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361 Cards in this Set

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list three types of cells found in skeletal muscle
1. skeletal myocytes 3. endothelial cells of the vascular system 3. connnetive tissue fibroblasts
what are the three cell types that comprise cardiac mucle
cardiac myocyte, enodothelial cells of the endocardium, cardiac fibroblasts
describe the hierarchy of the connetive tissue associated with skeletal muscle
1. endomysium surrounds individual fibers 2. perimysium surrounds fasicles 3. epimysium surrounds the entrie muscle, visible at the gross level
Describe the structures of blood vessels as they decrese in size and change from arterial to venous
Heart=>elastic arteries=> muscular arteries=> small arteries and arterioles=> capillaries=> post capillary venule==> venules==> medium veins==> large veins==> heart
what are the four phases of the cell cycle
G1, S, G2, M
describe how epithelia are classified basd on the number of cell layers
simple=single layer; stratified=multiple layers of cells; pseudostratified=multiple layers of nuclei but all cells contact the basement membrane
what is the overall function of the nuclear matrix
organizes the genome into domains that regulate gene expression and cell replication
Describe the characteristics of epitheial tissue structure
polarized with apical (towars lumen), basal (towards basal lamina), and lateral surfaces, avascular, rest on basement membrane
what are the four categories of connective tissue
1. dense (regular and irregular) 2. loose 3. reticular 4. adipose
Describe the structure of microtubules
hollow cylinders with a 25nm outer diameter, they are composed of alpha and beta tubluin which form heterodimers that arrange as protofilaments. 13 protofilaments self-assemble to form a microtubule
what type of epithelium is the epidermis
stratified squamous
list several types of intermediate filaments found in cells
nuclear lains, vimentin, desmin, glial fibrillary acdic protein, keratin, neurofilaments
List 5 functions of connective tissue
1. mechanical support 2. exchange of metabolites 3. storage of energy 4. protecion against infection 5. repair
Describe the "hierarchy" of skeletal muscle structure
gross muscle> fascicles>myocytes> myofibrils>myofilaments
how do cardiac cells differ from skeletal in terms of nuclei
skeletal muscle cells have 100's of nuclei located at the periphery, cardiac muscle cells have 1-2 located cnerally
How does the type of blood supply differ within the endomsium and perimysium
endo-RBCs present within capillaries; peri-contains arterioles, venules, and nerves
What are the three tunics that cover blood vessels
adventitia, media, intima
What occurs during the G1 phase? (what "choices" does the cell have)
Senescence, differnetiation (G0), apoptosis, proliferation
describe how epithelia are classified based on the shape of the surface cells
squamous-flat, scale like ,width greater than height; cuboidal-cell width and height are about equal; columnar-cell height is much greater than cell width
what are the three parts of the nuclear matrix
1. nuclear envelope/ pore complex/ lamina 2. nucleolus 3. internal nuclear matrix
Describe how epithelia are characterized based on the number of cellular layers
1. simple= single layer 2. stratified=two more layers, only basal layer contacts BM (transitional epithelium is stratifed but apparent number of cell layers changes) 3. Pseudostratified=appears to have more than one layer but all cells contact the BM
what type of collagen predominates in dense regular CT
type I
Desribe microtubule treadmilling
occurs under equilibrium conditions in vitro, heterodimers pass from the plus end of the MT and fall of the minus end but the net length does not change
what are the four layers of the epidermis superficial to deep
Stratum: Corenum, granulosum, spinosum, basale
What is the cause of emery-dreifuss muscular dystrophy
autosomal dominant mutation of gene enconding lamins A/C (intermediate filaments), leads to peripheral heterocrhomatin detached from inner nuclear membrane, progressive muscle weakness, joint contractures, and cardiomyopathy
Describe the structure and function of the ECM ground substance
ground substance= hydrated gell with fibers embed, ground substance resists compression, fibers resist tensile forces
How many nuclei does each skeletal muscle cell have and where are they located?
hundreds, located at the periphery
How do cardiac and skeletal muscle cell differ in terms of branching
cardiac cells bifurate, skeletal cells do not unless there is pathology
Where are the nuclei located in a normal skeletal muscle cell
Describe the structure and function of teh tunica adventitia
The outermost covering of blood vessels. Comprised mostly of CT contains the vasa vasorum and nervi vascularis
What occurs during the S phase
DNA synthesis, DNA 2N=> 4N, histones are synthesized
how do epithelia obtain nutritents and eliminate waste given that they are avascular
diffusion to/from blood vessels in the underlying connective tissue
Describe the structureof the nucelar envelope
A double membrane enclosing the perinuclear space which is continous with the ER. It is divided to segemetns limited by the nuclear pores.
How might one disthinguish between a pseudostratified epithelium and a stratified epithelium
-Each cell in the pesudo touches the BM, -stratified is never cilliated
what type of CT is the reticular layer of the dermis
dense, irregular
Describe the role of GTP in microtubule polymerization and how it contributes to dynamic instability
1. Polymerization at the plus end requires bound GTP which is hydrolyzed to GDP. 2. Dimeers are added most efficiently to an end capped with GTP. 3. WHEN THE RATE OF ADDITION OF DIMERS EXCCEDS THE RATE OF GTP HYDROLYSIS, A GTP CAP FORMS AND STABLIZES THE MOLECULE 4.When addition of dimers slows down, the GTP cap is lost and the MT depolymerizes
How are thick and thin skin distinguished
thick= S. corneum >50 cells, Thin <50
How can intermediate filaments be used to type tumors
Each type of tissue expresses diferenent types of IF's. Breast and GI primary cancers are keratin positive, sarcomas are vmentin positive
Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) are a component of the ground substance of the ECM. Describe their structure
long, inflexible polysaccharide chains composed of repeating disaccharide units. One of the two sugar is always an amino sugar (N-acetylglucosamine or N-acetylgalactosamine) and the other is typically a uronic acid (glucuronic or iduronic)
Describe the three layers of CT investment of skeletal muscle and what each layer invests
1. epimysium-deep fascia that invests the whole, gross muscle 2. Perimysium-invests fascicles (buels of skeletal muscle fibers) 3. Endomysium-invets each fiber (skeletal myocyte), continous with the basal lamina, note that each cell has its own basal lamina
what is the role o fintercalated dics in cardiac muscle
intercellular attchments that enable myocytes to work together as if they were a syncytium. Dics on adjacent cells appear to form a staircase acrsos the myocardium because each disc has two perpnedicularly arranged parts
How many nuclei does a skeletal myofiber hav
describe the structure and function of the tunica media
Middle layer, most variable, contains smooth muscle cells and connective tissue
What occurs during the G2 phase
preparation for mitosis, centrosome duplicated, hyper-phosphorylation of histone and non-histone proteins
where might you find simple squamous epithelium
blood vessel lining
Which structures are contained within the outer an dinner nuclear membranes
outer membrane-faces cytoplasm, contains ribosomes for protein translation, inner membrane-contains intefral proteins that bind to the nuclear lamina which in turn attaches to the marginal heterohromatin
how are epithelia characterized based on the shape of the cell
1. squamous-flat 2. cuobid-cube shape 3. columnar
Which tissue is more cellular epithelium or connective tissue
on which end of the microtuble is assembly favored
the plus end with GTP bound
Compare thick and thin skin in terms of location, prescence of hair, arrector pilli, sebaecous and sweat glands
location: thick is found on palms, soles, think is everywhere else; Stuff: thick does not have hair, AP, or sebaceous galnds, thin has all three; both types have sweat glands
What is the role of keratin intermediate filaments in epidermolysis bullosa simplex
genetically defective keratin filaments in skin epithelial cells renders the cells suceptible to mechanical rupturing producing blistering of the skin
The amino sugar of GAGs (a component of the ECM ground substance) is usually sulfated and has a carboxyl group projecting from it. What is the consequence of this structure?
