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74 Cards in this Set

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The ability to excercise your will over others; higher up society


Socially Approved use of power; backed up by the group; resolve disputes and settle conflicts

How Antrhopolist approach political systems

Compare different things, why one culture does one thing over the other, explain behavior


Small, kinship based, what they find they eat, less then 100 people


Horticulture, pastoral, no rich or poor


Have power and authority, can force decisions, leadership is based on seniority


A nation or territory considered as an organized political community under one government


Rules, guidelines to distinguish appropriate or nonbeaviror, every culture has them; allows us from anarchy

Village Head

Leadership position, lead by example, persuasion, have no right to impose punishment

Big Man

Regional figure for the tribe, highly influential


All different positions that your in throughout your life,the position of affairs at a particular time, especially in political or commercial contexts

Achieved status

Your choices, what you achieved

Ascribed status

Don't have a choice, what your born in

Status in chiefdoms

Descent can determine your social, prestige, ascribed and achieved, seniority and distinctions

Status in states

Different access to born groups, we see both achieved and ascribed

Archaic state

Type of state that is a little closer to the state level

Status in Band/Tribe

Doing good stuff, special abilities helps your status and get you more stuff


Creation of different social classes


Esteem and respect you get from your achieved honors, which can lead to more money and status

Open class

The stratification that facilitates social mobility

Closed class

More ascried, set into social classes, little upward mobility

World System Theory

Approach to the world history and social change that suggest there a world economic system in which countries benefit while others are exploited, looking at different degrees of wealth.


The strongest counties, wealthiest; USA, China


Between core and periphery, they export goods; Brazil


The poorest nations, provide raw materials; farming, mining

How The industrial revolution affected British and World social/political economic system

Transformed Europe to an industrial economy; lead to investments to factories, England benefited a lot, it sat at the crossroads of trade, huge natural resources and outcome made them a giant empire


The owners of the factories


The working class of the factories, they had to sell their work, outcome brought the weekend and labor day


Policy of extending rule use of force, one nation over a foreign nation


Policy or practice of acquiring full or partial political or religious control over another culture

The negatives of Imperialism and Colonialism

Many cultures were destoryed


Looking at nations and societies and how they changed

Settler colony

Lots of colonist and little natives


More natives, few colonist

Mixed colony

Mix of natives and colonist

Intervention philosophy and how it affected the colonist view of native popluations

Drove people to make changes in colonies, belief industry, Their job was to show the natives the proper way to live, made them look at natives differently


A policy model of social studies and economics that transfers control of economic factors to the private sector from the public sector, more handsoff


All property is publicly owned by the government

How world system affects the world today

Opened up millions of jobs, but stain on economy. Refers to the inter-regional and transnational division of labor, which divides the world into core countries, semi-periphery countries, and the periphery countries.

Position shifting

Depending on fate and fortune, you may not always have the same potion throughout your life

Gender roles

Tasks and activities a culture assigns to the sexes


Oversimplified but strongly held ideas about the characteristics of males and females


An unequal distribution of reward or system of classes

Patrilineal-patrilocal complex
An interrelated constellation of patrilineality, patrilocality, warfare, and male supremacy

Domestic-public dichotomy

The division between men's soles and women's role in life

Extra domestic activities

Stuff done outside of home, "extra" maintain aspects of social control

Gender amongst foragers

Activity prestige

Gender amongst horticulture

Specific features, culture,economy can extend to gender


A system of society in which the men hold all the power and women are inferior

Patriarchies and violence

Reduction of gender stratification


Beliefs and rituals concerned with supernatural beings, powers, and forces

How anthropologist study religion

Social meaning how religion plays in the roles of people


Edward Tyler; The belied in spiritual beings or doubles

Spiritual beings

Two entities, one when your awake and second when your asleep

Power and forces

Supernatural realm


Can be controlled by certain people


Becomes a way to explain coming from the spirtual world


Use of supernatural techniques to accomplish specific aims

Imitative Magic

Using magic by imitating

Contagious Magic

Whatever is done to the object it is done to the person

Uncertanity, Anxiety and Solace

Can reduce anxiety, magical techniques that can uprise doubt

Lack of Control

Can drive people to resent to magic

Greater uncertainty

Calling the greater, gods natural world, feel like you control


Behavior that is formal, stylized, repetitive, and stereotyped, performed earnestly as a social act; rituals are held at set times and places and have liturgical orders

Rites of Passage

There can elevate stress, customs, actions from change to another


First phase, separate from the group and begin the change


Where you left your old self to be who your going got be but not yet who you are, critical step


re-enter society by your rite of passage, new self


Belief in the kinship of a group of people with a common totem

Emotional mobilizer

How religion can evoke powerful feeling in people create sense of belonging


A part-time religious practitioner who mediates between ordinary people and supernatural beings and forces

Communal religion

More than one deity

Olympian religion

Show up at chiefdoms, actual stratification, full time religious figures


One god, priesthoods, all supernatural under control of one great being