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65 Cards in this Set

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The election of 1800
The Republicans nominated Thomas Jefferson for president and Aaron Burr to be his vice president. The Federalists support John Adams and Charles Pinckney as his vice president. Thomas Jefferson won after an election deadlock.
Twelfth Amendment
Congress passed this after the election deadlock between Burr and Jefferson in 1800. The law makes it necessary to vote for the president and vice president on separate ballots.
let people do as they choose, Jefferson's policy of government
Jefferson's Policies
-believed America should be nation of small farmers
-strong state governments
Albert Gallatin
Jefferson's secretary of the treasury
Jefferson and Gallatin did what two things together?
-reduced navy from 25 to 7 ships
-repealed all federal internal taxes
customs duties
taxes on foreign goods
Jefferson's Ideal Government
Jefferson believed it should be limited to delivering mail, collecting customs duties and taking a census every 10 years
John Marshall
was Adam's secretary of state, and was appointed as Supreme Court Justice just before Jefferson was inaugurated. Brought the Supreme Court up to the same level as other two branches, incorporated Federalist beliefs into court system
Midnight Judges
judges that were appointed by John Adams just before Thomas Jefferson was inaugurated. By doing this, John Adams shut Jefferson out of the appointment process and ensured Federalists would rule the courts.
Judiciary Act of 1801
This act set up regional courts for the US with 16 judges and many other officials
Marbury vs Madison
-Jefferson told Madison not to send out the last of undelivered midnight judge appointments
-Marbrury's commission wasn't delivered, took case to court
-Marbury said Judiciary Act of 1789 gave the Supreme Court jurisdiction.
-Marshall rejected the case-said it wasn't in his power.
-first time Marshall had exercised judicial review.
judicial review
the power the Supreme Court has to review and rule on acts of the other branches of government
Conestoga wagons
sturdy vehicles topped with white canvas that westward-bound pioneers traveled in
Louisiana Territory
area west of Mississippi River
Originally belonged to Spain, who traded it to France, who sold it to the US
New Orleans
Major port city in Louisiana Territory
Napoleon Bonaparte
France's leader who had visions of a French empire in Europe and the Americas
Robert Livingston
US ambassador to France
the grandson of an African chief and a fiercely determined ex-slave
Led the revolt in Santo Domingo and was captured by French
Louisiana Purchase
The revolt in Santo Domingo exhausted the French's money and forces. Due to this, Talleyrand and Napoleon offered to sell the ENTIRE Louisiana Territory to US for $15 million
Meriwether Lewis
Jefferson's 28 year old private secretary who co-led the Lewis and Clark expedition. Had been part of the militia in the Whiskey Rebellion
William Clark
Lewis' 32 year old friend from the military, the expedition's co-leader
a young Shoshone woman married to a French trapper. She joined the expedition wither her infant son and proved to be invaluable rather than a burden, serving an interpreter and guide
Shoshone chief, Sacagawea's older brother
Columbia River
The goal of Lewis and Clark's journey, the river opens up into the Pacific.
Lieutenant Zebulon Pike
led two expeditions between 1805 and 1807 through the upper Mississippi River aalley and into what is now Colorado. Found a mountain now called Pikes Peak. During his expedition he was captured by the Spanish and later released.
The Hamilton-Burr feud
Aaron Burr had agree to lead NY out of the Union, and when Hamilton heard of this, he accused Burr of treason. Burr then lost the election for governor and blamed it on Hamilton, and challenged Hamilton to a duel. In July 1804, the two men met in New Jersey. Hamilton probably deliberately missed while Aaron Burr killed Hamilton and fled.
Federalist Plan to Secede
Most Federalists opposed Louisiana Purchase. They thought the new states in the area would become Republican and reduce their power. Plotters in MA wanted New England to withdraw and form the Northern Confederacy. Aaron Burr was chosen to help them.
