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116 Cards in this Set

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it is a tentative explanation or prediction based on experimental observations


It is a concise verbal or mathematical statement of a behavior or a relationship that is consistently observed in nature without contradiction


It is a well-tested unifying principle that explains a body of facts and the laws based on them


It describes what happens

Scientific Law

It explains why or how it happens

Scientific Theory

This law states that in chemical reactions, matter is neither created nor destroyed

Law of Conservation of Matter

Who developed the law of conservation of matter? and in what year?

Antoine Lavoisier in 1174

He is considered as the father of modern chemistry. He discovered oxygen's role in combustion, and played an important part in reforming nomenclature in chemistry.

Antoine Lavoisier

This law states that each pure chemical compound has the same percentage composition of each element by mass

Law of Constant Composition / Law of Definite Proportions

This law states that any given compound always contains the same elements in the same proportions by mass

Law of Constant Composition / Law of Definite Proportions

Who is the one who developed the Law of Constant Composition / Law of Definite Proportions? in what year?

Joseph Proust in 1799

According to the Law of Constant Composition / Law of Definite Proportions, Water is always ____ and ____ by mass

88.9% oxygen and 11.1% hydrogen

What are the 5 atomic models

Solid particle

Plum Pudding


Solar system


What was the word Democritus used as the point, or stage where matter cannot be broken down any further


The word atomos means what?


John Dalton developed his atomic theory over the years from ___ to ___

1803 to 1808

What was John Dalton's Atomic Theory

1. Matter is compromised of atoms

2. Atoms are indivisible and indestructible

3. All atoms of a particular element share identical properties

4. Atoms of different elements contain different mass

5. Atoms of different elements combine in fixed, whole-number ratios when forming compounds.

The solid particle model of an atom was proposed by whom?

John Dalton

This law states that when two elements combine to form different compounds, the mass of one element combines with the same mass of the other element in a rationof small whole numbers

Law of multiple proportions

He is the one who proposed the plum pudding model

Joseph John Thomson

In 1834, he showed that electric currents could cause chemical reactions to occur, demonstrating the electric nature of the atom

Michael Faraday

He is an English scientist that hypothesized that atoms contain electric charge

Michael Faraday

In the 1870s he developed the Cathode Ray Tube

Sir William Crookes

William Crookes thought that CRTs were ____ instead of electrons

negatively charged molecules

In 1897, Joseph John Thomson determined that cathode rays is a fundamental part of matter called ___


In 1906, he was credited with the discovery of the electron

Joseph John Thomson

It is the first subatomic particle to be discovered


In 1909, he performed the oil drop experiment

Robert Millikan

This atomic model is described as electrons bathed in a sea of positive charges

Plum Pudding Model

Who were the people involved in the gold foil experiment

Ernest Rutherford, Hans Geiger, and Ernest Marsden

it is an experiment in which heavy alpha particles were aimed a thin gold foil

gold foil experiment

It is the second subatomic particle that was discovered


Who discovered neutrons

Ernest Rutherford

It is the last subatomic particle to be discovered


Who discovered protons

James Chadwick

How was rutherford's model disproved?

the electron would circle the nucleus and gain acceleration, which results to the electron falling towards the nucleus. in other words, it would be unstable.

This atomic model is described as to have electrons move around the center of the atom called the nucleus

Nuclear model

This atomic model is described that electrons orbit the nucleus similar to hpw planets orbit the sun

Bohr's model / planetary model

Why did Bohr's model fail?

Because it was according to the laws of classical physics, which applies only to fairly large objects

Who discovered the Planetary/Solar System model

Niels Bohr

This atomic model describes that electrons move around the nucleus in a cloud, not orbits

Quantum Mechanical Model / Wave Mechanical Model

Who discovered the Quantum Mechanical Model / Wave Mechanical Model

Erwin Schrodinger

The ___ helps us predict the area where we can find electrons


The closer position to the ___ the higher chance to find electrons


When was Antoine Lavoisier born

August 26, 1743

When did Antoine Lavoisier die?

May 8, 1794

Who did Antoine Lavoisier marry?

Marie-Anne Paulze

How did Antoine Lavosier die?

by guillotine in the french revolution

What are Antoine Lavosier's key achievements in chemistry

Oxygen theory, conservation of mass, nomenclature

Explain the solid particle model

Solid spheres that are indivisible, it cannot be divided, created or destroyed. All atoms of a particular element share identical properties, and different elements have different properties. These combine to form conpounds.

Explain the plum pudding model

Positively charged spheres with fixed electrons. An atom that is electrically neutral.

Explain the nuclear model

Mainly empty space with positive charge concentrated at the nucleus which is the center of the atom, and electrons that move around it.