Makes GAGs highly negativley charged, negative charge binds Na which osmotically attracts water in the matrix so it swells and occupies a lot of space. The result porus, hydrated gel serves as a cusion to absorb and disperse compressive loads
Describe the overall properteis of skeletal musce CT investments. Where does it end? What is it continous with?
Each of the three layers of Ct are in continuity. At the end of the muscle the investing CT is continous with the dense regular CT of tendons that attach muscle to bone
What are the two parts of the intercalated disc. What do they do?
1. transverse part- transmits contractile force, contains a fascia adherens, desmosomes, and actin filaments that butt into the half z bands, N-cadherins also present 2. Lateral part-transmits cell signals via gap junctions, made up of connexin molecules, desmosomes also present
T/F skeletal muscle fibers branch
false, note that cardiac do
Describe the structure and function of the tunica intima
The innermost convering of the blood vessels, a simple squamous endothelium with basal lamina and connective tissue, the cells are connected by tight junctions unitl they arrive at the capillary bed
What occurs during M phase
cell gorund up, nuclear membrane disappears, chromatin condenses into chromosomes, segregation of chromosomes
Where might you find simple cuboidal epithelium
kidney tubules, ducts of glands, surface of ovary
What is the purpose of nuclear pores
regulate passage of proteins inot and proteins and RNA out of the nucleus
in a stratified epithelium, which cell should you look at to determine the name of the shpae
the cells in the most superficial layer
which tissure has more ECM epithelium or CT
Describe the orientation of the MT's within the bipolar mitotic spindle
The minus end of the MT is adjacent to the MTOC (centrosome), the plus ends are located at the chromosome kinetochores and the distal end of the astor MT's
Describe the differnece between the epidermis-dermis interface in thick and thin skin
thick=pegs and sockets, big wavy line ; thin=ridges and grooves, less wavy line
Describe the protein structure of intermediate filament proteins
Firbous molecules with conserved alpha-helical rod domains that provide for charge bonding of subunits into dimers and tetramers. They have variable carboxyl and amino terminal sequences which give functional diversity (keratin vs. lamins etc)
What are the four main types of GAGs found in the ground substance of the ECM?
1. hyaluronate 2. chondroitin sulfate/ dermatan sulfate 3. heparan sulfate/ heparin 4. keratan sulfate
A centrally located skeletal muscle cell nuclei indiacates...
pathology or injury, skeletal muscle nuclei are normally located at the periphery
Compare the structure of atrial and ventricular myocytes
atrial myoctes are smaller and contain less sarcomeric structure than ventricular. Atrial myocytes also contain membrane bound granules nearl the nuclei that contain ANF
Describe the "banding" of skeletal muscle
A band- thick and thin overlap, H band-thick only; I band-thin only, Z line-bisects I bands
describe how the three tunics of the blood vessels are modified in the heart
tunica adventitia=> epicardium, tunica media=> myocardium, tunica intima=> endocardium
Which phase of the cycle cycle is the most variable and therefore determines the Tg
G1 (S, G2, and M are relativley constant)
where might you find simple columnar epithelium
lines stomach, intestines, rectum, uterus, oviducts, ducts of some glands
Describe the structure of nuclear pores
Three strata of proteins arranged as an octamer (cytopasmic, nuclear, and middle). The strata contain nucleoporins
Describe the processes of keratinization
the outermost surface of a stratified epithelium becomes covered by the IF protein keratin rather than living cells, during maturation the cells acculuate keratin and lose their nuclei, the process provides a tough, water-resistant, non-living surface to protect the underyling tissue
what type of connective tissue makes of the lamina propria of GI villi
Anti-cancer drugs such as taxol and vinvblastine target microtubules. What is the mechanism behind these drugs?
Taxol stabilizes microtubules and prevents depolarization at the end to mitosis, vinblastine prevents polymerization and the mitotic spindle can't assemble
What are the two layers of the dermis
1. papillary layer (superficial, loose CT) 2. Reticular (deep, irregular CT)
Describe the polymerized structure of intermediate filaments
The monomers assemble into dimers and then form staggered antiparallel tertramers packing to form a non-polarized, high-tensile strength insoluble filament.
Hyaluronate is the predominant GAG in loose supporting tissues. How does it differ from other GAGs
It is a non-sulfated, single disccharide unit consisting of long cahins. It does not form covalent links to protein molecules
What structures defines the sarcomere
The sarcomere is the area between sucessive Z lines which bisect I bands
Compare the structures of SA/ AV node myocytes to that of Purkinje myocytes in the AV bundle of HIS
node myocytes are small and embedded in dense CT they have few myofibrils and are adapted for impulse propgagation. Contrast this to the AV bundle of His that contains large purkinje myocytes that have few myofibrils, copious glycogen and inconspocuous intercalated discs.
Thick filaments are composed of which molecule
What is the role of the epicardium
Simple squamous mesothelium with connective tissue, the BVs and nerves of the heart enter here
What types of external factors control the cell cylce? Activate vs inhibit?
external factors include growth factors, cytokines, and hormones. Activating factors include FGFs, IGFs and Wnts. Inhibiting factors include TGFb
where are the nuclei of simple columnar epithelial cells located
closer to the basal side
What is the purpose of the nuceloporins contained within the strata of the nuclear pores
nucleoporins serve as docking sites for proteins that contains NLS's
what is the glycocalyx
carbohydrate rich complex on the extracellular surface of epithelial cells, functions in cellular protection and recongition
list three componets of the non-firbrous ECM (ground substance)
GAGs, proteoglycans, glycoproteins
Give two examples of MTOC's, desribe their structure and role
1. Centrioles within the centrosome 2.Centrioles within the basal body from which cilia extend, each of therse structures consist of triplet microtubuels that orient perpenducularly and are radially symmetric. they are very stable and do not show dynamic instability. This is also the site o fthe gamma tubulin ring complex that caps the - end of MTs at the MTOC to prevent disassembly
what type of junction links epithelial keratinocytes
What mediates assembly/ disassebmley of intermediate filaments
subunits phosphorylation (assembly) and dephosphorylation (disassembly)
Describe the basic structure of proteoglycans, a component of the ground substance of the ECM. Where are they made?
