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67 Cards in this Set

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All kinds of matter can be divided into 1 of 2 categories

Pure substances and mixtures

Pure substance

Matter that always has a definite and constant composition. A pure substance is, therefore, a single uncontaminated type of matter.

Since the composition of a pure Substance is definite and constant, it will have what?

Constant physical and chemical properties. The constant physical and chemical properties are unique to the pure substance.

Since pure substances have their own set of unique physical and chemical properties, unknown substances can be identified by observing their properties.


The difference between substance and pure substance is important to note. The word substance is a general term used to denote any variety of matter. A pure substance is matter that contains only one substance.


There are 2 kinds of pure substances

Elements and compounds


A pure substance that cannot be chemically separated into simpler substances. Thus, an element cannot be broken down into Simpler substances.


An atom is the smallest unit of an element which still has all the characteristics of the element. Therefore, an element cannot be divided into particles smaller than an atom and still be an element.

The ultimate limit of subdivision of matter is what?

An Atom

Since helium is an element it has all the same kind of atoms And cannot be broken down into simpler substances.


If a pure substance is not an element then it is a compound.

A compound is a chemical combination of 2 or more different elements. Therefore, a Chemical compound contains more than one element. The elements which make up compounds are chemically combined together.

For the same compound, the elements always combine in the same ratio.

True. Therefore, a compound always has the same or a definite composition.

When 2 or more elements are chemically combined they form a molecule.

Therefore, molecules of compounds are chemical combinations of two or more elements.

A molecule is the smallest unit of a compound which still has all the characteristics of the compound.

True, A compound cannot be divided smaller than a molecule and still be the same compound.

Table salt is a common compound used everyday when eating. The table salt is made up of the element sodium and the element chlorine.


Compounds always have properties that are different from those of the elements used to make them.

True, Table salt is made of sodium and chlorine. Table salt is a solid with a high melting point and a salty taste. Sodium is a very reactive metal that Burns in water and has a relatively low melting point. Chlorine is an extremely poisonous gas.

Molecules of compounds cannot be broken down into their elements except by chemical methods.

True. Therefore, chemically breaking down a compound changes the compound into a new substance.

Elements are made up of atoms and compounds are made up of molecules.

True. Therefore, the smallest particle of an element is an atom, and the smallest particle of a compound is a molecule. A Compound is made up of 2 or more elements, molecules.

Both elements and compounds are pure substances.


Pure substances have a fixed composition which cannot vary.


Compounds can be broken down into their elements by chemical means


Compounds, but not elements, can have a variable composition.


If a substance is not a pure substance then it is a what?



A physical combination of 2 or more pure substances. The chemical identity of the pure substance in a mixture does not change because they are physically rather than chemically combined.

Mixtures are a physical Combination of 2 or more pure substances. The substance in a mixture are not chemically combined. The pure substances in the mixture keep their own identities and most of their physical properties.

True. Consider a mixture of salt and pepper. Close examination of this mixture will show particles of pure salt and pure pepper.

The substance in a mixture can be present in any amount.

It's true. For example, assault and pepper mixture can be 1/3 salt and 2/3 pepper, or 1/2 salt and 1/2 pepper. Therefore, mixtures are characterised as having variable compositions.

Because the substance in a mixture retained their original properties, they can be separated by physical means.

True. Consider a mixture of iron powder and sugar. Iron is black and sugar is white. Iron is magnetic and sugar is not. Sugar is soluble in water and iron is not. Therefore, iron and sugar can be separated by simple physical means.

In theory, physical separation is possible for the components of any mixture. In practice, however, physical separation is sometimes very difficult.

It's true. Consider an uncooked pizza. It has many different components, but it would be difficult to pull all those components apart.

Mixtures are classified according to how well mixed they are. A mixture can be either heterogeneous or homogeneous Is based on the visual recognition of its components.

Heterogeneous, contains visibly different parts or phases. Homogeneous, contains only one phase which has uniform properties.

A heterogeneous mixture is the least mixed of mixtures. The different substances are large enough to be seen.

True. Granite and concrete are examples of heterogeneous mixtures. Granite contains several different minerals. Some of the minerals are very light coloured while others are nearly black. Concrete contains many different sized rocks surrounded by a fine mixture of cement.

Not all heterogeneous mixtures contain solid particles.

It's true. Mud is a mixture of soil and water which contain 2 phases, solid and liquid. The phases in a heterogeneous mixture may be different. Therefore, heterogenous mixtures have different substances and can have different phases.

Heterogeneous mixtures may have different phases, solid, liquid, and gas.

