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47 Cards in this Set

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What happened in 2892
David becomes King of Israel
What happened in 2924
Shlomo becomes King of Israel
What happened in 2928
Construction of the first Beit Hamikdash
What happened in 2935
Beit Hamikdash is completed
What happened in 2964
Division of the kingdoms Israel and Yehadah
What happened in 3338
Nebuchadnezzar destroys the Beit Hamikdash
What happened in 3389
Bavel falls to Paras and Madi (Persia and Media) Cyrus permits the Jews to return to Israel
What happened in 3391
Bnei is given permission to start the building of the 2nd Beit Hamikdash
What happened in 3392
Achashverosh stops the rebuilding
What happened in 3408
2nd Beit Hamikdash is built and completed
What happened in 3838
Romans destroy the 2nd Beit Hamikdash
When does the book of Ezra take place?
Around 549 B.C.E in between the 2nd Beit Hamikdash; the 70 year exile
What other books take place at this time?
The book of Esther and the Book of Daniel
Why didn't Ezra go with the first Aliyah?
Because his teacher was dying and he wanted to clarify his learning
What is the concept of reward and punishment?
This concept is the 11th of Maimonedies 13 principles of faith. It states that Hashem will reward with good those who observe his commandments and punish those who violate them.
What happened in 3318?
Nebuchadnezzar comes to power in Bavel (Babylonia)
What happened in 3319?
Nebuchadnezzar conquers Israel and makes it part of his empire
What happened in 3338?
Nebchadnezzar gains power; the Beit Hamikdash is destroyed; Bnei Yisroel is exiled into Babylonia
What happened in 3389?
Nebuchadnezzar throws a party and dies' Bleshazzar, a relative of Vashti, becomes king and dies
What happened in 3390?
Cyrus allows the construction of the 2nd Beit Hamikdash
What happened in 3392?
Achashverosh becomes king; he orders the rebuilding of the temple to stop
What happened in 3394?
Achashverosh throws a party believing that the 70 years Yermeyahu prophesized the Jews would be in exile were up
What happened in 3406?
Achashverosh dies and his son Darius becomes king
What happened in 3408?
Darius orders the construction of the 2nd Beit Hamikdash
What are the 5 Megilot?
Song of Songs, Lamintations, Ruth, Ecclastics, and Esther
Who wrote which ones?
Mordechai wrote Esther, Samuel wrote Ruth, Yermuyahu wrote Lamintations, and Shlomo Hamelch wrote Song of Songs and Ecclastics
When are each of them read?
Esther is read on Purim, Ruth is read on Shavuot, Lamentations is read on the 9th of Av, Ecclastics is read on Sukkot, and Song of Songs is read on Passover
Who gave the prophecy that the Jews would be in Exile for 70 years?
Yermiyahu and Daniel
Where did he give the prophecy?
In prison in Jerusalem
To whom did he give the prophecy?
The people who had already been exiled to Babylonia
What did he tell them to watch out for?
False prophets
Did he give a definate prophecy?
No, he wasnt sure when the Bnei Yisroel would go back to Israel. He prophesized that they would go back when they earned it
What Shevet did Mordechai come from?
Which King was Mordechai exiled with?
What was the response of the people in Babylonia when Cyrus told them they could go build the Beit Hamikdash?
They did not want to go back. They were comfertable to where they were.
Define Mesorah
The chain of the Torah being passed down
Chain of Mesorah
Moshe, Yehoshua, Zekanim, Naviim, Anchei Knesset Hagadolah
Who does the Mishnah state Moshe recieve the Torah from?
Why does the Mishnah alternate between the words Mesorah and Keebel? What is the difference?
Keebel means recieved and Mesorah means passed down. The Torah alternates between these two because when Moshe recieved the Torah it was Keebel or recieved but after that it was Mesorah or passed down.
What are the three things the Anshei Knesset HaGadolah stated?
Make a fence around the Torah, Have alot of students, and Dont be judgemental
Why did they pick these three things?
It dealt with that time period
How are these thing related to the commandments in the Torah?
Make a fence- So the Torah won't be changed
Have a lot of students-So the Torah wont be forgotten
Don't be judgemental- Treat others the way you want to be treated
Why is there a distinction between Mitzvot from the Rabbis and and Mitzvot from the Torah?
The Mitzvot from the torah have a greater reward in the world to come than Mitzvot from the Rabbis
How many people were there in the Anshei Knesset Hagadolah?
Where did Moshe recieve the Torah from?
Har Sinai
Who was the last member?
Who was the orginator?