Sulfated GAG chains other than hyaluronate form covalent links with a protein core to form the proteoglycan. The GAGs attach to the core in the golgi.
The A band is bisected by the H zone which inturn is bisected by the M line. What is the significance of the M line
The M line contains MM-creatine kinase (MMCK) which provides energy for the cell
what controls development of the purkinje fibers
endothelial cells of the developing coronary arteries secrete endothelin which causes nearby cardiac myocytes to differentiate into purkinje fibers
Name the three molecules found in thin filaments in skeletal muscle
actin, tropomyosin, troponin
What is the role of the myocardium
contains cardiac myocytes and fibroblasts as well as the coronary arteries and veins
describe role of each componnent of the delayed repsonse genes cdks and cyclins. How does their content change throughout the cell cycle?
CDK=catalytic subunit, content is constant, Cyclin=regulatory subnunit, content increases during cell cycle
where might you find pseudostratified columnar epithelium
ciliated fm in respiratory tract, male reproductive tract
Proteins larger than 40 kD must have an NLS to enter the nucleus. Describe the NLS sequence
Short amino acid sequences that contain positivley charged basic amino acids (lysine, and arginine). The NLS must be on the protein's surface to be effective.
Describe the structure of cilia
anchored in a basal body/ centriole which contains nine triplets of MTs, from each basal body, nine doublets of peripheral MTs with dynein arms as well as two central MTs project outward into the cell membrane to form the projection, the 9+2 arrangement is called an axoneme
what is the function of elastic fibers in loose CT
distensiblity/ flexibility
What is the role of gamma tubulin in MT structure and fxn
gamma tubulin is part of the multi-protein complex called the gamma tubulin ring complex. The complex is invovled in initiation of polymerization of MT's at MTOC's. The gamma tubulin ring complex caps the minus end of the MT and prevents disassembly
Where are the melanocytes of the skin located? What is the origin and function
located in statum basale, derived from neural crest, synthesize and transport melanin
Describe how actin filaments (F actin) form
Globular (G) actin binds ATP and polymerizes into F actin filaments. Note that ATP hydrolysis and polymerization are not tightly coupled and an ATP cap favors stability of F actin
Describe the structure of lycansggregan proteogy
Many proteoglycans attach via a link protien to a hyaluronate backbone. these assemble in cartilage and CT
In which bands of the muscle would you find think filaments
Both the I and A bands
What type of epithelium is the endocardium
simple squamous
during a concentric contraction which band of muscl decreases in width
I band
What is the role of the endocardium
simple squamous endothelium/ basal lamina and CT, note that the conduction system is located in the "sub" endocardium
Describe the internal factors that regulate the cell cycle
composed of early and delayed response genes. Early response genes include myc and fos, delayed response genes are the cdks and cyclins
WHat are the two forms of stratified squamous epithelium
1. keratinized w/ surface layer of dea, anucleated cells filled with keratin, occurs in skin 2. nonkeratinized-surface layer of nucleated cells, mucous membrane in oral cavity, esophagous, vagina, anal canal, vocal folds (note these still have keatin IF's just no cornified layer)
Describe how importins transport proteins into the nucelus
Importin a binds to the NLS of a nuclear protein in the cytoplasm and the complex migrates to the nuclear pore. At the pore, importin B binds to a nucleoporin in the pore complex. This is followed by an energy dependent transport tthrough the popre. The protein is then released from importin and importin is cycled back through the pore to the cytoplasm.
what is an axoneme
the 9+2 MF arrangement characteristic of cilia (9 outer doubles and a two central microtubules)
what type of CT would be found surronding the liver parenchyma
Describe the structure and function of the axoneme
The axoneme is the cytoskeletal component of the cilium or flagellum it has a 9+2 pattern of MT's; a central pair and 9 outer doublets. The axoneme arises from the basal body that has a cross linked array of 0 triplet microtubles. The basal body is the MTOC for the cilium/ flagellum
What constitudes the 'spines" seen in the stratum spinosum layer of the epidermis
Describe actin treadmilling
IF both ends of F actin are ezxposed, polymerization will proceed until the concentration of free monomers exceeds Cc for the plus end but below for the minus end. At this state, there will be assembly at the plus end and disassembly at the minus end but the filament will maintain a constant length even though there is a net flux of subunits through the polymer.
What are the functiosn of proteoglycans, a component of the ground substance of the ECM
1. molecular iflters 2. binding sites for secreted growth factors, proteases, and protesae inhibitors (regulatory mechanism)
What are the major thin filament proteins
actin, troponin (3 isoforms) and tropomyosin
what cell type is most abundant in the heart
cardiac fibroblast
what is the function of the neuromuscular spindle
a stretch receptor that regulates muscle tone, note the presencs of intrafusal fibers surrounded by a capsule
compare arteries and veins in erms of wall, lumen, and converings
ateries have a thick wall and a small lumen, the tunica media is most developed with prominent elastin and SMCs, veins have thin walls with large lumens the tunica media is nondescript and the tunica adventitia is the thickest covering
What are the 4 checkpoints that the cell must pass through to complete the cell cycle
1. G1 phase activation (Cyclin D+ CDK4) 2. S phase activation (cyclins E and A + CDK2) 3. M phase activation (cyclin B CDK1), 4. anaphase (anaphase promoting complex)
are nuclei present in the superficial cells of a non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium?
what sequence mediates nuclear export?
leucine rich NES
Describe the structure of microvilli (filaments)
each microvillus contains actin microfilaments cross linked by villin that connect to a terminal web consisting of actin and spectin moleclues and intermediate filaments. Actin bundels are attached to the lateral plasma membrane via myosin and calmodulin.
where are th enuceli and cytoplasmic organelles located in unilocular adipocytes
peripherally around the lipid droplet
Describe ciliary bending in terms of MT based motility. What is the motor? Energy?
The motor is dynein (plus to minus) and it causes relative sliding between microtubules in the axoneme. ATP hydrolysis provides the energy for movement.
Where are langerhans cells found? What is their source and function
Langerhans cells are dendritic cells that phagocytose foreign particles in the superficial levels of the epiderms.They take up and process antigens. They are derived from the bone marrow and migrate to the skin
Which state of actin (polymerized or free) is favored in the cell? how does the cell control the favored state
Polymerization is highly favored because the free actin pool is greater than teh crtical concentration. To control polymerization, the cell uses binding proteins.
