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19 Cards in this Set

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what characterizes bipolar I disorder?

what characterizes bipolar II disorder?

what characterizes cyclothmia?

define hypomania

at least one manic episode, and probably had an episode of depression

at least one episode of hypomania and at least one episode of major depression

middle ground hypomania and less transient depression, modd disturbances for 2 years

less severe mania, persistent disinhibition, does not require hospitalization

when does bipolar usually appear in life?

what other conditions do patients with bipolar usually have?

what plays a big role in determining suseptibillity to bipolar?

20 years old

substance abuse, anxiety disorder, impulse control


what is lithium used for?

what is the purpose of maineance therapy?

who can benefit from this the most?

acute treatment of mania and depression (most efficacious antimanic)

prevent relapse

suicidal patients

what is the therpeutic range of lithium?

when do you draw the dose?

what level do you want for elderly?

for depressive episodes?

for manic episodes?

0.6-1 mEq/L, narrow therapeutic index

after 8-12 hours after administration



what is a common side effect from Li?

how can you correct these?

Gi upset, tremor, polyuria, hypothyroidism

gi- take with food, use SR, give in smaller doses

tremor-low dose propanolol, or above

polyuria- hctz, amiloride

hypo- use levo

what are the sypmtoms of severe Li toxicity?

what predisposes you to this?

how do you treat Li tox?

severe gi upset, deterioration in motor coordination, impaired cognition, severe symptoms

fluid and Na loss, drug interaction that increase Li

d/c lithium, iv fluids, hemodialysis (li may still be in cns even if cleared from blood)

what are common drug interactions with Li? what do all these interactions do?

what should you do if you give a thiazide with li?

thiazides, nsaids, aceis/arbs, loops

increase Li concentration

reduce Li dose by 50%

what are the counseling points for lithium?

maintain consistent Na and h20

increase h20 in hot weather/excercising

maintain consistent excercise scheudle

talk to provide before using otc pain medications (interaction with lithium)

what comorbid disease is divalproex sodium and valproic acid good for?

what is the therapeutic range for bipolar disorder?

when do you draw levels?

substance abuse, migraines

50-125 ug/mL

24 hours after, at the trough

what are the common side effects of dvp and valproic acid?

how do you treat these?

gi distress, tremor, drowsiness

as above

drowsiness- take at bedtime, use ER

is carbamazepine used first line?

what drug causes a serious interaction? what is that reaction?

what should you do if a patient is to be given carbazepine and lamotrigine?

what is an important factor to consider when counseling for carb?

usually not first line, consider it if patients fail lithium

clozapine, agranolycytosis

double the dose of carb

adherence, because autoinduction affects dose

is oxcarb fda apporved for bipolar disorder?

important drug interaction with this one?

what are benzos used for?


increase clearnance of oral contraceptive

inpatient manic episodes

should you only give SGAs if the patient is psychotic?

what antipyschotics work for bipolar mania?

for bipolar depression?

what drug combo is most efficacious for treating a manic episode?

no it doesnt matter, give regardless of pyschosis

aripiprazole, asenapine, rispericdone

quetiapine, lurasidone

combo of mood stabiliaer and antiphsychotic

what age is lithium approved for?


what should be given before any bipolar treatment?



pregnancy test

what medications are good for pregnancy?

when should you start bipolar treatment if the patients is doing ECT?

when do you get lifetime maintence treatment for bipolar?

ECT, SGAs, lamotrigine if you have the time, clopazine if they can handle the side effects

give meds after ECT treatment

at least 2 manic episodes or 1 severe manic episode and/or faimly history

when can you discontinue bipolar treatment?

patients with only one episode of mania and no family history, taper one med at a time, reduce dose by 25 percent every week

what can bipolar physically do the brain? does lithuim affect this?

what areas of the brain does lithium affect?

what is the MOA of Li?

where does Li act?

cause, atrophy and autophagy... increases volume of brain structures

prefrontal cortex, hippocampus, amygdala

reduces dopamine and glutamate and increases GABA

at receptros and inside of neurons

do healthy people get any benefit from taking Li?

what does Li inhibit in the cell?

what disease state is sometimes causes by bipolar?


cAMP formation


how does Li cause hypothyroidism?

what happens after you take Li for a long time in regard to the thyroid?

prevents iodination, induces antithyroid antibody, prevents secrtion of thyroid hormone into blood

hypothyroidsim improves and patient may not require hormone supplemenation anymore