Tissue of the Submucosa of the Alimentary Canal (AC)

Areolar connective tissue

The submucosa contains (3) and may contain (1)

BVs, nerve fibers, and lymphatic ducts. Glands that secrete lubricating mucus into lumen.

The layer of the AC that moves food through the canal via peristalsis and segmentation. Contains circular and and longitudinal muscles

Muscularis externa

The function of the circular muscles in the Muscularis externa of the AC (1)

Thicken to sphincters

The layer of the AC that moves food through the canal via peristalsis and segmentation. Contains circular and and longitudinal muscles

Muscularis externa

The function of the circular muscles in the Muscularis externa of the AC (1)

Thicken to sphincters

Mechanism through which the Muscularis externa moves food through the AC (1&2)

Peristalsis and segmentation

The layer of the AC that is visceral peritoneum


A serious membrane surrounding abdominopelvic organs


2 types of Peritoneum

Visceral and Parietal

2 parts of the Peritoneum

Peritoneal cavity and serous fluid

Inflammation of the peritoneum


Large network of neurons that coordinates digestive system activity (common name as well)

Enteric Nervous System, Gut Brain

Large network of neurons that coordinates digestive system activity (common name as well)

Enteric Nervous System, Gut Brain

The gut brain contains _______ (more or less) neurons than the spinal cord


Ways the Enteric NS communicates (2)

Itself (one section of DS to another) and with the CNS via sympathetic and parasympathetic pathways (vagus)

Type of Epithelium found in the mouth

Stratified squamous epithelium

The _________ of the tongue provides friction in the mouth


Two parts of the mouth

Hard Palate, soft palate

The palate of the mouth formed from palatine bone and maxillae that forms a hard surface for tongue to mash food and form Bolus

Hard Palate

Palate of the mouth that is made of smooth muscle and closes off nasopharyngeal during swallowing (Why you blow liquid through nose when you drink and laugh at the same time).

Soft palate

Two types of mouth cells

Serous cells, Mucous cells

Type of cell in the mouth that produces watery secretions containing enzymes and make up the parotid and Submandibular glands

Serous cells

Type of cell in the mouth that produces Mucus and is found in the sublingual gland.

Mucous cells

Place where serous cells are found in the mouth (2)

Submandibular gland and Parotid gland

Place in the mouth where mucous cells are found

Sublingual gland

Glands that are dispersed among other oral tissue that constantly secrete in small volumes and keep the mouth moist (3 words)

Intrinsic salivary glands

3 ways that saliva cleans the mouth

Lysozyme, antibodies, defensins


4 functions of Saliva

Cleans the mouth, dissolves chemicals (taste), moistens food, begins to digest food

Two enzymes found in the mouth that serve to start the process of digestion

Lingual lipase, Salivary amylase

2 things that cause the brainstem to increase salivation

Chemical stimuli and Mechanical stimuli

2 things that cause the brainstem to increase salivation

Chemical stimuli and Mechanical stimuli

Example of chemical stimuli that trigger salivation

Food smell or taste

Example of mechanical stimuli that triggers salivation


2 things that cause the brainstem to increase salivation

Chemical stimuli and Mechanical stimuli

Example of chemical stimuli that trigger salivation

Food smell or taste

Example of mechanical stimuli that triggers salivation


# of teeth


Top two front teeth left to right


Teeth 7-10 and 26-23


Teeth 7-10 and 26-23


Teeth 6,11, 22, and 27


Teeth 7-10 and 26-23


Teeth 6,11, 22, and 27


Teeth 5,12, 21, and 28


Teeth 1-4,13-16, 17-20, and 29-32


Parts of the tooth (3)

Enamel, Dentin, Peridontal ligament

Part of the tooth that is very hard and non regenerative


Part of the tooth that is made up of bone-like tubes perpendicular to the tooth surface, surrounds the pulp cavity (houses nerves) and is maintained by ondontoblasts (line the pulp cavity).


Part of the tooth that anchors the tooth but allows some give under chewing forces.