Name a non-secreted proteoglycan and explain its purpose
Syndecan remains attached to the cell membrane. The core proteins of syndecans act as TM proteins and are attached to actin filaments in the cytoskeleton and to collagen/ fibronectin in the ECM. Syndecans fibroblasts bind FGF and present it to the cell membrane FGF receptors
In which bands of muscle would you find thick filaments
A bands only
What is the major fuel for cardiac myocytes
triyglycerides stored in membrane-bound lipid droplets near the nuclues. Note also that there are many more mitochondria in skeletal cells than cardiac. Additionally, cardiac cells have a high myoglobin concentration and a rich vascular supply ==> continuously aerobic
what is the relative size of smooth muscle cells vs. skeletal
smooth are smaller
describe some important featuers of teh tunica intima of large arteries
tight junctions, pinocytotic vesicles transport nutrients from lumen to tissue, endothelila cells secrete factor VII
Describe the G1 phase activation checkpont.
Activation occurs by cyclin D CDK4, External growth factors activate cyclin D transcription. Cyclin D binds cdk 4 and the complex then phosphorylates Rb. Phosphorylated Rb releases its old on E2F-1 allowing E2F-1 to activate genes for cyclins E and A
what is the major functional advantage of keratinized vs. non-keratinized epithelium
keratinized are water resistant (skin)
T/F protein and RNA transport are pore-specific
false, the same pore can accomodate protein import, and protein/ RNA export
Whre are tight junctions (zonula cculdens) located
at the intercellualr juctions near the apical surface of the cell
In which direction do each of the microtubule motors move?
Dynein moves plus to minus, kinesin moves from minus to plus (hint: alphabetical)
what is the differnce between an endocrine and exocrine gland
endocrine-secrete product into bloodstream, exocrine-secrete product into duct
What affect do mushroom toxins like cytochalasin and phalloidin have on actin filaments
Phalloidins stabilize F actin by locking subunits together. Cytochalasins depolymize F actin by binding to the plus end.
what causes progeria
proteoglycan genetic disease, galactosyltransrease thermolability in fibroblasts resutls in failure of dermatan sulfate chain addition to proteoglycan=>premature aging, CT defects
What is the major thick filament protein
Give two examples of cardiac muslce proteins that are diagnostic for MI's
1. MB-CK 2. Troponin-I
Describe the diameter/ shape of smooth muscle fibers cut in cross section
The sectional diameter of the fibers is variable because the cell is spindle-shaped rather than cylindrical
What is the main function of the large arteries
maintain BP with recoil of elastic walls
Describe the S phase activation checkpoint
The restriction ponit is overcome by cyclinE+ CDK2 and the DNA is then duplicated. Cyclin A +CDK2 activates origins of DNA replication
Where might you find stratified cuboidal/ columnar epithelia
pharynx, larynx, urethra, conjuctiva, ducts of salivary, sweatk and mammary glands, anorectal junction
What is the energy source of nucelar import
Ran-GTP. In the nucleus, Ran-GTP binds to empty nuclear import receptors and cargo-bound export receptors which migrate to the cytoplasm. GTP is hydrolyzed to GDP releasing the bound moieties. The emtpy nuclear export recptors migrate back to the nuclues while the import reptors bind proteins with NLS's and then migrate back
what is the function of the zonula occludens (tight junction)
forms a selectivley permeable barrer that surrounds each cell such that only water and small molecules are able to pass between cells, crucial to coerce transcellular rasnport across polarized cells instead of paracellualr transport between the cells
Describe the basic structure of kinesin and the mechanism by which it moves along a MT
Kinesin has two heads which function as ATPass as well as a neck linker and a tail for the organelle. Kinesin binds the MT in the ADP which is then released for ATP. This leads to a conformational change which throws the ADP bound head fowrad. The ATP on the back head is hydrolyed to ADP and the ADP on the front heat is exchanged for ATP. This resets the cycle.
What are the two parts of the eccrine sweat gland? WHat type of cells line each?
1. secretory part-simple cuboidal 2. duct part-stratified cuboidal
List 4 classes of actin binding proteins
1. regulatory 2. severing 3. cross-linking 4. motor (myosin)
What are the two fibers that make up the fibrous portion of the ECM
1. collagens 2. Elastic fibers(elastin and fibrillin)
Describe the structurend purpose of the T tubules
T tubules are invaginations of the sarcolemma that carry depolarization waves deep into the muscle cell. The T tublules run down inot the cell and abut the sarcoplasmic reticulum which envelops each myofibril
Describe cardiac myocyte innervation
myocytes are innervated by the vagus nerve and autonomic nerves. Note that the heartbeat is intrinsic, innervation only regulates rate
Because of their shape, a section through a given smooth mus fiber is (likely/ unlikely) to include the nuclues
Which covering is most prominent in large veins
tunica adventitia
Desribe the M phase activation checkpoint
M phase is activated by cyclin B-CDK1. Cdc25 de-phosporylates CyclinB CDK1 allowing it to enter the nucleus where it then carriers out protein phosphorylation
Where might you find transitional epithelium
baldder, renal pelvis, ureters, proximal urethra
where is the nuclear lamina located
The lamina is sandwhiched between the marginal heterochromatin internally and the inner nuclear membrane externally. At its periphery lies the pore complexes within the nuclear envelope.
Describe the chaceristic features of tight junctions (zonula occludens) on EM
pentalaminar dark-light-dark-light-dark apperance cause dby fusion of the outer membranes of the lipid bilayers of two adjacent cells
Describe the orientation of MTs in axons. Which motors mediate transport to differnet parts of the cell?
The minus ends are located at the celbody and the plus ends are located at the synpase. Transport toward the synpase (anterograde) is mediate by kinesin while transport towrad the cell body (retrograde) is mediated by dynein.
Name and describe the three types of exocrine glands
1. holocrine-secrete whole cell 2. merocrine (eccrine)-exocytoses product 3. apocrine-secretes apical cytoplasm
Describe the role of actin cross linking proteins. How do they work
Cross linking proteins give actin additional structure. The proteins have two actin binding sites sepaated by divergent intervening sequences. The proteins generate parallel and orthogonal actin arrays. Note that binding to the actin is inhibited by Ca. Examples include stress fivers which permit intercalation of mysion thick filamnets for contraction of connective tissues and formation of the cores of microvilli, orthagonal cross-linking produces an actin gel which dissovles into a sol and regulates cytoplasmic fluidity
WHich cells synthesize and secrete collagen
What is the "triad" found in skeletal muscle sectoins
Located at the A-I junction it is the combination of two SR membranes plus one T-tubule
Describe the chronology of a heat attack
1. Myocyte death, immediate, release of MB-Ck and CTnI 2. Inflamation post 15 hrs, complement activation and cytokine release 3. WOund healing post 2-3 days mediated by cardiac fibroblasts 4. Angiogenesis post 2-4 days, induced by VGEF and FGF 5. Scar formation mediated by formation of collagen cross=links mediated by lysyl oxidase.
where are smooth muscle cell nuclei located
describe the characteristic features of the medium arteries coverings
adventitia-prominent external lamina, media-SMCs, intima-elastic lamina
Describe the Anaphase checkpoint
Anaphase is activated by the Anaphase Promoter Complex which contains ubiquitin
How can you tell whether a bladder specimen is full or empty at the time of acqusition
Based on shpae transitional epithelial cells. when distended cells are flattened, when empty the superfical cells have a dome like apical surface "cobblestone"
what is the function of the nuclear lamina
during interphase, it maintains the nuclues as a sphere, during mitosis the lamina breaks down due to hyper-phosphorylation of lamina proteins
Describe the proteins invovled with tight junction structure
transmembrane tight junction proteins such as occludin, claudins, and JAM regulate the passage of solute molecues at the cell:cell interface, ZO proteins (specialized proteins in the sub-plasmalemmal plaque) facilitate the interaction of tight junction transmembrane proteins with the actin cytoskeleton
Which motor would be used if a substances was being trasnported from the cell body to the synapse of a neuron
Kinesin. The MT's of the axon have their minus end at the cell body and plus end at the synapse. Kinesin moves from minus to plus or from cell body to synapse.
how are eccrine sweat glands innervated
SNS via cholinergics
Describe the role of F actin in duchenne muscular dystrophy
Mutations alter or eliminate dyrophin binding to cortical F actin resulting in repeated cell membrane ruptures and muscle cell degernation.
