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30 Cards in this Set

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era of good feelings
period of pres.monroe.marked by nationalism,optimism nd goodwill due to fed.party diminished.
james monroe
supported am nat'lsm.gained fl,missouri compromise and monroe doctrine
tariff of 1816
1st protective tariff of U.S. raised tariff to protect U.S manufacturers from ruin of Br.imports
henry clay/am.system
plan to advance am.economic growth w/ 1)protective tariffs 2)national bank 3)internal imprvments
panic of 1819
2nd b.u.s tightened credit to control inflation.banks were closed,value of money fell,unemplyment,bankruptcies nd imprisonment increased
fletcher v.peck
a state cant pass legis.invalidating a contract
mcCulloch v.maryland
fed. gvmnt had pwr to make a bank.fed. laws supreme over state laws,state cant tax a fed. intst.bcuz"pwr to tax is pwr to destroy"
dartmouth college v. woodward
contract for private corp.cant be altered by the state
gibbons v.ogden
marshall estb.fed gvmnt's control over interstate commerce.
tallmadge powers
rep.james tallmadge called for:1)prohibit more slaves into missouri. 2)make children of slaves to be set free at 25. purposed to end slavery but was not passed due to enraged senate southerners.
missouri compromise
henry clay,1.miss would be a slave state 2.maine would be a free state 3.in louis.territory north of lat.36 30' slavery prohibited. both houses passed it.
stephen decatur
fleet under stephen was sent to force rulers of N afri.free use of am shipp. in medditeranean
rush-bagot agreement
strictly limited naval armament on the grt lakes.Br and am.negotiation disarmament pact
treaty of 1818
btwn u.s and br.1.shared fish rights off coast of newfoundland 2.joint occ.of oregon territory for 10 yrs. 3.sett north limits on louis.estb west boundary of u.s and canada
Fl purchase treaty
spain gave fl nd claims in Oregon to u.s. u.s. gave up claims in spanish TX
monroe doctrine
u.s declared opposed to further attempts of any euro.pwr in affairs of repub. in west hemisphere
lancaster turnpike
connected pa w.rich farmlands of lancaster.stimulated construct.of toll roads connect.most major cities by 1820s
major highway route to W.used both fed.and state money.diff states had ownership of segments of highway
erie canal
in NY.linked w farms nd e cities.stimulated more canals=lower food price in E,more immigrants in W,strong.ties in both sections
robert fulton/steamboats
created 'clermont'steamboat had successful voyage up hudson river
eli whitney/interchangeable parts
most famous am.for making machines.inter.parts became basis for mass prod.methods in new S factories
risked only money invested in venture.business incorporate and raise capital by selling shares of stock
samuel slater
immigrant from br.took secrets for building cotton spinning machines and helpd estb.1st U.S factory in 1791
factory system
industry among the states.encoouraged growth of financial businesses such as banking nd insurance
lowell system/textile mills
recruiting young farm women adn housed them in company dormitories.
industry and factories
farm machinery
trade/craft unions.organizd in mjor cities.prime goal of earl ones,to set wrkdy hrs to 10 hrs.:immigrant replcmnt,laws outlawng unions,$ dpression dn high unemplymnt union obstacles
cotton gin
machine to easily/quickly seperate cotten fiber from seeds.
market revolution
special,industr.grwng cities,dvplpmnt of capitalism borught about market rev.farmers fed wrkers who provided goods.am.stndrd of life ^