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78 Cards in this Set

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What do arrays allow you to do?

store and work with a group values of the same data type. creates consecutive space in memory

How do you define an array?

int days[6];

data type name [size declarator];

size declarator indicates the number of elements the array can hold

What are the guidelines for choosing the size declarator of an array?

must be a constant integer expression with a value greater than zero. can be an integer literal or an integer named constant

starts at 0.

6 elements: element 0, element 1, element 2, element 3, element 4, element 5

How do you calculate the size/memory requirements of an array?

multiply the size of the individual elements by the number of elements in the array

The individual elements of an array are assigned unique ________ that are used to access the elements


How do you assign the first element of the array hours to 20?


read, "hours sub zero is assigned twenty"

Do local arrays have default initialization values? What about global arrays?

local: no default

global: default to 0

What is the difference between the array size declarator and subscript?

[#] in definition: size declarator
[#] of assignment statement or any statement that works with the array: subscript

size declarator: int days[6]; // defines an array with 6 elements
subscript: days[5] = 20; // sets the 6th element to 20
cout << days[2]; // displays 3rd element of days

The size declarator of an array definition must be a _________ or _______. The subscript may be a ____________.

declarator: literal or constant

subscript: variable --> can use loops to cycle through arrays

Can any integer expression be used as an array subscript?


cin >> hours[count-1]; // valid expression

How do you need to input and output elements of an array?

one at a time. Cannot just display or fill the whole array at once

How do you read data from a file into an array?

open the file and use a loop to read each item from the file, storing each item in an array element. loop should iterate until the array is filled or the end of the file is reached

while (count < ARRAY_SIZE && inputFile >> numbers[count])


inputFile >> numbers[count]; <-- It actually does this action and then tests the "truth" of whether it was able to

How do you write the contents of an array to a file?

use a loop to step through each element of the array, writing its contents to a file

for (count=0; countoutputFile << numbers[count]=count << endl;

saves 0-9 in the file

Does C++ prevent you from overwriting an array's bounds?


What is a common mistake when working with arrays?

off-by-one error

easy to make because subscripts start at 0, not 1

How do you initialize an array?

put the initialization list inside braces and separate elements with commas

int days[7] = {7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1};


int days[7]={7,6,


4,3,2,1} // can spread initialization list across multiple lines

How can you force C++ to display the ASCII value of characters stored in an array named letters?

cout << static_cast(letters[count]);

How do you partially initialize an array? What happens to the uninitialized elements?

assign values to the first n elements of the array

the rest of the uninitialized elements are set to 0

Does C++ provide a way to skip elements in the initialization list?

No. If you leave an element uninitialized, all elements that follow it must be uninitialized

What is implicit array sizing?

Defining an array without directly specifying the size. you must provide an initialization list

int num[]={1,2,3,4}

C++ will count the number of elements in the initialization list

What is a range-based for loop?

loop that automatically iterates once for each element in an array. Each time the loop iterates, it copies an element from the array to a variable

What are the benefits of using a range-based for-loop?

- don't need to use a counter variable to control the iterations because it automatically knows the number of elements in an array

- don't need to worry about stepping outside the bounds of an array

What is the general format of a range-based for loop?

for (dataType rangeVariable : array)


dataType: data type of range variable must be the same as data type of array elements, or a type that they can be automatically converted to

rangeVariable: name of the variable that receives the value of the array elements during each iteration

array: name of the array for which you wish the loop to operate.

statement: statement that executes during a loop iteration

What does auto mean when it is used in a range-based for loop?

key word that automatically specifies the range variable's data type

int numbers[] = {1, 2, 3}
for (auto val : numbers)
cout << val;

How can you make a range-based for loop to modify the contents of an array?

declare the range variable as a reference variable by including & in front of its name in the loop header

for (int &val : numbers){

cout << "Enter an integer value: ";

cin >> val;}

When can you use a range-based for loop and when do you need to use a regular for loop?

range-based: use in any situation where you need to step through the elements of an array and you do not need to use the element subscripts

regular for: use if you need the element subscript for some reason

How are individual array elements processed?

processed like any other type of variable

e.g., pay = hours[3]*rate;



What do you need to be careful of when using increment/decrement operators with arrays?

don't confuse the subscript with the array element

amount[count--]; vs. amount[count]--;

How do you assign one array to another?

assign the individual elements in the arrays, usually best done with a loop

for (int count=0; count


You have an array named numbers. Why is this wrong?

cout << numbers;

What do you do instead?

it interprets the name of the array as its address in memory, not its contents

Instead, use a loop to display the contents of the array's elements
for (int count=0; count < SIZE; count++)
cout << numbers[count];
or range-based for loop
for (int val : numbers)
cout << val;

How do you sum the values in an array?

Use a loop with an accumulator variable

for (int val : units)

total +=val;

for (int count=0; count

total +=units[counts]

How do you find the average of the values in an array?

const int NUM_SCORES=10;

double scores[NUM_SCORES];

double total=0, average;

for (int val : scores)

total += val;

average = total/NUM_SCORES;

How do you find the highest and lowest values in a numeric array?

copy the first element to a very

use a loop to go through all elements

if the new element is > or < that one, assign it to be the new highest or lowest

When you process a partially filled array, you must only process the elements that contain _____ ______ _______

valid data items

A partially filled array is normally used with an accompanying _________ variable that holds the number of items to be stored in the arrray


How do you determine whether two arrays are equal?