What form is collagen secreted into the matrix as? Describe the structure of this form
tropocollagen, a triple helix of three alpha chains. the alpha chain sequence is usually GLY-X-Y where X is commonly proline and Y is commonly hydroxyproline
Describe the excitation phase of skeletal muscle contraction
Ach released from the motor neuron binds the Ach receptor and triggers a wave of depolarization down the sarcoleema. The wave travels deep into the muscle cell via the T-tubles. At the tra, the T-tubule depolarizes the SR. The SR releases stored Ca increasing the Ca concentration in the myofibrils
What are the two sub-types of cardiac myocyte injury
1. hypertrophy due to stress by chemical insult or high BP, characterized by re-expression of embryonic cardiac genes 2. ischemic injury caused by interrupton of the blood supply
How many nuclei are associated with each smooth muslce myofiber
what is the main function of medium arteries
mantain blood prsure via SMC contraction
What type of proteins do proto-oncogenes encode (what is their normal function
Proto-oncogenes encode proteins that activate the cell cycle such as cell surface feceptors, second messengers, TF's, cyclins, and CDKs.
how does the term for the layer between teh basal surface of epithelial cells and their underlying connective tissue change from EM to light microscope
light= basement membrane, EM=basal lamina
Which genes encode the lamina proteins? What are their functions
Lamins A and C are splice products fo teh same LMNA gene, they interact with the marginal heterochromatin. Lamin b binds the inner nuclear membrane via LBR and fucntions to mediate the re-formation of the nuclear envelope after mitosis
where is the zonula adherens (adherens junction) located
just beaneath the zonual occuldens
Which motor would be used if a substances was being trasnported from the synapse to the cell body of a neuron
Dynein. The MT's of the axon have their minus end at the cell body and the plus end at the synapse. Dynein moves from plus end to minus end or from synapse to cell body.
what is the origin of the hair folicle
cylidrical downgrowth of epithelia cells
Describe the role of actin in amoeboid movement
The protruding edge of a crawling cell extends through dynamic assembly/ disassembly of actin filaments in a branching network.
Describe the steps of collagen synthesis that occur within the fibroblast cell
Preprocollagen alpha chains are syntehsized on the RER. These chains contain propeptides at their amino and carboxy ends. Selected prolines and lysines within the chain are hydroxylated and glycosylated. Three preprocollagen chains assemble to form a procollagen triple helix which is then routed in vesicles to the cell surface via the golgi
Describe the contraction phase of skeletal muscle contraction.
In the thin filament Ca binds troponin C which causes tropomyosin to move and opens up the active site. The actin binds to the myosin head which contains bound ATP. ATP is hydrolyzed and the power stroke pulls the think filaments into the A band. This shortens the sarcomere and leads to contraction
Describe the arrangemetn of smooth muscle cells aroudn the lumen of blood vessels
Circular arrangement (not longitudinal) around the lumen
Describe the formation of atherosclerotic plagues in medium arteries
Macrophges migrate to sites of endothelial damage and ingestis lipids, SMCS migrate to the tunica intima and proliferate and take up LDL, the two cells together create foam cells which make plagues
When a proto-oncogene is mutated it is termed an oncognes. What does mutation of proto-oncogenes lead to and what are the consequences of this mutation
When a proto-oncogene is mutated in such a way that its activity is upregulated, the cell cycle is activate abberantly and there is uncontrolled progression leading to loss of cellular differentiation and increased proliferation.
Which side of teh epithelial cell is adjacent to the basement membrane
What is the cause of progeria?
deletion in part of the LMNA gene that generates the splice which creates mRNA encoding lamin A
What are the three components of the zonula adherens
1. transmembrane linker proteins (cadherin) 2. sub-plasmalemmal plaque proteins (catenins, -actinin, vinculin) 3. cytoskeletal filaments (actin microfilaments)
Describe the role of microtubule based motors in mitosis
The motors are directed in such away that they create pushing and pulling forces. Pushing forces in the overlap zone and pulling foreces on asters create create the movement necessary for cell separation.
what do pacinian corpuscles sense
pain and pressure
Describe th erole of actin filaments in macrphage phagocytosis
Dependent on actin based lamellipodia formation. Note that defecgtive phagocytosis occurs in Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome
Describe the steps of collagen synthesis that occur after secretion into the extracellular space
The propeptides are cleaved from the procollagen triple helix to form tropocollagen. Tropocollagen molecues then assemble in a head to toe fashion to form collagen fibrils of types I, II, III, and VII. T fibrils are then further aggreagted into collagen fibers, a process mediated by type IX and XII fibril associated collagens that attach collagen fibrils together.
Which bands change size during muscle contraction? Which stay the same.
SInce only the thin filaments move during contraction, the I band shortens but the A band stays the same length. The thin filaments are pulled into the A band.
How is the circular arrangement of smooth muscle cells around a blood vessel advantageous
enables regulation of blood vessel diameter and bloood flow
Describe the distingushing features of medium veins
small valves made from folds of tunica intima
What type of proteins do tumor supressor genes encode (what is their normal function)
tumor supressor genes encode proteins that inhibit the cell cycle including p21 (inhibits CDKs 2 and 4) and p53(activates p21 gene and directly initiates apoptosis)
what attaches the basal membrane of epithelial cells to the basal lamina
What is the purpose of the nucleolous
site of ribosomal RNA produciton via RNA pol I (christmas tree). Comprised of poritons of 10 chromoosomes for ~400 rRNA genes
Describe the structure of the macula adherens (desmosome). What proteins are invovled
"spot weld" does not encircle cell, transmembrane linker proteins=nonclassical cadherin called desmogleins and desmocollins, the plaque contains desmoplakin, plakoglobin, and plakophilin, the intermediate filametn attached to the desomesome is keratin
what do meissner's corupuscles sense
light touch
What structural feature of the collagen molecule contriubtes to the formation and maintence of the fibrilar structure?
