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25 Cards in this Set

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Salutary neglect
During the 1600s, there was a lack of management of the American colonies by Britain. This allowed American society to become more independent.
Navigation Acts
In the 1600s, England passed a series of laws that restricted the trade of the colonists
~Goods were charged a duty or tax
~Navigation Acts were BARELY ENFORCED
Bacon's Rebellion
Early rebellin (1676) between VA frontier farmers and Governor Sir William Berkley. Farmers led by Nathaniel Bacon. Led attack against Indians, then Governor Berkley. Bacon lost.
French and Indian War
War between France and England. After war, British issued the Proclamation of 1763 and made Americans pay taxes to pay war debt, leading to colonial anger.
Proclamation of 1763
Issued by the British. Stated that colonists were not allowed to expand west into the territory they had won fighting in the French and Indian War.
Stamp Act
(1765) 1st Act passed that caused a great deal of backlash. It was a direct tax (one paid directly to the govt.---affected the avg. person)
Stamp Act Congress
Representatives from 9 colonies meet and declare "No taxation w/o representation" (Parliament couldn't tax w/o passing through assemblies)
Declaratory Act
(1766) Parliament had the sole authority to make colonial law.
Albany Plan of Union
Idea of Ben Franklin for the Middle and New England colonies to join together
Sons of Liberty
Led by Samuel Adams. A group in Boston protesting against British Acts.
Boston Massacre
(1770) A group of colonists were harassing British troops on the streets A shot was fired and 5 colonists died. (Called a massacre for war propaganda)
Committee of Correspondence
(1772) Organized by Samuel Adams to state the grievances of the colonists and establish communication between colonies
1st Continental Congress
Delegates representing colonies met to discuss and protest the Intolerable Acts; encouraged the formation of colonial militias
Boston Tea Party
(1773) Restrictions put on tea in the colonies, colonists threw tea overboard in the harbor---dressed as Indians
Intolerable Acts/Coercive Acts
(1774) Series of acts passed by George III to punish Boston for Tea Party
~Closed Boston Harbor
~Martial Law (troops)
Quartering Act
The colonists were forced to house British troops
2nd Continental Congress
Convened in May 1775 in Philadelphia; they debated on independence
~George Washington named commander of Colonial Army
John Peter Zenger
1734; accused of libel (written lies) agains the colonial Governor. Found not guildty---principle of *Freedom of Press*
Olive Branch Petition
2nd CC tries to reconcile with George III but are refused
Thomas Paine's

*Common Sense*
1776; a pamphlet that supported separation from Great Britain---convinced over half of the CC
Declaration of Independence
Written by Thomas Jefferson (influenced by Locke) Not a Form of Government!!! A list of grievances with Great Britain---signed on July 4, 1776
"Shot Heard Around The World"
1st shot fired in Revolutionary War (@ Lexington and Concord, April 1775). Had a huge effect all around the world.
Lexington and Concord
Paul Revere's famous ride; minutemen--able to fight @ a moment's notice
Considered a turning point of the war b/c American victory convinced the Frech to aid American troops
City in Virginia where the British surrendered in October 1781