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28 Cards in this Set

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What is crop?

Plants of sme kind grown at one place on large scale is called crop

How many types of crops are there and name them ?

There are two types of crops are there

1.kharif crop

2.rabi crop

Write the steps of crop production

There are 7 steps of crop production

1.preparation of soil

2.sowing of seeds

3.adding manure and fertilizers


5.protection from weeds



How many types of irrigation

There are two types of irrigation

1.drip system

2.sprinkler system

How many types of preparation of soil?

There are two types of soil



What is use of plough,hoe,cultivator

Plough- it is used for tilling and scraping of soil

Hoe-it is used for loosening of soil and removing weeds

Cultivator-the tractor-driven plough is called cultivator

What is ploughing

The process of loosening and turning of the soil is called ploughing

What is sowing of seeds

sowing of seeds is the process of placing seeds in the soil

Different between manure and fertilizers

Answer in the book

What is irrigation

The supply of water to the crop plants at regular intervals through sources other than rain is called irrigation

What is weeds ?

Unwanted plants that grow along with a cultivated crop in a field is called weeds

In a small scale farmers store grains in..................

Jute bag,metallic bins

In a large scale farms store grains in..............

Gunny bags,silos

What is thresher

A machine is called thresher

Explain types of crops in 3point

Answer in book

Explain types of irrigation

Answer in the book

What is weeding

The process of removing the weeds from the crop field is called weeding

Who is the friend of farmer


What is full form of npk

nitrogen phosphorus potassium

What is broadcasting

The method in which seeds are scattered over the field by hands is called broadcasting

What is transplantation

The process of transferring the seedlings from nurseries to field is called transplantation

What is drip system

In this system,holes in pipes allow water to fall drop by drop just at the position of the roots

What is harvesting

The process of cutting and gathering of crops is called harvesting

What is sprinkler system

In sprinkler system,water is sprayed on the plants using sprinklers

What is winnowing

Winnowing helps the separation of the grains from the husk

What is animal husbandry

The science that deals with breeding,feeding,caring of domestic animals is called animal husbandry

What is threshing

The grains are separated from the chaff by a process called thteshing

What is agriculture practices

Agricultural practices are activities in a particular sequence undertaken by farmers over a period of time to cultivate a good crop