The fibrils are made up of tropocollagen molecules. Covalent bonds occur between the lysine and hydroxysine residues to neighboring tropocallgen molecules, the bonds help to maintain the structure
Describe how skeletal muscle relaxes
An ion channel pumps Ca back into the SR. When the Ca level decreases, a fresh ATP binds the myosin and actin and myosin dissociate but cannot rebind for another power stroke.
T/F cardiac myofibers normally branch
Describe the distinguishing featuers of small arteries and arterioles
layers of SMCS in the tunica media, uptake up lipids by SMCS can narrow the lumen and cause hypertension.
What is the result of a mutation in a tumor supressor gene
Mutations in tumor supressor genes that inhibit their ability to inhibit the cell cycle lead to uncontrolled progression through the cycle leading to increased proliferation and loss of differentiation
list four types of plasma membrane specilizatiosn that help epithelial cells adhere and communicate with one another
zonula occludens, zonula adherens, desmososmes, gap junctions
What is the purpose of the internal nuclear matrix
consits of chromatin (DNA + histones +accessory proteins), contributes to the non-random order of the chromosomes, aids in DNA replication/ transcription (replicons)
describe the structure of gap junctions
two connexons one in each of the adjoining cells each of which is made up of 6 subunits (juction has 12 connexin molecules total)
describe psoriasis cause? location?
keratinocyte hyperproliferation, gives plaques of thickend epidermis on elbows, kness, gluteal cleft that bleed when scrapped
Describe the "hierarchy" of collagen structure
collagen fiber>collagen fibril>tropocollagen>procollagen triple helix> 3 preoprocollagen chains
Describe malignant hyperthermia
Autosomal dominant mutation of the RYR gene in the SR membrane. Dysregualtes Ca transport, when pts undergo anesthesia they undergo sustained muscle contraction and an increases in body temp. Tx with dantrolene, a muscle relaxant that inhibits Ca release through the RYR channel.
How many nuclei are assoicated with each cardiac muscle myofiber
one or two
What is unique about the coverings of capillaries compared to other blood vessels
no tunica adventitia or media
Describe the sequence of apoptosis
1. Macrophages release TNF 2. TNF binds TNFR 3. pro-apoptotic signals induce leakiness of the outer membrane of the mitochonria 4. Cytochrome C escapes to the cytoplasm 5. Cyt C activates caspase which destroys organelles 6. Chromatin fragments and blebs are seen on the cell surface as the cell defoliates
describe the appearance of the stratum corneum on light microscope
most superfical layer, thick and bright pink, no nuclei
Hemidesmosomes are a basal membrane specialization. Describe their structure
half, desmosomes, integrins attach cell to the ECM components such as laminin, collagen, and fibronectin
Descirbe bullous skin disease cause? types?
acquired autoimmune diesase with auto-Ab gainst cell attachment proteins, present with blisters 1. intraepidermal bullae=interrupt desomsomes between epithelial cells within epidermis (pemphigus foliaceus=desmoglein 1, pemphigus vulgaris=desmogelins 1 and 3) 2. Subepidermal Bullae- interupt hemidesmosomes between epidermis and dermis (bullous pemphigoid-BP180)
Surcy is a deficiency of vitamin C. What affect does this disease have on collagen
Vit. C is necessary for hydroxylation of proline residues. Without this modification, the preprocollagen alpha chains are unable to form stable helicies in order to assemble into the preprocollagen triple helix.The tropocollagen fibers are incapable of aggregating into fibrils.
Why does rigor mortis occur
There is no fresh ATP to pull the myosin head off the actin filament. The muscle is locked in the contracted state.
Where are cardiac myofiber nuclei located
Where are type I (continuous) capillaries found? Function? Structure?
Found in heart, skeletal muscle, CNS, lungs, tight junctions with pinocytotic vesicles (except CNS) for transport
How can a mutation in an apoptotic regulating gene like bcl-2 lead to cancer
Bcl-2 is an anti-apoptotic factor. When mutated, Bcl-2 is abnormally actie resulting in too much inhibtion of apoptosis leading to tumor formation.
describe the appearance of the stratum granulosum on light microscope
deep to S. corneum, superfical to S. spinosum, thin layer of cells containing dark purple granules
Adhesion plaques are a basal membranes specialization, describe their structure
link to the ECM via integrins, similar to ozna adherens in that their plaque contains actinin and veniculin which in turn attaches to microfilaments
What is the cause of acne vulgaris
overactive sebum production trapped in hair follicle with bacterial/ yeast involvement
Describe 3 genetic diseases of collagen
Type I=osteogenesis imperfecta; Type II=Chondrodysplasias (cartilage joint deformities); Type III-Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (weak skin, fragile blood vessels, hypermobile joints)
What two proteins compose elastic fibers found in the ECM
elastin and fibrilin
Which CT layer invests fascicles
What two major cell-cell junctions are found in intercalated disks in cardiac muscle
fascia adherenes in the transverse part and gap junctions in the lateral part
Where are type II capilaries found? Structure? Function?
found in endocrine organs, GI tract, kidney, fenestractions admit passage small molecules like hormones, nutrients, and ions
Describe how a mutation in the telomerase gene can lead to cancer
in normal somatic cells, telmoerase is inhibited. If the gene is mutated and becomes active, the somatic cell can be immortal resultingin carcinogenesis
Describe the apperance of the stratum spinosum on light microscope
deep to S. granulosum, superfical to S. basale, thick layer of cells, artificially separated, spiny projections represent extensions of cytoplasm of from adjacent cells still linked by desmososmes
define junctional complex
the term applied to the group of cell membrane specializations along the lateral surface of epithelial cells inlcuding the zonula occludnes, zonula adherens, and macula adherens
Describe contact allergic dermatitis
delayed immunological reaction of skin to foreign antigen, intercellular edema, lymphocytes infiltration, epidermal thickneing and scaling
describthe structure of elastin
protein rich in glycine, lysine, and proline, chains are covalently lniked by lysine residues
which CT layer invets myocytes
What is the functional significance of intercalated disks
cell adhesion and electrical coupling of adjacent cardiac myofibers
Where are type III (discontinous) capilaries found? structure? Function?
