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29 Cards in this Set

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What is the ripple effect

One event causes a series of other events to happen

What's an example of the ripple effect

Someone commits drugging drinks but doesnt get caught, therefore making them more likely to continue these crimes

Is the effect negitive or positive

Mainly negitive as if crime goes unreported there will be an increase

What is cultural difference

Differant people/families have differant cultures which make certain actions acceptable whereas in most society's its a crime

What's an example of cultural crime

Eric bikini and magalle bimu were found guilty of murdering 15 year old krist bimu because they suspected he was using witch craft.

What specific crime was the case of krist bimu

A honour crime

Does cultural difference have an positive or negitive effect

Negitive as it encourages out of date, illegal cultural practices

What is decriminalisation

When laws are frequently altered because they cannot be imposed or reinforced

What is an example of decriminalisation

Drug decriminalisation, this has happened in Portugal so now taking drugs is still illegal but the punishment are not as severe

Does decriminalisation have positive or negative effects

A mixture, negitive because drugs are still bad for your health but positive because if you don't have to buy drugs illegally then it's alot safer and the police will have more time to focus on bigger crimes

What is the broken glass thesis

A theory that suggests if an area this is run down or has buildings with broken windows it gives the impression that no one cares about it and it is okay to vandalise it more so more likely crime prone

Does cultural change have a positive or negitive effect

This has negitive effects as it leads to more serious crimes and it is hard to escape that cycle

What is the fith consequence of unreported crime

Police prioritisation

What is police prioritisation

Where police priorotse certain crimes

Why do police priorotse crimes

Limited recourses so the local population might have concerns about certain crimes and anti social behaviour that they can pressure the police to deal with and the media may focus on a certain crime and call for action

What is an example of police prioritisation

Crimes that have no victim, petty crimes, and crimes that are not of hight public concern tend to be ignored like littering and illegal downloading

Does police prioritisation have positive or negitive affects

Mixed, the police can focus on more important and dangerous crimes but small crimes can be developed into more serious crimes, especially if the offender thinks they can get away with it

What is the sixth consequence of unreported crime

Unrecorded crime

What is unrecorded crime

The police can choose whether to record a crime for reasons such as they may not believe there's not enough evidence the victim may not be willing to press charges and they may decide not to investigate the crime as they trivial it not priority

What is an example of unrecorded crime

Rpae is a crime that the police fail to report

Does unrecorded crime have positive or negitive effects

This has negitive effects as if the crime is not recorded the offender will continue to commit more crimes and the victim will never be brought to justice

What is the seventh consequence

Legal change

What is a legal change

Legal change is the result of the government altering the laws whcih have become out dated to social change and pressure from campaign groups

What's an example of legal change

The legalisation of same sex marriage in england and wales since March 2014

Does legal change have positive or negitive effects

Positive effect of less people report this crime in the past

What is the eighth consequence of unreported crime

Procedural change

What is procedural change

When the procedures for reporting crime have developed over the years to encourage the reporting to take place

What is an example of procedural change

In 1970 the 2 ways of reporting crime was going to the police station or calling 999 but in 2021 there are apps, calling 999,the crime stoppers and social media

Does procedural change ahvw a negitive or positive effect

Positive effect as it is quicker, easier and more accessible to people, the more methods there are the more likely people are going to report crime.