Periodontal ligament

Parts of the esophagus (3)

Upper esophageal sphincter, esophageal hiatus, lower esophageal sphincter)

Part of the esophagus that prevents air from entering the esophagus and only relaxes during death and swallowing

Upper esophageal sphincter

Two cases in which the Upper esophageal sphincter relaxes

Swallowing and death

Part of the esophagus that passes through the diaphragm

Esophageal hiatus

Part of the esophagus that passes through the diaphragm

Esophageal hiatus

Part of the esophagus that joins the stomach

Lower esophageal sphincter

Part of the esophagus that passes through the diaphragm

Esophageal hiatus

Part of the esophagus that joins the stomach

Lower esophageal sphincter

Start at top go counter clockwise

Cardiac region, esophagus, longitudinal layer of the muscularis externa, circular layer of the muscularis externa, oblique layer of the muscularis externa, lesser curvature, Dodenum, pyloric sphincter, pyloric region, greater curvature, rugae of mucosa, lumen, body region, fundic region

The stomach is roughly ____in volume when empty and abt _______ when full

50 ml, 4000 ml

________pits in stomach lead to glands embedded in the _______ _________

Gastric, lamina propria

Protective layer lining the stomach that is bicarbonate rich. The ep. cells are joined tightly to prevent leakage of _ _ _ and are replaced every _-_ days by division in ________ _____

Mucosa barrier, HCl, 3-6, gastric pits

Three glands embedded in the lamina propria of the stomach

Cardiac glands, pyloric glands, gastric glands

Glands stored in the lamina propria that are located in the cardiac region of the stomach

Cardiac glands

Glands stored in the lamina propria that are located in the pyloric region of the stomach

Pyloric glands

Glands stored in the lamina propria that are located in the body region of the stomach

Gastric glands

Types of stomach cells (3)

Parietal, Chief, and Enteroendocrine cells

Type of stomach cell found in gastric glands that secrete HCl and intrinsic factor

Parietal cell

Function of HCl that is secreted from parietal cells in the stomach (2)

Kills bacteria, denatures pepsinogen into pepsin (needs pH of 2 to function)

Function of intrinsic factor in the stomach

Required for B12 absorption (necessary for erythropoiesis)

How HCl is produced in parietal cells (2 parts)

Carbonic acid first produced in parietal cells, then H+/K+ ATPase pump H+ into the gastric gland lumen.

Type of stomach cell that secretes Pepsinogen and gastric lipase

Cheif cells


Type of stomach cell that releases hormones into Lamina propria where they either act locally or diffuse into the bloodstream to influence another digestive system organ.

Enteroendocrine cells

Enteroendocrine cells cause what kind of stimuli when they don’t act locally

Humoral stimuli

3 phases of Stomach activity regulation

Cephalic phase, Gastric phase, Intestinal phase

Phase of stomach activity regulation where the hypothalamus receives astimuli from smell, taste, or sight of food triggering the medulla oblongata which acts directly via the vagus causing an increase in gastric juice.

Cephalic phase

In the cephalic phase of the regulation of stomach activity, the _________ receives stimuli via _____ ______ or _______ of food therefore triggering the _______ ________ which acts directly via the _______ nerve causing a (n) _________ (increase or decrease) in ________ _________

Hypothalamus, taste, smell, sight, medulla oblongata, vagus, increase, gastric juice

One of the 3 phases of stomach regulation that has 2 parts distension and chemical stimuli.

Gastric phase

Two parts for the gastric phase of stomach regulation

Distension, chemical stimuli

Part of the gastric phase of stomach regulation where stretch receptors in the stomach stimulat the parasympathetic nervous system to release ACh with stimulate parietal cells to increase HCl output


Part of the gastric phase of stomach regulation where things like caffine, proteins and alcohol cause endocrine cells (g cells) to secrete gastrin. Gastrin targets parietal cells to increase HCl production.

Chemical stimuli

The 3rd phase of stomach activity regulation where chyme in the duodenum activates the enterogastric reflex

Intestinal phase

A type of endocrine cell that secretes gastrin during the 2nd phase of stomach regulation (gastric phase)

G cell

Part of the intestinal phase that inhibits Parasympathetic signals and activates sympathetic signals and causes a release of numerous hormones that inhibit gastric secretions.

Enterogastric reflex

Three components of the enterogastric reflex

Inhibits the parasympathetic signals, activates the sympathetic signals, and causes the release numerous hormones that inhibit gastric secretions

Steps of stomach churning and emptying (3)

(1) Peristaltic waves mix the chyme by dpolarizing pacemaker cells in muscularis externa at 3x/minute (2) stimuli causes gaatric secretions and stomach contractions (3) each wave squeezes chyme through pyloric sphincter into small intestine.

How peristaltic waves mix chyme during stomach churcning and emptying

Pace maker cells in the muscularis externa

If meals are eaten in rapid succession, the duodenum secretes _________ ________ _______ (_ _ _)

Gastric inhibiting peptide (GIP)

A secretion of the duodenum that inhibits gastric motility and secretion of acid

Gastric inhibiting peptide (GIP)

A hormome produced by stomach when empty and acts on the hypothalamus to induce hunger feeling, GHRH secretion and thus GH so the body can take advantage of incoming nutrients.