bone marrow, liver, spleen, endothelial cells and basal lamina are not continous, large cells can pass through, filter out whole RBCs
Explain how metastasis can be targeted for cancer Tx
inhibitors of metalloproteases such as TIMPS can prevent the spread of cancer by preventing the cells from "eating through" the ECM
describe the apperance of the stratum basale on light microscope
deepest layer of the epidermis
what is the difference between a carcinoma and and adenocarcinoma
carcinoma=malignant tumor of epithelial cells, adenocarinoma=malignant tumor of epithelial glandular cells
describe the structure of arrector pili muscles
obliquely oriented bundles of smooth m. which insert into CT
Describe the structure of elastic fibers in the ECM
In the ECM, elastin is assembled into elastic fibers consisting of an elastin core surrounded by a sheath of microfibrils which are composed of fibrillin
Describe the appearance of myofibrils in a cross section of skeletal muscle
red dots in the sarcoplasm
Describe the shape of cardiac fibers in cross section
variable fiber diameter because of branching
Give two examples of the secretory functions of capillary endothelial cells
1. vasoactive factors (endothelin=vasoconstrictor, NO=vasorelaxant) 2. Growth factors (FGF, PDFG, interleukins)
Explain how angiogenesis can be targeted for cancer Tx
tumors require a blood supply to live, prevention of angiogenesis can starve the tumor
name the layers of teh epidermis from superficial to deep
Stratum: corneum, granulosum, spinosum, basale
How could you stain to tell whether a tumor was epithelial, glial, muscle, or CT origin
epithelial=keratin, glial=GFAP, muslce=desmin, CT=vimentin
what is the mode of secretion of sebaceous glands
holocrine- entire cell is shed
What is the cause of marfan syndrome
mutations in fibrllin gene, reuptured aneurysms of the root of the aorta
Describe the arrangement of thick and thin filaments in each myofibril in a skeletal muscle at EM lelvel
Six thin filaments surround one thick filament
what are the three layers of blood vessel walls
tunica intima, tunica media, tunica adventitia
lymphatics are present in all tissues except
bone marrow and CNS
Give two examples of how specific molecules can be targeted in cancer cells
1. neutralizing monoclonal antibodies 2. siRNAS
Describe the shape of the junction between the epidermal ridges and the dermal papillae in thick skin
Large depressions and elevations/ very wavy (contrast to smaller amplitude wavy line of thin skin)
what cytoskeletal filaments interact with zonula occludens (tight jucnctions)
actin microfilaments
what is the mode of secretion of eccrine sweat glands
merocrine/ eccrine= exocytosis
What are two two adhesive glycoproteins found in the ECM that serve to link the basal lamina to the cell membrane
1. Fibronectin 2. laminin
What are the four energy sources used by skeletal muslce
ATP, creatine phosphate, glycogen, fatty acids
describe the tunica intima in terms of location and composition
borders the lumen of the vessel, consists of simple squamous endothelium and subendothelial connective tissue
List some receptors and cognates that are invovled in angiogenesis
VEGFR/VEGF, FGFR/FGF, TIE-2/ angiopoietin
explain how RNAi therapy works
1. siRNA complementary to the pathogenic RNA is introduced into the cell 2. siRNA binds RISC 3. RISC/siRNA complex base-pairs w/ pathogenic RNA 4. RISC cleaves up pathogenic RNA and eliminates it
What is the function of Pacinian corpuscle
sensory receptor responsive to course touch and vibration
what cytoskeletal filaments interact with zonula adherens (adherens junction)
actin microfilaments
Describe the rule of 9's in terms of burns
Body segments= 9% for upper limb, 18% for lower limb, ant trunk, post trunk, 9% for H&N 1% for perineum, 30-40% surface is life threatening, 75% is almost always fatal
What is the function of integrins
Integrins are the "linker" proteins that connect the cell cytoskeleton with proteins in the ECM, attachment of cells to matrix components can be modulated by controlling integrin expression on the cell surface
Describe type I skeletal muscle fibers
red, enriched in mitochondria and myoglobin for FA oxidation and oxidative metabolism, supply continous contaction, aka slow twitch
describe the tunica media in terms of location and composition
middle layer between intima and adventitia (not that in arterie, the internal elastic lamina separates the intima and media), consists of vascular smooth muscle and fenestrated elastic laminae
Inhibitors of blood vessel formation are present as components of the ECM in adacent tissue. Give two examples
angiostatin (derivative of plasminogen) and endostatin (derived fom collagen XVIII)
what are two potential problems associated with siRNA therapy
1. must prevent off target effects 2. must develop delivery methods to tumor in vivo
What is the function of Meissner's corpuscles and where are they found?
Sensitive to light touch, found in papillae of the skin of the finger tips, nipples, genitalia, and lips
what cytoskeletal filaments interact with macula adherens (desmosomes)
intermediate filaments (keratin)
Describe the structure of integrins
Transmembrane heterodimers with alpha and beta subunits. The carboxyl end of the subunit binds actin filaments in the cytoskeleton while the amino end binds proteins in the ECM
Describe type II skeletal muscle fibers
less myoglboin, modified for rapid, discontinous contraction.
describe the tunica adventitia in terms of location
outermost layer
Describe the process of angiogenesis
1. activation 2. proteolysis of ECM 3. distruption of cell adhesion 4. migration and chemotaxis 5. proliferation 6. permeability 7. inhibiton of growth
describe the dermal-epidermal junction in thin skin
slightly wavy line (contrast to the very wavy and irregular line of thick skin)
what cytoskeletal filaments interact with adhesion plaques on the basement membrane
actin microfilaments
Describe the structure of fibronectin
large glycoprotein heterodimer containing collagen, heparin, and integrin binding domains separated by fledible hinge proteins. Ecell binding site is an RGD tripeptide recognized by integrins.
