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21 Cards in this Set

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from premesodermal cells (from chordamesoderm of pre-triploblastic embryo)Formed as a rod of haline filled cells. Surrounded by a tough connective tissue sheath. There is no matrix between the cells
synthesize collagen (protein polymer fibers)

Fibers spew out of cells and unite into bundles. Bundles weave together like cotton.

chondroblasts secrete the extracellular matrix of haline.
surface bounding membrane around cartilage expands and changes with growth/remodeling of element.
4 types of cartilage
Hyaline, fibrocartilage,Calcified cartilage, elastic cartilage
Hyaline Cartilage
Clear and hard. Has little collagen. Found on surfaces of articulated joints
contains a super thick dense collagen bundles. Found in intervertebral discs
Calcified cartilage
calcium salts are deposited in the matrix by chondroblasts instead of hyaline. It’s in sharks Jaws. It’s more flexible than bone.
Elastic cartilage
has elastic fibers (elastin) that are added by cells with hyaline. It is super flexible and doesn’t have many nerves or blood vessels in it.
What are the 5 types of bone?
Lammelar (compact) Bone, Spongy (trabecular) bone, Dentin, enamel, acellular bone
Lemmelar Bone
Dermal armor layer 1. 66% HA. Haversian system. It has concentric layers around a haversian canal which contain an arteriole, venule, nerve, and lymph. It is for strength, remodeling, calcium storage.
Spongy Bone
Dermal armor layer 2. Hollowed out compact bone. It has arches which provide support structure and strength. It houses marrow, blood vessles, nerves, fat, and meopoietic tissue.
Dermal armor layer 3. Made by odontoblasts (Neural Cranium). 72 or more % HA. Forms in the outer dermis. Frequently coated by enamel. The hardest bone. Uses accretionary growth—it grows, sinks, and comes back up.
Dermal armor layer 4. 99% HA. Forms over dentin. Made by the ectoderm. Has a distinctive crystalline organization in mammal teeth.
Acellular bone
lacks osteocytes within bone matrix. Found in fossil lampreys. It’s basically the cementum—holds teeth in their sockets.
cells that deposit hydroxyapatite and make bone. They are trapped in lacunae fluid chanbers and remain interconnected by calaliculi.
Deposited by osteoblasts. calcium phosphate crystals forming a lattice in a collagenous matrix to stick to collagen fibers.
Two types of bone?
Membrane bone and Replacement Bones
Replacement Bone
Preformed in cartilage. Goes from fibroblasts to chondroblasts to making cartilage. Then osteoclasts come in to replace the hyaline with HA crystals. This produces spongy bone and allows for ontogenetic bone growth (long bone growth)
Membrane bone
formed directly from the mesenchyme—from NC or dermatome. Grows in sheets. Goes from Fibroblasts to osteoblasts to bone. Does not contain Haversian systems
when osteoblasts colonize the ends of bone and create separate centers of ossification. They will create the bone plates which are the weak spots in the bone until it fuses.