Compare the individual elements. If you do array1[]==array2[], it will test whether their memory locations are the same

e.g., use a while loop to compare the element. use a bool variable to flag whether they are still equal. use a counter to step through each element

What does it mean to use parallel arrays?

using the same subscripts to build relationships between data stored in two or more arrays

When is an example of a time that it's useful to store data in two or more arrays?

different types of data

How do you pass a single element of an array to a function? The full array?

Single element: handled like any other variable

function (array[0]); // don't need to do anything special w/ function parameters

Full array: pass the name of the array


When an entire array is passed to a function, it is passed by _______, not by _________

reference, not value

(copying arrays would be very resource intensive)

How do you set up a function to expect an array as a parameter?

set up the function parameters to expect an arrayint function (int []); <-- function prototype that expects an array

How do you prevent a function from making changes to an array argument?

use const in the parameter declaration

void showValues (const int[]);

As a precaution, you should always use _______ array parameters in any function that is not intended to modify its array argument


That way, the code will fail to compile if you inadvertently write code that modifies the array

When are two-dimensional arrays useful?

storing multiple sets of data (think rows and columns)

How do you define a two dimensional array?

use two size declarators

double scores [3][4];

first one: rows

second one: columns

How do you refer to a single element in a two-dimensional array?

use both subscripts

scores [0][1]

row 0, column 1

How do programs typically cycle through all elements of two-dimensional arrays?

Nested loops (go through all iterations of columns for every row)

How do you initialize a two-dimensional array?

Enclose each row's initialization list in a set of braces

int hours [3][2] = {{8,5}, {7,9}, {6,3}}

//hours [0][0] = 8

// hours [0][1] = 5

// hours [1][0] = 7

// hours [1][1]=9

Are the extra set of braces in the initializations of two-dimensional arrays mandatory?

No, but they help visually separate it

How do you set up a function to accept a two-dimensional array?

Must specify the number of columns in the function prototype and header

void showArray (int [][4], int);

How do you sum all elements of a two-dimensional array?

use nested loops to add the contents of each element to an accumulator

How do you sum the rows of a two-dimensional array?

use a single loop to add all elements in one row

Does C++ limit the number of dimensions an array may have?

No. It is possible to create array with multiple dimensions to model data that occur in multiple sets

It is helpful to think of three-dimensional arrays as _______ of two-dimensional arrays


When writing functions that accept multi-dimensional arrays as arguments, ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ must be explicitly stated in the parameter list

all but the first dimension

must be explicitly stated in the parameter list

What is the STL?

Standard Template Library

collection of programmer-defined data types and algorithms

The data types in STL are called ______ because ________

containers: store and organize data
What are the two types of containers in STL?

sequence container: organizes data sequentially, like an array

associative container: organizes data with keys, allowing for rapid, random access

Describe the vector data type in STL. What kind of container is it? How is it similar to an array? What are the advantages over an array?

sequence container

Similarities: stores a sequence of values in contiguous memory; can use array subscript [ ] to read individual elements

Advantages: don't have to declare the number of elements, automatically increases size to accommodate new values, can report the number of elements they contain

What header file do you include in order to use vectors? What namespace?


using namespace std;

How do you define a vector?

vector < int >numbers;

//vector < data type > variableName;

Don't have to define starting size because it increases automatically, but you can if you feel like it

vector numbers (10); //size is in (), not []

How do you copy an initialization value to all elements of a vector?

vector numbers (10, 2);

// vector with 10 elements. Each element is assigned to 2

How do you initialize a new vector with values from a vector that is already defined?

vector set2 (set1);

// set2 will be a copy of set1

How do you initialize a vector with a list of values?

vector numbers {3, 5, 9, 10};

// do not use = to assign values

// automatically creates a vector with 4 elements

How do you store and retrieve a value in an element that already exists in a vector?

Use subscript operator [ ]

Can you use a range-based for loop with vectors?


vector numbers { 10, 20 , 30};

for (int val : numbers)

cout << val << endl;

Can you use reference variables with vectors?


vector numbers(5); // vector w/ 5 elements

for (int &val : numbers){

How do you store a value in a vector that does not have a starting size or that is already full?

use the push_back member function

(pushes the value onto the back of the vector)



How do you determine the size of a vector?

size member function

numValues = vectorName.size();

useful when writing functions that accept vectors as arguments; continue while count

How do you remove the last element from a vector?



// removes last element from vectorName

How do you clear a vector?


How do you detect an empty function?


How can you break out of a loop when a user enters a sentinel value?


for loop{

// stuff

if (value == sentinel #) break; // will break out of loop

How do you return the value located at a specific element in the vector?


x = vectorName.at(5); // returns value stored in 5th element

How do you return the maximum number of elements that can be stored in a vector without additional memory being allocated?


x = vectorName.capacity();

How do you reverse the order of elements in a vector?



How do you resize a vector by a certain number of elements?

resize (elements, value)

vectorName.resize (5,1);

//increase the size of the vector by 5 and initializes all 5 new elements to 1

How do you swap the contents of two vectors?

