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3 Cards in this Set

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What was the BATTLE OF JUTLAND and how did it cause Germany to lose?

- an attempt to end the British control of the sea and Germany was also being a blockaded by Britain

- Scheer tried to lure British cruises into a trap use in his own cruises

- British Admiral Jellicoe had decode the messages and formed his own plan

- Caused Germany to lose because Germany had left the battle and German Navy rarely went to see again leaving the British blockade untouched

- The Germans were forced to resort to unrestricted U-boat warfare which meant USA joined the war

What was the BATTLE OF PASSCHENDALE and how did it cause Germany to fail?

- Haig needed To take the pressure off the French as many had mutinied at the Battle of Nivelle

- The Russians were suffering badly and were about to drop out of the war

- Hague was still convinced by attrition also the Germans were severely weakened

- he was convinced Ypres would allow British is broke through could take land and head to the German parts where the U-boats were being started

- caused Germany to fail because Germans lost 300,000 men compared saw 250,000 British

- Britain gained 11 km of land and diverted Germans away from the weak French at Nivelle

What was the BOSNIAN CRISIS?

