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76 Cards in this Set

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the process of acting on information
human communication
the process of making sense out of the world and attempting to share that sense with others by creating meaning through verbal and nonverbal messages.
the beliefs, values, and moral principles by which we determine what is right or wrong.
originator of a thought or emotion, who puts it into a code that can be understood by a receiver
a process of translating ideas, feelings, and thoughts into a code.
a process of interpreting ideas, feelings, and thoughts that have been translated into a code.
person who decodes a message and attempts to make sense out of what the source has encoded.
written, spoken, and unspoken elements of communication to which people assign meaning.
pathway through which messages are sent.
information, either literal or psychological, that interferes with the accurate encoding or decoding of the message
response to a message
physical and psychological communication environment
the part of the message that focuses on the new information, ideas, or suggested actions that a communicator wishes to share; communicates what is said
the aspect of a communication message that offers cues about the emotions, attitudes, and the amount of power and control the speaker directs toward others; communicates how something is said
a followable prescription that indicates what behavior is expected or preferred as well as prohibited in a specific situation.
intrapersonal communication
communication that occurs within yourself, including your thoughts and emotions
the system of symbols (words or vocabulary) structured by rules (grammar) that makes it possible for people to understand one another
a word,figure, sound, or expression that represents a thought, concept, object, or idea
other oriented
focusing on the needs and concerns of others while maintaining one's personal integrity
to adjust both what is communicated and how a message is communicated; to make choices about how best to formulate a message and respond to others to achieve your communication goals
interpersonal communication
communication that occurs simultaneously with another person in attempt to mutually influence one another, usually for the purpose of managing relationships.
impersonal communication
communiation that treats people as objects, or that responds only to their roles, rather than who they are as unique people
a collection of three to fifteen people who have a common goal, feel a sense of belonging to the group, and influence others.
small-group communcation
the transactive process of creating meaning among a group
a two-person interaction
a coordinated small group of people organized to work together to achieve a common goal
presentational communication
a context of communication that occurs when a speakeraddresses a large audience in person
the process of using symbols to influence or persuade others
subjective self-awareness
an ability to differentiate the self from the social and physical environment
objective self-awareness
an ability to be the object of one's own attention, to be aware of state of mind, and to realize that one is thinking and remembering
symbolic self-awareness
a unique human ability to develop and communicatea representation of oneself to others
the sum total of who a person is, a person's central inner force.
a person's subjective description of who he or she is
a person's view of self in a particular situation or circumstance
learned predisposition to respond to a person, object, or idea in a favorable or unfavorable way
the way in which you structure your understanding of reality: what is true and what is false
enduring concept of good and bad, right and wrong
material self
your concept of self as reflected in all of the tangible things your own
social self
your concept of self as developed through your personal, social interactions with others
spiritual self
your concept of self, based on your thoughts and introspections about your values and moral standards
the human ability to think about what you are doing while you are doing it
self-esteem (self-worth)
your evaluation of your worth or value as reflected in your perception of such things as your skills, abilities, talents, and appearance.
a biological designation of being male or female
a cultural construction which includes biological sex (male or female), psychological characteristics, attitudes about the sexes, and sexual oreintation
social comparison
process of comparing yourself to others to measure your worth in a relationship to others who are similar to you.
goals you set for yourself;how you belief you ought to behave and what you ought to accomplish
self-fulfilling prophecy
notion that predictions about your future actionsare likely to come true because you belive that they will come true
inner speech; communication with the self
technique of imagining that you are performing a particular task in a certain way; a method of enhancing self-esteem
process of redefining events and experiences from a different point of view.
the arousal of any of your senses
what you attend to or notice in your environment
what you choose to focus on within a range of stimuli in your environment
converting information
perceptual process of filling in missing information
attaching meaning to what is attended to, selected, and organized
generalization applied to persons because you perceive them to have attributes common to a particular group
indirect perception checking
passively seeking additional information to confirm or repute your interpretations of someone's behavior
direct perception checking
asking other persons or the person you are observing whether your interpretations of a perception are correct
how a person interprets or makes sense of a symbol
the same words mean different things to different people
denotative meaning
restrictive or literal meaning of a word
connotative meaning
personal and subjective meaning of a word
concrete meaning
related to being able to experience a referent with one of the senses
abstract meaning
meaning resulting from an inability to experience a referent with one of the senses
a learned system of knowledge, behavior, attitudes, beliefs, values, rules, and norms that is shared by a group of people and shaped from one generation to the next.
the tendency to describe things in extremes, as though no middle ground exists
language that reflects unqualified, often untrue generalizations that deny individual differences or variations
sexist (exclusive) language
language that reveals bias in favor of one sex and against another
heterosexist language
language that reveals an assumption that the world is heterosexual, as if homosexuality or bisexuality did not exist
homophobic language
language that overtly denigrates persons of nonheterosexual orientations, usually arising out of a fear of being labeled gay or lesbian
generic language
general terms that stand for all persons or things within a given catagory
trigger word
a form of language that arouses strong emotions in listeners
supportive communication
language that creates a climate of trust, caring, and acceptance
defesive communication
language that creates a climate of hostility and distrust
feeling what another person is feeling