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44 Cards in this Set

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Beginning of the Crusades
Pope Urban II
Began the Crusades. Preached a sermon at the Council of Clermont.
Period of the Crusades. There were eight Crusades during this period.
Causes of the Crusades:
1) Religious: to recapture the Holy Sites, to end the persecution of the pilgrims, and instantaneous salvation for those who died during the Crusades.
2) Political: to recapture the Near East. They Byzantine Empire had been steadily weakening and unable to control the Muslim invasion
3) Economic: spoils of war. Many cities became wealthy through transporting Crusaders. Development of a mercantile economy.
Deus Vult
Battle cry of the Crusaders. Means God Wills It.
Second Crusade begun by Bernard of Clairvoux.
Fourth Crusade. Crusaders sack Constantinople.
Crusades end with the fall of Acre.
Consequences of the Crusades
1) Economic Expansion
2) Papacy enhanced its prestige and initially grew stronger, then Papal power declined and ended with the Babylonian Captivity of the Papacy
3) Weakened the feudal system
4) The East falls in 1453
5) Trade between the East and the West opens up
The Templar Code
Written by Bernard of Clairvoux. He also defended Orthodoxy against Abelard's liberalism.
Thomas Torquemada
The first Inquisitor
a place where learning takes place
Credo ut intelligam
I believe in order that I may know (Realism, Anselm)
universalia in re
"universals are real;" Aristotle's framework
intelligo ut credam
I know in order that I may believe (Abelard)
Moral influence theory of the Atonement; Sic et Non
Thomas Aquinas
"Angelic Doctor"
universalia post rem
General truths or ideas have no objective existence outside the mind
William of Ockham
Developed a full-fledged nominalism
Results of Scholasticism:
1) Realism and moderate realism buttressed the sacramental and hierarchical system of the Roman Church
2) Separation of the realms of faith and science
3) Nominalism aided in an emphasis on individualism
4) Aquinas's Summa Theologica provided the Roman Catholic church with its first systematic theology
Causes of Scholasticism:
1) Emergence of Aristotle's philosophy
2) The use of philosophy in the study of revelation
3) The expansion of the university movement
Reasons for the Rise of Universities
1) Use of the Roman Trivium and Quadrivium
2) Presence of a great teacher in a school
3) Student revolts or migrations
Catherine of Siena
A famous mystic who pressed pope Gregory XI to return to Rome and restore the papacy
Gregory XI returns to Rome and ends the Babylonian Captivity
Urban VI
Elected Pope to succeed Gregory XI
Clement VII
Elected Pope while Pope Urban VI was still Pope. Caused the Great Schism.
Meister Eckhart
Founded German mysticism. "God must become I, and I God."
Theologica Germana
written by the Friends of God
Statute of Provisors of 1351
Banned the Pope from appointing clergymen to offices in England
A group of lay preachers who carried on Wycliffe's ideas and teachings
Interested in reforming the church in Florence. Tried to reform both church and state. Was hung.
Great Schism
Of Monarchy
written by Dante. Insisted that the state as well as the church was the arm of God
Defensor Pacis
written by Marilius of Padua. States that the Emperor is above the Pope, the NT alone can proclaim dogma, and Church Councils should be the highest authority in the Church
Council of Pisa
Council of Constance
Councils of Basel and Ferrara
Marsilio Ficino
Translated Plato's works into Latin
Printed a Greek NT in 1514 but did not sell it because the Pope did not approve
Battle of Hastings and establishment of the English Parliament
Edward I called the Model Parliament
Hundred Years' War
War of the Roses
Wiped out the old feudal nobility and allowed for an alliance between the king and the middle class