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65 Cards in this Set

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Mainly used in publications and reference

Academic Writing

Conveys specific information for specific audience

Technical Writing

Is writing using imagination.

Creative writing

Mainly fictional and may take the form of poetry, short story, novel or play.

Creative writing

Types of Creative Writing

1. Poetry

2. Short stories and novel

3. Drama

Expression of imaginative awareness of experience through meaning, sound, sound and rhythmic language.


Classifications of Poem/Poetry

1. Lyric Poems

2. Narrative Poems

The Greeks read these poems with the accompaniment of musical instrument such as lyre, making them more similar to songs.

Lyric Poems

Narrates a story in verse form.

Narrative poems

These stories are about love and heroic deeds. Epics, ballads are some poems which are considered ______.

Narrative poems

Both forms are used to tell tales. Their main difference lies in the variations in length.

Short stories and Novel

Requires more time to be comprehended fully.


Both tell about the stories of events that make up the plot of the story that is woven around a theme, develop characters in definite settings, and resolve the conflicts and resolution.

Short stories and Novel

It is intended to be performed in front of an audience and presented on stage.


Commonly used scholastic composition.

Academic Writing

Mainly used in the publications and references used by teachers and researchers, or in educational conference presentation.

Academic Writing

Conveys specific information about a technical subject for a specific audience.

Technical Writing

Contains facts and is straightforward in its tone or writing commonly addressing its target readers.

Technical Writing

Aims to inform or instruct and has a formal, standardized, and simple use of language.

Technical Language

Discusses factually accurate narratives while employing the use of literary devices commonly found in fiction, thus making them more interesting to read.

Creative Nonfiction

The writing style employed in various mass media such as newspaper, television and radio.

Journalism and News Writing

Languages of Creative Writing

1. Figure of speech

2. Sound devices

3. Diction

What are the 13 Figures of Speech?

1. Simile

2. Metaphor

3. Personification

4. Hyperbole

5. Onomatopoeia

6. Apostrophe

7. Metonymy

8. Oxymoron

9. Irony

10. Paradox

11. Synechdoche

12. Understatement

13. Antithesis

Used for comparison of two essentially unlike things, often in a phrase.


"You are like a lily in bloom."


Use of word or phrase that ordinarily designates one thing as that of another, thus making an implicit and direct comparison.


Endows human qualities to inanimate objects or abstract ideas.


Often represented as possessing human form.


"Hunger sat shivering on the road."


Also known as extreme exaggeration.


It employs the use of words that imitate the sounds associated with the objecst or action they refer to.


Directly addressing an absent/imaginary person or a personified abstraction, as a living entity.


"Oh my, God!"


Replaces one word or phrase for another, usually a symbol with which it is closely associated.


"White dove = peace"

"Crown = power"


Uses contradictory terms which are combined to make meaning.


Be able to understand a passage that employs these figures of speech. The entire statement must be read.


"There was deafening silence in the room when he entered."


An expression which is the opposite of what is meant.


"Good rats! You have destroyed my best gown."


Figure of speech which contradicts itself in the same sentence.


"The law brought the thief into prison."


"Don't worry about me. This cancer is nothing"


Contradiction that puts two ideas against each other in balanced way.


"This is one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."


What are the 3 Sound Devices?

1. Rhyming Words

2. Alliteration

3. Assonace

Same sound found in the poem.

Rhyming words.

______ words add beauty to a poem.

Rhyming words

Repitions of the same sounds or the same kinds of sounds at the beginning of words or in stressed syllables.


Repitition of the sound of a vowel or diphthong which are near enough to each other for the sound to be describable.


The right choice of words greatly contributes to the development of a composition.


The selection of the most appropriate word you can use for the written work.


2 following conditions of diciton.

1. The right words were chosen for what is written about.

2. The words chosen are appropriate for the theme and tone of the composition.

Academic/Scholarly Language

Formal Diction

Conversational Language

Informal Diction

Connotation of words of Diction

1. Positive

2. Negative

The literary device that makes use of imagery to enliven the five basic human senses.

Sensory experience or sensory detail

This is what you can see, and includes visual descriptions. Physical attributes including color, size, shape, lightness/darkness, shadows, and shade are all part of __________.

Visual Imagery

One if the most direct triggers of memory and emotion, but can be difficult to write about.

Olfactory imagery

Literary devices such as onomatopoeia and alliteration can help creat sounds in writing.

Auditory imagery

Has textures and many sensations a human being experiences when touching something. Differences in temperature is also part of it.

Tactile imagery

What you can taste and includes flavors.

Gustatory imagery

What are the five basic taste?

1. Sweet

2. Salty

3. Bitter

4. Sour

5. Umami

Kinesthetic imagery is also know as ______?


Can be similar to tactile imagrey but deals more with full-body sensations, such as those experienced suring exercie.

Kinesthetic imagery.