Components of the small intestine (3)

Circular folds, vili, microvilli

Component of the small intestine that spins food through the intestine

Circular folds

Component of the small intestine that increases surface area and has a core that contains capillaries and a lymphatic capillary


Component of the small intestine thats is a brush border that contains enzymes to aid.in digestion


A membrane that houses the arteries, lymphatic vessels and hepatic potal veins in the digestive system and is formed from the peritoneum


A system of interaction between the hepatic vein, artery, and liver that processes nutrients for the digestive system (3 words)

Hepatic portal system

4 types of cells that intestinal crypts in the small intestine gibe rise to

Simplie columnar, goblet cells, enteroendocrine cells, panthe cells.

A type of cell in the small intestine that is derived from intestinal crypts and absorb nutrients (3 words)

Simple columnar ep.

A type of cell in the small intestine that is derived from intestinal crypts that secrete mucus

Goblet cells

A type of cell in the small intestine that is derived from intestinal crypts that secrete hormones

Enteroendocrine cells

A type of cell in the small intestine that is derived from intestinal crypts that secrete definins and lysozyme

Panthe cells

The digestive function of the liver

Secretes bile

The functional unit of the liver (2 words)

Hepatic lobules

The function of bile and composition of bile

Amulsofier (hydrophobic and hydrophilic end)

Function of gallbladder

Reservoir for bile

The function of the gallblader comes from out __________ past


Tow major parts of the hepatic lobule

Portal triad, and central vein

Components of the portal triad at each corner of a heepatic lobule

Hepatic artery, hepatic portal vein, bile duct

A component of the portal triad that supplies oxygenated blood to liver

Hepatic artery

A component of the portal triad that brings nutrient ricch blood from the intestine (3words)

Hepatic portal vein

A component of the portal triad that collects bile from liver cells

Bile duct

One of the two main parts of a hepatic lobule that collects blood from the portal triads after flowing thhrough the lobule.

Central vein

Organ of the digestive system that is posterior to the stomach and inferior to the liver that has two ducts that secrete into the duodenum.


Two ducts of the pancreas that secrete into the duodenum

Pancreatic duct, bile duct

The secretion of the pancreatic and bile ducts into the duodenum are regulated by

Hepatoppancreatic sphincter.

The functionaal unit of the pancreas that contain lots of RER


How pancreatic juice is formed (2)

Acinar cells produce pancreatic proteases, pancreatic duct cells produce and release bicarbonate (HCO3-)

Pancreatic proteases produced by acinar cells are ______ enzymes.


The role of Bicarbonate (HCO3-) in the pancreas

Neutralizes HCl coming from the stomach

Pancreatic proteases perform the bulk of _______ digestion


4 pancreeatic proteases

Trypsin, chymotrypsin, pancreatic lipase, Pancreatic amylase

2 Pancreatic proteases that digest proteins

Trypsin and chymotrypsin

Paancreatic protease that digests lipids

Pancreatic lipase

Pancreatic protease that digests starch

Pancreatic amylase

Two types of small intestine churning and movements

Segmentation, Perastalsis

Type of small intestine mvt that is the alternation pinching contractions that mixx chyme and allow forr digestion and absorption


Type of small intestine mvt that happens when Enteroendocrine cells of the duodenum release motilin


Three enzzymes used for the chemical digestion of starch.

Salivary amylase, pancreatic amylase, bruch border enzymes

The cchemical digestion of carbohydrates begins iwth ________ _________ which ________ starches. _________ ________ then continues hydrolyzing ____________ into smaller units and into ___________. Lastly ______ _______ enzymes such as sucrase, lactase and maltase finish chemical digestion and end up with _______?

Salivary amylase, hydrolyzes, pancreatic amylase, oligosaccharides, maltose, brush border, glucose

Glucose is absorbed by _________ which move Na+ and Glucose from lumen into epithelial cells.


Large intesine doesn't contain (2)

Villi, digestive enzyme secreting cells

Main purpose of large intestine (2)

Water absorption, vitamin absorption

The large intestine houses ______ ______ that produce vitamins ____ & _____. This flora causes our farts to smell bad.

Bacterial flora, B, K

_______ _______ throough the colon tend to pack feces at the rectum

Mass mvts

In ___________ ____________ food is moved from one haustrum to the next in thhe ascending and transverse colons

Haustral l contractions