By 1800 the US was what?
second only to Great Britain in the number of merchant ships trading around the world
protection money
Barbary Coast pirates
Pirates from Tripoli and other Barbary Coast States that demanded tribute form countries to let ships pass safely.
War with Tripoli
in 1801 the ruler of Tripoli asked for more money from the US. The US refused, and Tripoli cut down flag of American consulate, declaring war. This was the first time the US navy had been sent overseas to fight. Eventually negotiations ended the war in June 1805. US had to pay $65,000 to release US hostages
Stephen Decatur
young US Navy captain who burned the captured Philadelphia in order to prevent the pirates from using it.
neutral rights
the right to sail the seas and not take sides
the practice of forcing captured people into service, practiced by the British Navy
Attack on the Chesapeake
in June 1807 the a British warship confronted the American ship Chesapeake and demanded to search the ship for British deserters. The Chesapeake refuse and the British opened fire, killing and wounding Americans. James Madison called it an outrage, and the event made Americans mad
an act prohibiting trade with another country
The Embargo Act of 1807
Although Britain was the target of the law, it banned trade with ALL nations. Ultimately it didn't hurt Britain and wiped out American commerce with other nations and it divided the American people
American feelings on the embargo
-New England, a major shipping area, opposed it
-At first the South supported it, but when cotton and tobacco weren't selling, they opposed it too
Election of 1808
The Federalists nominated Charles Pinckney, and the Republicans nominated James Madison. Madison won.
Nonintercourse Act
New act replaced Embargo Act. It prohibited trade with France and Britain, but still wasn't popular with the public
What law replaced the Nonintercourse Act?
This new law, in 1810, permitted trade with either France OR Britain, depending on who lifted their trade bans first. Napoleon took advantage of this
became new state in 1803
a powerful Shawnee chief who built a confederacy among Native Americans in Indiana, Ohio and Michigan. The Prophet's brother.
the Prophet
Tecumseh's brother who urged everyone to return to the customs of their ancestors
General WIlliam Henry Harrison
governor of Indiana Territory, alarmed that Tecumseh and Prophet would form alliance with Britain
Battle of Tippecanoe
In Prophetstown, Harrison led forces against the Prophet, and Americans won quickly. "Tippecanoe" became a rallying cry for Americans and for Harrison
War Hawks
young Republicans who wanted to avenge British actions against Americans, expand nation and had a spirit of nationalism
General William Hull
led the American army from Detroit into Canada and was met by Tecumseh and retreated.
Oliver Hazard Perry
commander of the Lake Erie naval forcces, won the battle at Lake Erie and opened way for American forces
Battle of the Thames
where Tecumseh was killed on October 5
armed private ships
British strategy to divide Americans
the British closed the southern ports but left New England ports open, well aware of the war's unpopularity there. Eventually, British gave up and closed New England ports as well
Andrew Jackson
a lanky Tennessee planter who won the Battle of Horseshoe Bend against the Creek Indians
Dolley Madison
First Lady, wouldn't leave the White House when the British attacked D.C. until George Washington's portrait was moved to safety
British attack on Washington DC
The British arrived in 1814 and burned almost all of the city. this was a low point for Americans
Francis Scott Key
This young attorney watched the bombs burst over Fort McHenry and wrote the Star-Spangled Banner
General Sir George Prevost
led more than 10,000 British troops into NY
Battle of Plattsburgh
British suffered humiliating defeat. After Plattsburgh, British leaders decided that the war was costly and unecessary
Treaty of Ghent
a peace agreement signed in 1814 that ended the War of 1812
General Sir Edward Pakenham
a British general who led troops toward New Orleans before word of the Treaty of Ghent reached America
Battle of New Orleans
British were badly defeated by Jackson's troops, and Andrew Jackson became a hero
Hartford Convention
New England Federalists that gathered to discuss their list of proposed amendments to the Constitution. A few favored secession. After this, word of New Orleans came through and the Federalists lost respect because of their whining