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87 Cards in this Set

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Cursed k3:sed adj2

2.suffering as as a result of a punishment by god or a god.

1be cursed with/by sth.

To be affected by sth bad.

The musem has been cursed by financial problem since it opened.

Curse n3/v3

1.a swear word that you say because you are angry.

3.sth that causes trouble ,harm etc.

Verb3.to ask god or magical power to harm someone.

Count one' s blessing

Be grateful for what one has.

When you find that many people are worse than you are,you'll learn to count your blessing.

Banish v3

1.to not allow someone or sth to stay in a particular place.

I was banished to a distant coridor.

2.to send someone away permenantly from their country or their area thy live,especially as an official punishment.

Provide for sb/sth pha verb 3

To give someone the things they need to live ,such as money ,food etc.

3.if a law ;rule or plane provides for sth ,it states that sth will be done and make it possible for it to done.

The new constitution provides for q 650 seat legislature.

Legislature led3isleitse^ n1

An institution that has the power to make or change laws.

Firework fairw3:rk n3

A small container filled with powder that burns or explodes to produce coloured ligh and noise in the sky.

Used to say that someone will be angry.

Sth that is exciting or impressive.

Spakling spakin


Shining and flashing with light.

Intresting and and amusing

Excellent,of very good quality.


Past and p.p







Rope in roup

Rope sb into sth

To pesuade someone to help you in a job or join in an activity ,especially when you do not want to.

Denis roped me into selling ticket.

Dimple dimpe^l n2

A small hollow place on your sking ,especially on your cheek or chin when you smile.

A small hollow place in a surface.

Twig n1/v1

A small very thin stem of wood that grows from a branch on a tree.

Verb.to suddenly realize sth about a situation.

Fist bump

The action of hitting someone's closed hand with your own ,as a greeting or celebration.

March v6

March on

If a larg group of people march somewhere ,they walk there together to express their ideas or protest about sth.

Outraged citizens marched on city hall (marched to city hall),demanding the police chief's resignation.

Freak v1/n5/adj1 verb

Verb.to become suddenly angry or afraid especially so that you can not control your behaviour.

N1.a person with a very strong interest in a particular subject.

A person who is considered to be unusuall because of the way they behave ,look or think.

Seize si:z

Seize your time

To take hold of sth suddenly and violently syn grab.

Seize a chance/an apportunity

To quickly and eagerly do sth when you have the chance to.

Mariachi ma:riatsi

A kind of mexican dance music.

A musician who plays traditional mexican music ,usually as part of a small group that travel from place to place.

Set out pha verb5

Set sth out

To put a group of things down and arrange them.

1.to start a journey ,especially a long journey.

Sneak v4/n2 verb

V1.to go somewhere secretly and quietly in order to avoid being seen or heard.

They seanked off without paying.

To hide sth and take it somewhere or give it to someone secretly

I snuk her a note.

Pass by

Pass sb by

Pass sb by

If sth passes you by ,it happens but you are not involved in it.

She felt that life was passing her by.

Pass by sb/sth

To go past a person ,place,vehicle etc:

They all waved as they passed by

Petal n1 petl

On of the coloured parts of a flower that are shaped like leaves.

Rose petles

Carry on pha verb5

3.carry on sth .if you carry on a particular kind of work or activity ,you do it or take part in it.

It was so noisy it was hard to carry on a conversation.

To continue doing sth.

You'll have an accident if you carry on driving like this.

Huarache waera:tsi

A type of sandle (=open shoe) made of many narrow strips of leather twisted together.

Wingtips n1

Strong leather shoes that fasten with laces and have extra piece of leather with small holes in it over the toe.

Break out pha verb 4

If sth unpleasant such as a fire,fight;breaks out ,it starts to happen.

To escape from a prison.

Menstruel menstrue^l adj

Relating to the time each month when a woman loses blood ,or the blood that she looses

Do you mind

If you don't mind in spoken

Used for getting someone's permission to do sth.this can be eigher polite ir impolite.or humorous.if someone says it in a loud way they are showing that they are angry a annoyed

Made-up adj2

A story ,name ,word that is made up is not true or real.

She used a made up name.

