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165 Cards in this Set

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Carcinoma Epidermóide queratinizante

Birefringent uric acid crystals in urine

Candida spp. in voided urine

cels uroteliais reativas

celulas basais do urotélio

celulas normais do urotelio

citologia normal com negatividade para neoplasia

Citologia normal

CMV-infected cells with large eosinophilic intranuclear inclusion surrounded by clear halo

Columnar cells in voided urine

Corpora amylacea-voided urine. Corpora amylacea are laminated structures, staining blue-green here; they occur more with advancing age and are derived from degenerate cells

Degenerated atypical urothelial cells showing slight anisonucleosis and bland chromatin in bladder catheterized specimen

Endometrial cells—voided urine

few cells exhibit classic features of high-grade urothelial carcinoma- HGUC

Group of malignant cells from high-grade urothelial carcinoma of bladder. The nuclei display an irregular chromatin pattern and contain nucleoli. The cytoplasm is focally eosinophilic


High-grade urothelial carcinoma (HGUC) displays coarse chromatin and nuclear membrane irregularity

High-grade urothelial carcinoma (HGUC) present as a cohesive group of malignant cells

High-grade urothelial carcinoma (UC). A cluster of malignant urothelial cells, some with prominent nucleoli

High-grade urothelial carcinoma (UC). Numerous isolated malignant cells have enlarged nuclei with coarsely textured chromatin and an increased nuclear-to-cytoplasmic ratio

High-grade urothelial carcinoma Cluster of malignant cells exhibiting many diagnostic features including pleomorphism

High-grade urothelial carcinoma Cluster of malignant cells with hyperchromatic nuclei.

High-grade urothelial carcinoma coarse chromatin pattern

High-grade urothelial carcinoma marked nuclear hyperchromasia

High-grade urothelial carcinoma of bladder. Large pleomorphic tumor cells with irregular nuclei and a coarsely granular chromatin pattern

High-grade urothelial carcinoma of bladder. The nuclei are very large and contain prominent nucleoli

High-grade urothelial carcinoma with squamous differentiation

High-grade urothelial carcinoma. Considerable nuclear pleomorphism and hyperchromasia are seen. The nucleocytoplasmic ratio is high

High-grade urothelial carcinoma—voided urine.

Histiocyte-containing intracytoplasmic laminated inclusions consistent with malakoplakia

Large superficial umbrella and smaller pyramidal or basal cells. Some of the superficial cells are multinucleated and contain nucleoli

low-grade urothelial lesion (catheterized specimen). Benign cell clusters have a smooth outline (“collared” groups).

low-grade urothelial lesion Low-grade lesions tend to exfoliate as clusters with irregular edges

Multinucleated superficial urothelial cell.

Normal urothelial cells. A papillary cluster of urothelial cells with rounded edge is often seen in patients with proven ureteric calculi

Normal urothelial cells. The large cells are from the superficial and the small cells from the basal layers

Normal voided urine. Most benign voided urine samples show a mixture of urothelial cells and squamous cells In voided urine, most of the urothelial cells are of intermediate type, with an oval or pyramidal shape

Polyoma virus infected cell. The cell in the centre of the field has an eccentrically placed nuclei, the chromatin of the cell appears glassy

Polyoma virus infected cells

Polyoma virus

Polyomavirus infection. Some enlarged, round nuclei are virtually replaced by a glassy, homogeneous inclusion.

Polyomavirus-infected cells with large intranuclear homogeneous inclusions

Reactive urothelial cells (catheterized urine). Coarsely vacuolated cytoplasm is characteristic of benign, reactive changes and uncommon in malignancy.

Reactive urothelial cells

reativas uroteliais

Renal tubular epithelial cells. The cells are of a size similar to that of immature urothelial cells and have uniform, round nuclei

Schistosoma haematobium. Ova of the Schistosoma haematobium. Voided urine

Single abnormal urothelial cells with enlarged hyperchromatic nuclei in urothelial carcinoma in situ of bladder

Aspeto das umbrella cells em urotélio

Spermatozoa-voided urine

Superficial umbrella cells, with a multinucleated cell in an umbrella configuration

Superficial urothelial (arrow) and superficial squamous cell. Superficial urothelial cells (umbrella cells) are often bi- or multinucleated and have abundant cytoplasm

Triple phosphate crystals.typical coffin lid appearance

Umbrella cell com duas celulas pavimentosas

Umbrella cells. These are the largest urothelial cells and cover the surface of the urothelium. Normal columnar urothelial cells are also present

Uric acid crystals—voided urine. Uric acid crystals showing large variation in appearance

uroteliais reativas

Urothelial carcinoma (UC) variants. Some of the malignant cells show squamous differentiation, manifested by cytoplasmic orangeophilia

Urothelial carcinoma (UC) variants. Some UCs have foci of adenocarcinoma

Urothelial cells in a papillary group from a patient with calculus disease. Note smooth borders that suggest a benign process