True. For example, oil and vinegar make up a liquid heterogeneous mixture. When they are shaken together, large drops of oil spread throughout the vinegar.

Homogeneous mixture

A homogeneous mixture is well mixed. The substances which make up the mixture cannot be seen even with a microscope. Therefore, homogeneous mixtures contain only one phase which has uniform properties through it.

Homogeneous mixtures of all 3 phases or States of matter, solid, liquid, and gas, are common.

Brass is a solid homogeneous mixture of copper and zinc. Rubbing alcohol is a liquid homogeneous mixture of isopropil alcohol and water. Air is a gaseous homogeneous mixture of oxygen, nitrogen, and other gases.

Homogeneous mixtures are usually called what?

Is solutions. A solution is formed when one substance dissolves in another. Salt water is a solution and is, therefore, a Homogeneous mixture.

What is another important property of solutions?

The substances are evenly spread out. All parts of a solution must be identical for the mixture to be homogeneous.

Substances in a solution May change in physical appearance when they dissolve, however, the substance does not change chemically.

True. The sugar in sugar water is no longer white and solid, but the same particles of sugar are present Before & After mixing. Therefore, the substance can change in its physical composition, but the chemical composition does not change.

Give an example of one substance present, but 2 phases are present?

This type of matter would be ice cubes floating in water.

Both homogeneous mixtures and heterogeneous mixtures can be separated into simpler substances by physical means.


In some cases, it is difficult to correctly classify matter.

Take for example blood. Without knowing the composition and properties of blood it appears to be a homogeneous substance. However, because blood clots Are made up of several different types of Substances distinctly different from each other with the aid of a microscope, it is actually a heterogeneous mixture.

Elements are the simplest of pure substances.

True. They cannot be changed into simpler substances by physical or chemical processes. An example of this is the element helium used to fill birthday balloons, iron, gold, copper, and tin were recognised as pure substances long before the modern term element was developed.

Each element has a unique name.

It's true. Element names have been chosen for many different reasons. For instance, the name of the country where the element was 1st bound, the name of the person who discovered the element, for specific properties of the element, after the name of a planet, or after Greek or Latin words.

Elements are represented by what?

Chemical symbols. The chemical symbol is an abbreviation for the name of the element. The symbols and names of the more common elements are in bold letters. Learning the names and symbols of the more common elements is a key to having a successful experience in chemistry.

Each element has a name and a chemical symbol.


Each chemical symbol consists of 1 or 2 letters.

True. These letters are usually taken from the element's name or its Latin name.

Each chemical symbol consists of 1 or 2 letters. The 1st letter of the symbol is always capitalised. When 2 letters are used in the symbol the 2nd letter is always lower case.


Elements and their symbols

Hydrogen, H, Helium, He, Lithium, Li, Beryllium, Be, Boron, B, Carbon, C, Nitrogen, N, Oxygen, O, Fluorine, F, Neon, Ne, Sodium, Na, Magnesium, Mg, Aluminum, Al, Silicon, Si, Phosphorus, P, Sulfur, S, Chlorine, Cl, Argon, Ar, Potassium, K, Calcium, Ca, Scandium, Sc, Titanium, Ti, Vanadium, V, Chromium, Cr, Manganese, Mn, Iron, Fe, Cobalt, Co, Nickel, Ni, Copper, Cu, Zinc, Zn, Gallium, Ga, Germanium, Ge, Arsenic, As, Selenium, Se, Bromine, Br, Krypton, Kr, Rubidium, Rb, Strontium, Sr, Yttrium, Y, Zirconium, Zr, Niobium, Nb, Molybdenum, Mo, Technetium, Tc, Ruthenium, Ru, Rhodium, Rh, Palladium, Pd, Silver, Ag, Cadmium, Cd, Indium, In, Tin, Sn, Antimony, Sb, Tellurium, Te, Iodine, I, Xenon, Xe, Cesium, Cs, Barium, Ba, Lanthanum, La, Cerium, Ce, Praseodymium, Pr, Neodymium, Nd, Promethium, Pm, Samarium, Sm, Europium, Eu, Gadolinium, Gd, Terbium, Tb, Dysprosium, Dy, Holmium, Ho, Erbium, Er, Thulium, Tm, Ytterbium, Yb, Lutetium, Lu, Halfnium, Hf, Tantalum, Ta, Tungsten, W, Rhenium, Re, Osmium, Os, Iridium, Ir, Platinum, Pt, Gold, Au, Mercury, Hg, Thallium, Tl, Lead, Pb, Bismuth, Bi, Polonium, Po, Astatine, At, Radon, Rn, Francium, Fr, Radium, Ra, Actinium, Ac, Thorium, Th, Protactinium, Pa, Uranium, U, Neptunium, Np, Plutonium, Pu, Americium, Am, Curium, Cm, Berkelium, Bk, Californium, Cf, Einsteinium, Es, Fermium, Fm, Mendelevium, Md, Nobelium, No, Lawrencium, Lr, Rutherfordium, Rf, Dubnium, Db, Seaborgium, Sg, Bohrium, Bh, Hassium, Hs, Meitnerium, Mt, Darmstadtium, Ds, Roentgenium, Rg, Ununbiium, Uub, blank, Ununquadium, Uuq.

