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18 Cards in this Set

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an indigenous, pre – colonial ritual object and motif in the everyday life of the people of the Cordillera region. A human – like figure made of hardwood,it is believed to be a granary god that assures the community of a bountiful harvest.


would perform a ritual where the figures is drenched in pig’s blood as a form of offering to the spirits.

ritual specialist or mumbaki

His artworks employ the bulul and other mundane objects from his native Ifugao homeland as subject matter.

Gaston Damag

Refers to settings, conditions, circumstances, and occurrences affecting production and reception or audience response to an artwork.

It is a set of background information that enables us to formulate meanings about works of art and note how context affects form.


Different context of arts

Artist’s Background, Nature, Everyday life, Society, Politics, and Economy, and History and Mode of Reception

a master sculptor who maintains a workshop where young people are trained to make santos

matecanan mandukit

mache sculptures of horses or taka with the town of Paete, Laguna that produces the said works for export or for local sale.

red papier

a rooster carrying a fish on its beak; and other okir designs in his paintings and sculptures using modernist styles of figurations. (2006 awarded The National Artist Abdulmari Asia Imao)


an artist who hails from Iligan City, would often emphasize her female identity and personal experiences in many of her terracotta works.

Cutting Onions Always Makes me Cry by Julie Lluch

is a type of ceramic. Its name derives from the Italian term meaning “baked earth.”


The exposure of the painter and ____________ during his study in the United States in the early 20th Century was said to have a profound impact on his artistic vision and style.

National Artist Victorio Edades to the 1913 International Exhibition of Modern Art

uses abaca fibers stripped from the trunk of the banana tree, and colored with red and black dyes naturally extracted from roots and leaves of plants.






snake skin


bird in flight


a local bird – as it tries to escape the field traps set by farmer.


experimented with iron – rich San Dionisio clay sourced from her native Iloilo

The ceramist Nelfa Querubin – Tompkins