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55 Cards in this Set

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machine metaphor
comparing the organization of a company to that of a machine "specialization and replaceability.
Scalar Chain (fayol)
proposes that an orginization chould be arranged in a strict vertical heirarchy and that communication should be largely limited to this vertical flow.
Division of Labor (fayol)
work can best be accomplished if employees are assigned to a limited number of specialized tasks.
Order (fayol)
there should be an appointed place for each employee and task within the organization.
span of control (Fayol)
managers will be most effective if they have control of a limited number of resources.
Unity of Command (fayol)
Employees should receive orders based on a particular task from one supervisor.
Likert's system II: Benevolent Authoritative Organization
Decisions are still made at the top, however employees are motivated through salary and benefits instead of threats and fear.
Likert's System I: Exploitative Authoritative Organization
Decisions are made at the top and employees are motivated by fear and threats. Iron Fist.
Likert's System III: Consultative organization
Employees suggestions are taken into account, but ultimate decisions are made at the top.
Likert's System IV: Participate Organization
Control is exercised at all levels and decision making is performed by all members are set by complete work groups.
Theory Z
-Training and long term employment are stressed.
-thoughts and ideas of employees are valued.
-collective decision making.
Mission Statement
Well-defined goals and ideals for the company to set out a plan and help to execute it.
Satisfied vs. Dissatisfied Customer
A dissatisfied customer tells 10 people about their experience, while a satisfied customer tells only 5. dissatisfied customers are the #1 reason organizations fail.
Everything involved with the selling of products.
Factors a company has no control over
-Conditions such as weather and politics.
-Competition's products and ideas.
Factors a company does have control over
Resume: Purpose and types
Gets your foot in the door and lays out experience and skills.

- Chronological
Interview Questions to expect
- situational
- Skills/Abilities/Work Experience
- Goals
- Extracirricular Activities
- Academic Programs
- Company Knowledge
- Relocation Travel
Impoverished Management
Management with low concern for people or production. Shitty companies. Blake and Moutons
Country club Management
Blake and Moulton's Managerial Maps. high concern for people low concern for production
Authority Compliance
Low people high production blake and moulton
Team Management
High concern for people and production. blake and moulton.
MIddle of the Road Management
blake and moulton - obvious
Relay assembly woman
6 women observed in phone relay room. Showed that rest pauses and changes to temperature and humidty, etc. resulted in social satisfactions increase productivity.
Interview Prep
- Research company
- Know your own goals and interests.
- Practice answering questions and develop your own.
What Interviewers look for
- Self presentation
- Articulation and thought process
- Body language
- Intelligence
- Experience(s)
thank you letters
- Always send immediately
- Ask for business card
- Business like appearance
- Highlight discussion
- Continued Interest.
Centralization (fayol)
Organization is run top down with big decisions
Renumeration of Personnel (fayol)
Rewards for better performance.
Equity (Fayol)
Everyone treated fairly in renumeration.
Subordination of Individual Goals (fayol)
Organization comes before the individual.
Piecework Pay
Getting paid for amount of work done. Bricks
One who works far above the average pace, thus lowering the rate for everyone.
Systematic Soldiering
Workers set a pace to prevent ratebusting.
Selecting the right worker and training
workers should be scientifically selected and trained for each job and that only "first Class" workers should be retained.
Illumination Studies
Studies where they turned down lights to measure how light affected productivity, but they found that having a supervisor standing over them affected productivity more than anything.
Bank Wiring System
Naturalistic Observation of a group of men in the bank wiring room. Study showed that social hierarchy took precedence over formal organizational hierarchy.
1. Physiological Needs - Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
Food, water and sleep.

Living Wage
2. Safety Needs - Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
Wage enough to avoid danger and threats.

3. Affiliation Needs - Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
Social needs, love and be loved, give and get, yada yada.
4. Esteem Needs - Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
External: Achieved through public recognition and attention

Internal: Achieved through accomplishments and self actualization.
5. Self Actualization - Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
Ability to reach full potential and be all that you can be.
McGregor's Theory X
Average man works as little as possible, lacks ambition, dislikes responsibility, prefers to be led, resistant to change, gullible and stupid. Worst aspects of management.
McGregor's Theory Y
Worker is highly motivated to satisfy achievement and self actualization needs and it's the managers job to make sure that's happening.
Person Centered Approach
people make a difference

Employees are a resource to the organization.

people are seen as partners
Types of Stakeholders
- Functional (suppliers, customers, stockholders
- Regulators and creators of social norms. (Associations and unions)
- Affect and affected by (Community(ies), media.
Interview Program
thousands of workers interviewed which determined that workers' emotionally based attitudes were the based of many problems instead of the difficulty of work.
Order (Fayol)
Accountants are in accounting department, shipping is in shipping department, etc.
TIme and Motion Studies
Studies that determined it was best to train to do tasks in the most time efficient way.
Tenure Stability (Fayol)
Employees are given enough time to realize their potential before being punished or let go
Span of Control (Fayol)
Managers will be most effective if they have control of a limited number of employees.
Networking (HImmelman)
Organizations share information for mutual benefit. Informal
Coordinating (Himmelman)
Organizations share information and activities for mutual benefit.
Cooperative (Himmelman)
Organizations share information, activities and resources for mutual benefit.
Collaborating (Himmelman)
Organizations share information, activities, resources and capacity for mutual benefit.