What is the niche of resident adult stem cells used for muscle regeneration
reside between the sarcolemma and the basla lamina of the myocyte
Describe the location of the internal and external elastic lamina
internal-separates the tunica intima and tunica media, found in arteries. external elastic lamina found in large artereis, separates media and adventitia
what are the two layers of the dermis
paipllary layer just benath the epidermis, deeper reticular layer
t/f gap junctions ineract with the cytoskeleton
false, there is no cytoskeletal protein associated with connexons
Describe the "sandwhich" that fibronectin creates to establish structural continuity betwee nthe cytoskeleton and ECM
actin binds to integrins,integrins bind to fibronectin, fibronectin binds to collagen and heparin sulfate in the ECM
describe the properties and purpose of sateite cells (skeletal myoblasts)/ how does muslce regeneration occur
stem cells resting in the G0 phase, when the basal lamina of the myocye is damaged, it rleases growth factor signals that induce the myoblasts to re-enter the cell cycle. THe cells then withdraw from the cell cycle and then fuse together forming myotubes. The myotubes then differntiate and reform the muslce tissue. Note that myostatin released by mature myocytes limits the growth of myoblasts
where are the vessel endothelial cell nuceli in relation to the lumen of the vessel
the nuclei bulge toward the lumen of the vessel
the duct portion of an eccrine sweat gland is made up of what type of epithelium
stratified cuboidal
what are the plaque components of zonula occludens (tight junctions
ZO's 1-3
WHat is the function of laminin
major component of basal lamina, forms links bween cell membranes an dother constituents of the basal lamina
List 4 proposed interventions for DMD
1. celllular therapy with stem cells 2. gene therapy 3. oral drugs used to circumvent stop signals in mutated gene 4. inhibition of myostatin
what is the functional significance of fenestrated elastic laminae in elastic arteries
the elastic tissue helps maintain constant arterial pressure by stretching during ventricular contraction and recoiling during ventricular relaxation
What NT is used for inneravtion of eccrine sweat glands
what are the plaque components of teh zonula adherens
<-actinin, vinculin
describe the structure of laminin
three large polypetide chains, the beta chains wrap around the alpha chain forming a cross like pattern of one long and three short chains held together by disulfide bonds
The nuclei within the tunica media belong to what cell type
smooth muscle cells
Describe the shape of sebaceous gland cells
collectiosn of large cells with small, found, centrally located nuclei and a cytoplasm that appears foamy
what are the plaque components of hemidesomsomes
Describe the structure of the basal lamina
sheet like netowrk of ECM that acts as an interface between the epithelia and the surrounding CT. Coposed of type IV collagen, the proteoglycan perlecan heparan sulfate, and the adhesive glycoproteins laminin and entactin
what is the function of the vasa vasorum
blood cells that provide nutrients to cells within the tunica media of large vessels
what type of muscle are arrector pili
what are the plaue components of macula adherens (desmosomes)
desmoplakin, plakoglobin, plakophilin
Name three functions of the basal lamina
1. molecular filter 2. selective barrier to cells 3. scaffolding for regeneration
describe the characteristics of an arteriole
external diameter ladventitiaess than 100um, wall thickness=lumen diameter, little or no subendothelial CT, 2-5 SMC layers in media, no external elastic lamina, very thin
What division of the ANS innervates arrecto pili muscles
what are the plaque proteins associated with gap junctions
How is the basal lamina attached to cells (what is the sandwhich)
anchoring fibrils of type VII collagen attach basal lamina to ECM, integrins attach laminin within the basal lamina and anchor it to the cell membrane
describe continuous capillaries
endothelial cells itghly attached by junctional complexes, brain, peripheral nerves
the external root sheath is formed by which layer of the skin
the epidermis invginates from the surface to form the external root sheath, it is surrounded by the glassy membrane
What is the transmembrane linker protein of zonula occuludens
claudins, occludin, JAM
How do cells penetrate the ECM in order to mediate degradation
release matrix metaloproteinases and serine proteases which degrade collagen, laminin, and fibronectin
describe fenestrated capillaries
pores within the endothelail cells, kidneys, intestines, endocrine glands
What is the transmembrane linker protein of zonula adherens
How is matrix degradation regulated?
Cells at the margins of active degradation secrete Peptide Tissue Inhibitors of Metalloproteases (TIMPs) and serine protease inhibitors (serpins) that dissure in the ECM and bind to proteoglycans. These enzymes limit the action of proteases that degraded the ECM
describe sinsoidal capillaries
wide lumens, fenestrations, gaps between endothelial cells, discontinous basal lamina, bone marrow, liver, lymphoid organs, some endocrine glands, conforms to channel created by parenchyal cells of suornding tissue
what is the trnasmembrane linker protein of macula adherens (desmosomes)
desmogelin, desmocollin
what is the role of fibroblasts
most aundant cells of CT, synthesize almost all of the ECM of connective tissue
What is the transmembrane linker protien of hemidemosomes
Describe the structure of fibroblasts
lie parallel to the long axis of collagen fibers so shape and orientation reflecst the composition and stress of surronding environment. Large ovoid nucleus contains patches of heterochromatin and 1 or 2 nuceloi. Cytoplasm has prominent golgi, slender mitochondria, and abudant rER (lots of protein sysnthesis). No basal lamina
what is the transmembrane linker protien of adhesion plaques
Myofibroblasts are modified fibroblasts. What is their function?
Characteristics of fibroblasts and smooth muscle cells. Aboundant in areas of wound healing, contain actin and dense bodies to allow for contraction and skrinkage of scar tissue. also found in periodotal ligament
what is the transmembrane linker protein of gap junctions
Describe the structural diferneces between white and brown adipose cells
white-unilocular; brown-multilocular
What is the functional type of zonula occludens
occulding juction
What type of collagen forms the septa that paritions fat (white adipose) into lobules
type III
what is the functional type of zonula adherens
anchoring junction
what are the two differnet types of obesity
hypertorphic, hypercellular
what is the functional type of macual adhernes
anchoring junction
What is the role of leptin?
Regulates adipose mass, secreted by adipocytes and binds to appetide centers in the hypothalamus to activate the sympathetics to release NE and mobilze FA's. People w/o leptin have fuge appetie, weight gain
what is the functional type of hemidesmosomes
anchoring junction
What is the role of monocytes/ marocphages
phagocytosis, antigen presentation
what is the functional type of gap junctions
communicationg junction
describe the appearance of macrophages
kidney shaped indented nucleus, abundant lysosomes (primary and secondary), large juxtanuclear gloci,
what is the role of neutrophils
relased during inflammatory process, phagocytose and digest bacterai=> pus
describe the appearance of neutrophils
multilobulated nucleus and non-sepcific cytoplasmic granules (primary lysosomes)
What is the role of eosinophils
paracytes, allergic inflammation, phagocytosis
describe the apperance of eosinophils
multilobulated nuclues, eosinophilic specific granules
describe the apperaance of lymphocytes
small dark cells containing a dark round nucleus and thin rim of cytoplasm
describe the apperance of plasma cells
round nucelus with clock face pattern of heterochromatin and exnteisive basophillic cytoplasm of rER
what is the role of plasma cells
derived from B lymphocytes that have interacted with antigen and secrete antibodies.
what is the role of mast cells
mediate inflammatory processes and hypersensitivity reactions, bind IgE and degranute to release histamine=>hay ferver, leukotrienes=>asthmatics
describe the apperance of mast cells
large cells filled with basophilic granules, small round nucelus
Describe the two forms of embryonic connective tissue that are only found in the developoing embryo
1. mesenchymal-gives rise to loose CT, gel-like substance containing reticular fibers 2. mucous-found in umbilica cord, jelly-like marix composed of hyauronic acid and small amounts of fibrillar collagens
What are the four types general connective tissue
1. lose 2. irregular dense 3. regular dense 4. reticular
Describe the structure of loose connetive tissue
looose arrangemetn of fibers and disperesed cells imbedded in a gel like substnace
WHere is loose connective tissue found? What is its function
found under epithelia of the body, packing organs and surrounding capillaries, functions to wrap and cuoin organs and hold tissues together. macrophages munch bacteria
describe the structure of irregular dense CT
irregularly arranged collagen fibers and few cells.
Where is irregular dense CT found and what is its function
reticular layer of dermis of skin, submucosa of digestive track, fibrous capusles of visceral organs and joints, functions to withstand tension exerted in multiple directiosn and provides structural strength
Describe the structure of regular dense CT
coarse collagen bundles densely packed and oriented into parallel cylinders
Where is regular dense CT found and what is its function
tendons, ligaments, aponeurosis, cornea (type I, perpendicular), withstand tensile force in one direction
Describe the structure of reticular CT
netowrk of reicular fibers (collagen type III) in loose ground substance
Where is reticular CT found? Fxn?
surronding parenchyma of liver, lymph nodes, spleen, pancreas, supports the parenchyma of the organ