Wearing make-up on your face.

She was heavily made-up.

Offering n3

2.sth that is given to god.

3.sth that is given as a present to please someone.

1.a book play piece of music etc that someone has written recently.

The latest offering from nanci

Declare v6 di'kler

Money property

4.to tell custome officers (=at the border of a country)that you are carrying goods on which you should pay tax.

Do you have anything to declare.

1.to state officially and publicly that a particular situation exists or that sth i true.

A state of emergency has been declared.

Customes ka^ste^mz n3

The government department collects taxes on goods bought and sold and on goods brought into the country ,and that checks what is brought in.

The place at a port or airport where you bags are checked as you come into a country.

3.the taxes that must be paid to the government when goods are brought in fron other countries.

To pay customs on sth.

Thingy n1

Thingummy .

Used to refer to a person or thing whose name you do not know or have forgotten ,or which you do not want to mention.

Zip v3/

2.to go somewhere or do sth very quickly.

We ziped through customs in no time.

To fasten sth using a zip.



Said when you have made a mistake,dropped sth,fallen down etc or when sb else has.

Sausage sasid3 n

Not a sausage

Not a sausage.

Nothing at all.

A small tube of skin filled with mixture of meat,spices etc ,eat hot or cold

Barbershop barbershop n2


A style of singing popular songs with psrts for four men ,usually without music.

A shop where men's hair is cut

Barber.a shop where men can have their hair cut.

Blessing n6

With sb's blessing

Someone's approval or encouragement for a plan ,activity,idea etc.

They were determined to marry,with or without their parents' blessing.

Sth that you have or sth that happens which is good because it improves your life ,helpe you in some way,or makes you happy.

The dishwasher has been a real blessing!

Falsify v1

To change figures,records,etc so that they contain fals information.

The file was altered to falsify the evidence.


A unibrow is a single eybrow created when two eyebrow meets in the middle above the bridge of the nose.

Make it worth sb's while

To offer sth to someone so that they will do sth for you.

He promised to make it worth our while

Spectacular adj2/n1 spek'taekjule^r noun

Very impressive.

A spectacular success.

2.very sudden ,unexpected or sudden.

The news caused a spectacular fall in stock market.

Noun.an event or performance that is very larg and impressive.

Backstage adj2,adv

1.behinde the stage in a theatre ,especially in the actors' dressing room.

2.in private ,especially within the secret parts of an organization.

Intensive backstage negotiations.

Weird wird wierd adj1 adv


Very strange and unusuall ,and difficult to understand or explain.

They sold all sorts of (weird and wonderful) products.

Doorknob do:rna:b

Dead as a doorknob

A round handle that you turn to open a door.

Hiccup n3


A small problem or temporary delay.

There was a slight hiccup in the timetable.

A sharp,usually repeated sound in the throat ,that is caused by a sudden movement of the diaphragm



Yank v2

Yank n1

Verb.to suddenly pull sth quickly and with force.

One of the men grabbed ton's hair and yanked his head back.

Yank also yankee.

An american.dissaproval.


Blend in pha verb

Blend in.if someone or sth blends in with people or objects,they match them or are similar ,and you do not notice them.

Cool off pha verb 2

To become calm after being angry.

He slammed the door and went for a walk. To cool off.

To return to a normal temperature after being hot.

Wander wa:nder v6

Wonder wa^

To walk slowly across or around an area,usually without a clear direction or purpose.

I'll wander around tha mall for half an hour.

Papaya pe^'paie^ n1

A larg yellow green fruit of a troopical tree.

Emerge i'm3:rd3 v4

To appear or to come out from somewhere.

The sun emerge from behinde the clouds.

If facts emerge ,they become known after being hidden or secret.

Rehearsal n3 ri'h3sl

Time that is spent practicing a play or piece of music in preparation for a public performance.

Our new production of 'hamlet' is currently in rehearsal.

2.an experience or event that helps to prepare you for sth that is going to happen in the future.

Life is not a rehearsal.

Pester v1 pe^ste^

To annoy someone especially by asking them many times to do sth.


She'd been pastered by reporters days.

I can't even walk down the street without being continually pastered for money.