Chemists are interested in properties, composition, and changes matter undergoes. A most important piece of information about a compound is it what?

Composition. The composition of a compound is given by its chemical formula. Chemical symbols for each element in the compound are used to make up the chemical formula.

The number of atoms of each element in the formula are given by numerical subscripts to the right of each chemical symbol in the formula.

True. When there is only one atom of an element, the subscript is not given as part of the formula.

Carbon dioxide is a compound of the elements of carbon and oxygen. What is its formula?

CO2. The formula tells you that every molecule of carbon dioxide is made up of one atom of carbon and 2 atoms of oxygen.

Water is a compound of the elements hydrogen and oxygen. What is its formula?

H2O. This formula tells you that every molecule of water is made up of 2 atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen.

Water is a compound and can be broken down by electrolysis, chemical means, to the elements hydrogen and oxygen. Since water contains twice as many hydrogen atoms as oxygen atoms, what will happen?

There will be twice as much hydrogen gas as oxygen gas when water is broken down to its elements.

Sulphuric acid has the formula H2SO4, what elements make up a molecule of sulphuric acid?

Hydrogen sulphur and oxygen

The chemical formula for aspirin is C9H8O4, What are the elements which make up aspirin?

Carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen

It is necessary to follow the capitalization rules for the element symbols. Making a capitalization error can dramatically alter the meaning of the chemical formula.

True CoCl2 and COCl2 Are drastically different compounds. Co Stands for the element cobalt and CO stands for one atom of carbon and 1 atom of oxygen. CoCl2 Is a blue solid and COCl2 Is a highly poisonous colourless gas.

Sometimes parentheses are used in chemical Formulas What do these mean?

The parenthesis mean that there are multiple groups present in the molecule. the numeric subscript following the parentheses always indicates how many atom groups there are inside the parenthesis.

Most elements occur as individual atoms. However, some elements occur as molecules. When an element occurs as a molecule it is still what?

An element

One of the Important aspects of matter which chemist study is chemical change. A chemical change always produces a different or new substance. A different substance is produced because the atoms are rearranged.


Chemical changes occur by what?

Chemical reactions. A chemical reaction always produces at least one new pure substance as a result of a chemical change. For instance, carbon dioxide and water are 2 new substances produced in the chemical change associated with the burning of gasoline.

A chemical reaction can be represented by what?

A chemical equation. Instead of using words to describe the chemical reaction a chemical equation can be used. These are abbreviations using chemical symbols and formulas to describe a chemical change or reaction.

Give an example of a chemical equation

When charcoal Burns in a barbecue grill, carbon atoms combine with oxygen molecules to form carbon dioxide molecules. The symbol and formula for the reaction can be described as C + O2= CO2

In a chemical equation, the numbers in front of the formulas are called coefficients. Coefficients change the amount of assumptions but not the identity of the substance.

True. For example, 2H2 + O2= 2H2O

Atoms in chemical reactions can only be rearranged. They can never be created or destroyed. Each side of a chemical equation must contain the same number of atoms of each element. The equation must be balanced.

It's true. Coefficients are used to balance a chemical equation. By placing the appropriate number in front of a chemical formula the equation can be balanced. Therfore, 2H2 + O2= 2H2O, It means 2 molecules of hydrogen react with one molecule of oxygen to form 2 molecules of water.

Is a coefficient affects the whole molecule while the subscript number only affects the element to its left.


The reactions and the products of a chemical reaction are represented by chemical formulas.

True. The reactant formulas, starting materials, are always on the left side of the equation.

Is in addition to the essential plus, arrow, and coefficients used in chemical equations, there are several optional symbols used to give more information about the chemical substance. What are these?

(S) solid, (l) liquid, (g) gas, (aq) aqueous solution

It is important to note that atoms can neither be created nor destroyed. There must be an equal amount of atoms on each side of the equation.