Explain the Bohr's/ Planetary/ Solar System model

Electrons that orbits the nucleus on the energy shell. The orbits have specific size and energy

Explain the Quantum Mechanical Model

An electron cloud with the nucleus at the center. The closer position to the nucleus the higher chance tk find electrons.

A unit of electricity was named after Michael Faraday. What unit is this?


It is a chart containjng information about atoms

Periodic table

The periodic table contauns the building blocks of matter called ___?


In 1817 he created the triads of elements

Johann Dobereiner - German chemist

What was the process of the triads of elements periodic table?

Add upper and lower atomic masses, then divide by 2. It should be the atomic mass of the middle element.

In 1863 he created the law of octaves, where there are similar properties every 8 elements when arranged in order of increasing atomic mass.

John Newlands - English chemist

In 1869, they created the periodic table in order of increasing atomic mass while putting in groups those with similar properties; blank space for elements yet to be discovered.

Dmitri Mendeleev - teacher from Russia

Lothar Meyer - scientist/teacher from Germany

In 1914 , he created the modern periodic law which states that the properties of elements vary leruodically with atomic number

Henry Moseley - English physicist

Similar properties could be noted for every 8 octaves

Law of octaves

property of elements vary periodically with atomic number

Modern periodic law

Vertical column of the periodic table


Horizontal rows of the periodic table


What are the different blocks/series of the periodic table

s-block, d-block, p-block and f-block

Groups 1, 2, 13-18 are the ___ elements

Representative elements/ main groups

Groups 3-12 are the ___ elements. They arr less reactive and harder metals. Includes metals used in jewelry, money, and construction

Transition elements

What are the inner transition elements

Lanthanides and Actinides

They have the appearance and properties of metals but behave like non metal in certain instances. In a stair step line.

Semi metals/Metalloids

What are the metalloids?

Boron, Silicon, Germanium, Arsenic, Antimony, Tellurium, Polonium

They are insulators at lower temperatures but become conductors at higher temperatures


It is the ease and speed hich a metal reacts wiyh another substance


The gradual wearing away of metal due to interaction with other substances


The definite order of reactivity existing among metals and hydrogen according to their ability to displace one another

Activity series of metal

Region around the nucleus occupied by electron

Energy level/electron shell

Highest energy level that an electron occupies

Valence Shell

Electrons involved in the valence shell, and in chemical reactions

Valence Electron

Non metals to anions ___ electrons


metal to cation ___ electrons


Simplest and smallest particles


Atoms are composed of what?

Protons, neutrons, and electrons.

Substances that cannot be broken down any further by chemical means


Each element has an ___, ___, ___, and ___

atomic number, symbol, name, and average atomic mass

the number of protons found in the nucleus of an atom

Atomic number

The mass of an atom including the protons, neutrons and electrons

Average atomic mass

particle held tightly, very close together, regular arrangement, vibrates, cant move from place to place


Particles held weakly, very close together, random arrangement, vibrates, constantly move past eachother


no attraction between particles, far apart, random arrangement, vibrate, move quickly in all directions


Property used to characterize materials in reactions that change their identity

Chemical property

a characteristic of a substance that can be observed without changing the substance into something else

physical property

Whatvare the 3 major categories of elements

Metals, non metals, and metalloids

Lustrous, malleable and are good conductors for electricity


Elements that do not share the properties of metals

Non metals

Elements that share some, but not all properties of metal


means shiny or reflective of light


means apable of being shaped


means allowing electricity and heat to flow through

being a good conductor

It is the elements in group 1. Very reactive metals that always combjne with something else in nature. ex. Salt

Alkali metals

Elements in group 2. Reactive metals that are always combined with non-metals in nature. ex. calcium

Alkaline Earth Metals

elements in group 13. Boron has prolerties of both metals and non-metals. The rest in this grouo are metals.

Boron family

Elements in group 14. Elements important tk life and computers. ex. germanium and silicon (important semiconductors)

Carbon famiy

The basic element in all organic compounds


Elements in group 15.

Nitrogen Family

It makes uo more than 3/4s of our atmosphere


red tip of matches is made of what?


Elements in group 16

Oxygen family or Chalcogens

It is necessary for respiration


Many things that have a bad odor contain what?


Elements in group 17. Very reactive, diatomic non-metals. Found combined with other elements in nature.


Used to keep bacteria out of swimming pools


Elements in group 18. inert/non reactive gases. used in lighted neon signs

Noble gases

Used to make party balloons float


How do you calculate the no. of neutrons

atomic weight - atomic no.

How do you calculate the atomic mass

no. of neutrons + atomic no.