Celebrity n1

1.a famous living person.

We invited a number of minor celebrities( people who are not very famous.

2.the state of being famous.



Chok tsouk v6

To be unable to breath (bri:th) properly because sth is in your throat or there is no enough air.

He choked on a piece of bread.

If sth chokes you ,it makes you unable to breath properly.

The smoke was choking me


A spicy sausage made in spain.




Bungalow ba^nge^lou n1


A small house that is often on one level.

Prized adj1

Extremely important or valuable to someone:

The child held the bag as tightly as if it were her most prized possession.

Napkin naepkin n2

A square piece of cloth or paper used for protecting your clothes and for cleaning your hands and lips during a meal.

Lasso n1/v1 laesou

A long rope with one end tied into a loop that is used for catching horses,cows.

Femur n1 fi:me^r


The thigh bone.

Thigh thai

The top part of your leg ,between your knee and your hip.

The top part of bird's leg,used as food

Knuckle na^ke^l n3

N1.any of the joints in the fingers,especially those connecting the fingers to the rest of the hands.

A piece of meat from the lower part of an animal's leg,rspecially a pig.

Briar braier n2

A wild bush with branches that have small sharp points.


Legs that curve out at the knees.


Stance staens n2

A position in which you stand,especially when playing a sport.

A fighting stance

1.an opinion that is stated publicly .

What is you stance on enviromental issues.

Contest n2/v1 noun

A competition in which people try to win sth .

A singing contest.

A struggle to gain control or power.

A contest for the leadership of the party.

Maestro maistreu n1

Someone who can do sth very well,especially a musician.

Fiesta fi'este^ n1

A religious holiday with dancing ,music etc,especially in spain and south america.

Nod v5/n4 verb


V1.to move your head up and down ,especially in order to show agreement or understanding.

I asked if he was ready to go,and she nodded.

To move your head up and down again once in order to greet someone or to give someone a sign to do sth.

Live out pha verb 3

Live out sth

Live out sth.to experience or do sth that you have planned or hopped for.

The money enable them to live out their dreams.

Live out your life.to continue to live in a particular way or place until you die.

He lived out his life in solitued.

Put down roots

If you put down roots somewhere,you start to feel that a place is you home and to have relationships with the people there.



A particular time when you have a chance to do sth.

This was her moment and she knew she had to take it.

Stunt n3/v1 noun

A dangerous action that is done to entertain people ,especially in a film.

A stunt flying show.

Not many actors do their own stunts.

Sth that is done to atteact people's attention ,especially in advertising or politics.

Todd flew over the city in a hot-air balloon as a publicity stunt.

Boot n5/v

To boot n

To boot.in addition to everything else you have mentioned .

She was a great sportwoman ,and beautiful to boot.

N1.a type of shoe that covers your whole

Boot n5/v

To boot n

To boot.in addition to everything else you have mentioned .

She was a great sportwoman ,and beautiful to boot.

N1.a type of shoe that covers your whole

Guest of honour

The most important guest at an occassion

Move heaven and earth

To try very hard to achieve sth.

I would move heaven and earth to help her.


Drink a toast

If you drink a toast to someone ,you drink sth in order to thank them,wish them luck etc.

The committe drank a toast to the new project.

Fish sb/sth out

To pull someone or sth out of water

Altar a:lte^r n1

A holy table or surface used in religious cermonies.

A crufix above the high altar (=the main alter in a church)

The area furthest from the entrance of a church ,where the priest or minister stand

Ritual n2/adj2 ritsue^l

N1.a series of action that are always performed in the same way ,especially as part of a religious cermony .

Religious rituals.

Sth that is done regularly and always in the same way.

Sunday lunch with the in-laws has become sth of a ritual.

Rat n4/v noun


2.someone who has been disloyal to you or deceived you.

1.an animal that looks like a larg mouse with a ling tail

Steem n/v

Steemed adj


Respected and admired.

Highly steemed schoolars.

Verb.to respect and admire someone or sth .

Peden was greatly esteemed by the people

1.a feeling of respect for someone ,or a good opinion of someone.

Please accept the small gift was enclose as a mark of our esteem.