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31 Cards in this Set

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Any two or more individuals living together who are related by birth, marriage, or adoption

Nuclear family

A family consisting of a husband, a wife, and their biological and adoptive children

Extended family

A family structure that includes nuclear family members and other relatives, such as grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins

Constructive conflict

Family conflict that is resolved in a positive way using affection, problem solving, and emotional support


Sharing parenting responsibilities between two or more people


Families in which there are two adults and at least one child from a previous relationship of one of the adults

There also maybe biological children of a couple

Boundary ambiguity

Lack of clarity regarding who is in and who is out of the family system

Open adoptions

Adoptions in which the children and their biological and adoptive families have access to each other

Foster care

The temporary placement of children in a family that is not their own because of unhealthy situations within their birth family

Non-shared environment

The different experiences that siblings in the same family have in that environment


Parents teach children how to interact in appropriate ways according to the rules and Norms of their society


The process by which individuals adopt the attitudes, beliefs, and values held by their society

Parent effects model

A model of parenting effects that assumes that parents cause the characteristics that we see in their children

Child effects model

A model that assumes that it is the characteristics of the child that determine the parenting style parents use

Transactional model

A model of parenting effects that assumes that influence moves from parent to child but also from child to parent in a reciprocal process

Inductive discipline

A parenting technique that involves setting clear limits for children and explaining the consequences for negative behavior, why the behavior was wrong, and what the child might do to fix the situation

Self oriented induction

A parenting technique in which the child is asked to think about the consequences that the child might experience as a result of his behavior

Other oriented induction

A parenting technique in which the child thinks about consequences of the child's behavior for someone else

Command strategy

A parenting technique in which the parent does not make any overt threats of punishment, but the child responds to the legitimate Authority that the parent has to make a request of the child

Relationship maintenance

A parenting technique in which the Parents try to create a positive relationship with their child so that they will have a greater influence on a child's Behavior

Love withdrawal

A parenting technique in which parents threaten to withhold their love until a child conforms to the parents expectations for his behavior

Power assertion

A disciplinary technique that emphasizes control of the child's Behavior through physical and non-physical punishment

Psychological control

The use of psychological or emotional manipulation to get a child to comply with what the parent wants


A dimension of parenting that measures the amount of warmth and affection in the parent-child relationship


A dimension of parenting that measures the amount of restrictiveness and structure that parents place on their children

Authoritative parents

Parents who combine higher levels of control with a good deal of warmth and encouragement, together with reasonable expectations and explanation of the parents rules

Authoritarian parents

Parents who combined high levels of control and low levels of warmth, and expect compliance from the child

Permissive parents

Parents who provide a great deal of warmth and acceptance but few, if any, rules or restrictions

Disengaged parents

Parents who do not set limits or rules for their children and are not emotionally connected to them

Parenting styles

Fairly regular and consistent patterns of interacting with children

Wrap-around program

A comprehensive set of services offered to families to strengthen them or reunite them