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28 Cards in this Set

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The "Father" of genetics was...

C. Gregor Mendel

What is the probability that the offspring of a homozygous dominant individual and a homozygous recessive individual will exhibit the dominant phenotype?

D. 1.0

The first filial (F1) generation is the result of a cross between________ generations with opposing traits.

B. P and P

Which of the following is the designation for Mendel's original "True-Breeding" strains of plants?

A. P

The passing of traits from parents to offspring is called______________.

D. Heredity

A genetic trait that is always expressed in the offspring is called a_________ trait.

A. Dominant

If one parent is recessive and the other is heterozygous, the probability of recessive offspring is______.

B. .5

To explain distribution of multiple traits during gamete formation, Mendel proposed the law of_____________________________.

A. Independent Assortment

The phenotype of an organism__________________________________________________________________.

B. reflects traits that are actually expressed.

If an individual has two recessive alleles for the same trait, the individual is said to be________________.

A. Homozygous.

Tallness, (T) is dominant over shortness (t) in pea plants. Which of the following represents the genotype of a pea plant that is homozygous for shortness?

D. tt

How many different phenotypes can be produced by crossing heterozygous parents with codominant alleles?

C. 3 = Black, white, B&W

A red flower is crossed with a yellow flower resulting in all orange flowers. This condition is called________________________________.

B. Incomplete Dominance

The expected genotype ratio resulting from a homozygous recessive x heterozygous monohybrid cross is_______.

B. 1:1

In a dihybrid cross, what fraction of the offspring would we expect to be homozygous recessive for both traits when both parents are heterozygous for both traits?

D. 1/16

What is the expected genotype ratio resulting from a heterozygous x heterozygous monohybrid cross?

A. 1:2:1

What is the expected phenotype ratio resulting from a homozygous dominant x heterozygous monohybrid cross is?

D. 1.0

An organism that has inherited two of the same alleles of a gene from its parents is called_________________.

C. Homozygous

In pea plants, yellow seeds are dominant over green seeds. What would be the expected genotype ratio in a cross between a plant with green seeds and a plan that is heterozygous for seed color?

D. 1:1

What fraction of the offspring resulting from a heterozygous x heterozygous dihybrid cross would we expect to express both dominant traits?

A. 9/16

A cross of two individuals for a single contrasting trait is called______________________ cross.

A. Monohybrid

Blood type is inherited as a combination of two alleles from three possible, to form how many genotypes?

D. 6

If one parent is heterozygous for type A blood and the other is heterozygous for type B blood, then their children could have what blood type?

E. A, B, AB, or O

When two orange snapdragons flowers are crossed, we would expect the resulting phenotypes to be___________________________.

B. One red, two orange, and one yellow

Human blood type alleles (A, B, O) can combine to form how many phenotypes?

C. 4

Crossing a two pink snapdragon flowers will likely result in ______ red snapdragons.

C. 25%

Since eyes color traits are carried on the X chromosome in fruit flies, crossing a heterozygous red eyed female with a red eyed male will result in_________ of the males having white eyes.

C. 50%

Given the facts from #32, the genotype of a white eyed female fruit fly would be__________.

B. XrXr