Urothelial cells with prominently vacuolated cytoplasm

Voided urine in a case of high-grade urothelial carcinoma of bladder. The loose cluster of cells shows large, moderately irregular nuclei with a high nucleocytoplasmic ratio

Agrupamento de baixo grau

Alto grau com elevada hipercromasia formação papilas pleomorfismo e escasso citoplasma


Alto grau

Baixo grau

Baixo grau

Baixo grau

Basais reativas com inflamação

Basais reativas

Cândida hifas e esporos

Cel umbrella

Citologia suspeita

Citologia suspeita

Esporos e hifas

Baixo grau

Baixo grau

Baixo grau


Baixo grau


Baixo grau

Cocos e esporos de candida

Baixo grau

Baixo grau

Baixo grau


Lesão baixo grau

Pavimentosa à esquerda e uroteliais á direita

Proteína com PMN


Suspeita célula isolada

Citologia suspeita

Citologia suspeita

Umbrella cell

Umbrella com PMN e uroteliais degeneradas

Uroteliais a de baixo um pouco reativa

Uroteliais com aspeto colunar

Uroteliais intermédias

Uroteliais normais

Uroteliais reativas

Urotelial umbrella

Urotelial reativa núcleos aumentados

Alto grau em urina
Alto grau urina
Carcinoma epidermoide queratinizante
Células uroteliais de aspecto colunar
Células uroteliais num fundo inflamatório
Cluster urotelial benigno- contornos nucleares normais núcleo central cromatina granular aumento nuclear e celular uniforme
Grupo de células uroteliais com aumento nuclear e cromatina grumosa – sugestivo de Lesão de Baixo Grau
Lesao de alto grau em urina
Lesão de alto grau urina
Lesão de alto grau
Lesão de alto grauu
Lesao de baixo grau - Células isoladas e em pequenos grupos
Umbrella cell
Urina normal- Células pavimentosas, uroteliais benignas e PMN
Urina normal- celulas uroteliais reativas
Urina normal- uroteliais em agrupamento
Urina por cateterização cristais
pavimentosas e uroteliais
Umbrela cell dta e e urotelial esq devido ao aspeto citoplasma e ligeiro reforço que o citoplasma faz á periferia
Umbrella cell- multiplos nucleos com nucleolos proeminentes
candida com esporos e hifas e inflamção com PMN
pavimentosas quetainizadas com cocos e esporos candida
Urina- agrupamento uroteliais basais, com uroteliais intermedias
cocos á dta com hifas á esq e PMN (inflamação)
Urina- PMN (inflamção) com urrotelial e pavimentosa
Urina- uroteliais basais
Urina- uroteliais devido ao formato cuboidal e citoplasma espumoso
uroteliais dta e urotelial esq devido ao citoplasma e forma cuboidal
Urina - lesão de baixo grau
Lesao de baixo grau urina
Urina - metaplasia uroteliais
Urina- carci queratinizante
Urina lesao baixo grau
Lesão de alto grau
alto grau Cells of high grade urothelial carcinoma are pleomorphic and nuclei may contain a prominent, irregular nucleolus
alto grau Cells of high grade urothelial carcinoma have high N-C ratios
alto grau Cells of high grade urothelial carcinoma may be clustered
alto grau Chromatin in nuclei of high grade carcinoma is coarse and hyperchromatic
alto grau Chromatin in nuclei of high grade carcinoma is coarse, hyperchromatic and often irregularly dispersed
alto grau Nuclei may be pointed in high grade urothelial carcinoma
alto grau Nuclei of high grade urothelial carcinoma are often eccentric with convoluted, thickened membranes
alto grau Nuclei of high grade urothelial carcinoma may have multiple irregular nucleoli
alto grau urina
alto grau Urothelial tumors may be papillary or non-papillary
alto grau
baixo grau cells in the clusters of low grade urothelial carcinoma have high N-C ratios
baixo grau Cells of low grade urothelial carcinoma may be in small groups with some single cells
baixo grau Chromatin in low grade urothelial carcinoma is usually granular and evenly distributed
baixo grau clusters in low grade urothelial carcinoma may or may not be papillary
baixo grau Compare the normal urothelial on the right to the crowded cluster on the left.
baixo grau loose cluster of cells from low grade urothelial carcinoma can be compared to reactive urothelial cells
baixo grau Nuclei in low grade urothelial carcinoma sometimes bulge out of the cytoplasm
baixo grau Nuclei of low grade urothelial carcinoma are irregular and may appear to have notches or grooves
baixo grau Nucleoli are usually indistinct or absent in low grade urothelial carcinoma
benigno clusters of cells
Lesão de alto grau. High grade urothelial carcinomas often are abundantly cellular
uroteliais reativas nuclear enlargement, hyperchromasia, prominent nucleoli and occasiona