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50 Cards in this Set

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1. The psychoprophylactic method can be seen in which birthing method?
Natural Birth
2. Natural childbirth refers to ________
Awake, aware, and unmedicated
3. What term is used to describe the stage in the birth process in which the strong muscle fibers of the uterus contract rhythmically, pushing the infant downward toward the birth canal?
4. Crowning occurs when the:
Widest diameter of the baby's head is at the mother's vulva
5. Women who use the psychoprophylactic method of childbirth do what?
relax and concentrate on how they breathe
6. Approximately ____ million babies are born each year in the United States.
7. Describe the family-centered hospitals.
In which birth is made a family experience in a hospital setting
8. When fathers experience the “couvade syndrome” they are:
Complaints of uncomfortable physical symptoms, dietary changes, and weight gain because of their partner's pregnancy
9. According to the French obstetrician Frederick Leboyer, conventional hospital birth procedures produce:
The experience is traumatic and stressful
10. A surgical procedure by which the physician enters the uterus through an abdominal incision and removes the infant is called:
Cesarean (C-section)
11. The Apgar test includes what?
Appearance, Pulse, Grimace (reflex), Activity, Respiration
12. Premature infants are defined as:
A baby having a gestational age of less than 37 weeks
13. What leads to an at-risk infant?
Poverty, neglect, and abuse
14. The study of cognition includes what?
Sensation, perception, imagery, retention, memory, recall, problem solving, reasoning, and thinking.
15. Learning involves a relatively permanent change in a capability or behavior that results from:
16. The developmental psychologist who contributed a great deal to our understanding of how children think, reason, and problem solve in developmental cognitive stages is:
Jean Piaget
17. The realization that objects continue to exist even when they are out of sight constitutes:
Object Permanence
18. According to Piaget, the infant comes to integrate the motor and perceptual systems during which period?
Sensorimotor Period
19. What is(are) characteristic of Piaget’s description of the early sensorimotor period?
Infant responding with inborn reflexes, to becoming more aware and responding to people and objects
20. Jerome Bruner indicates that children use mental images or pictures for representing the world. He refers to these as:
Ikonic Representation
21. What are the consequence of maternal depression?
22. Know the predictions of intelligence from cognitive performance in infancy.
23. Language is defined as:
A structured system of sound patterns with socially standardized meanings
24. Proponents of the view that thought shapes language claim that:
Only need language to convey ideas to others
25. Proponents of the view that language is the determinant of thought claim that:
Emphasizes that concepts play in our thinking
26. According to Erik Erikson, the development of what is the essential task of infancy?
Development of Basic trust in others
27. The physiological changes, subjective experiences, and expressive behaviors that are involved in feelings are termed:
28. Child neglect is best defined as:
Absence of adequate social, emotional, and physical care
29. Studies of parents who abuse their children reveal that the parents:
Were abused when they were kids as well
30. The practice whereby an inexperienced person relies on a more experienced person’s interpretation of an event to regulate his or her subsequent behavior is:
Social Referencing
31. Describe Izard’s differential emotions theory.
A person's facial expression colors what the brain "feels"
32. Izard has found that infants normally express shyness as well as self-awareness when?
6 to 8 months
33. The relatively consistent, basic dispositions inherent in people that underlie and modulate much of their behavior are referred to as:
34. The attachment behavioral system does what?
Leads to maintaining proximal contact with adults
35. According to Thomas’s categories of temperament, a baby that has a low activity level, adapts very slowly, and tends to be withdrawn would be classified as a(n) ________ baby.
36. Describe Autism.
A lifelong developmental disability by severe impairment in social interaction, and communication
37. Thomas refers to the match between the characteristics of infants and their families as:
Goodness of Fit
38. A major finding about temperament and child-rearing practices is:
It can be moderated based on how parents raise their children
39. In terms of activity performance, know examples of a motor-skill developmental delay for a typical 3-year-old?
Can: stand on one foot, hop, tricycle, copy a circle, draw a line, pour from pitcher, catch a ball
40. The leading serious chronic pediatric disease, asthma, affects ______ percent of children.
41. Wechsler’s description of intelligence is:
Is a capacity for acquiring knowledge and functioning rationally and effectively rather than the possession of a fund of knowledge.
42. Who is the psychologist who viewed intelligence as a general ability and devised the first widely used intelligence test?
Alfred Binet
43. Spearman advanced an opposing view of intelligence; that is, intelligence is:
a general intellectual ability employed for reasoning and problem solving with special factors peculiar to given tasks
44. Psychologists who view intelligence as a process, rather than as an ability, are not so much interested in ________we know, but in ________ we know
What; How
45. Piaget said children first develop the capacity to represent the external world internally through symbols during which period?
46. Children around 7 and 8 years old are able distinguish between cause and effect, which is known as:
47. When a child understands that words must go in a specific order, then that child has achieved an understanding of:
48. Chomsky’s LAD stands for:
Language Acquisition Device
49. Vygotsky’s concept known as the zone of proximal development (ZPD) states that:
Children develop through participation in activities slightly beyond their competence when helped by a more skilled partner
50. Piaget asserts that ________ is the foundation for social interchange in children.