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50 Cards in this Set

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Minority groups are characterized by
Distinguishable from dominant groups

Excluded or denied full participation

Less access to power and resources; evaluated less favorably

Stereotyped, ridiculed, condemned, or otherwise defamed

Develop collective identities
What Characterizes Race and Ethnic Groups?
Minority groups are determined by history and ideology.

Dominant groups are not always a numerical majority.

Ethnic and racial groups are the most common minority groups in the world.
is a group, chosen by a society, who are presumed to have certain biologically inherited physical characteristics.
Race relation problems are social in origin

During the 18th and 19th centuries, four major groupings were assigned:



1970 US statement on race
All people are born free and equal both in dignity and in rights.

Racism stultifies personal development.

(Racial) conflicts cost nations money and resources.

Racism foments international conflict.
Social significance is the idea from symbolic interaction theory that social consequences constitute reality.
People assigned group membership, in part, on physical appearance.

All individuals classify objects, including humans.

Classifications used to scientifically study humans.

Classifications can provide individuals with an identity.
The Significance of Race vs. Class
Racial stratification was the central stratification system in the United States for many years.
The division of black America
Two in five African Americans are middle-class
Majority of urban, black underclass are unemployed
Ethnic groups are groups where membership is based on shared cultural heritage and other cultural factors and is often connected with a national or geographic identity
Many racial groups are ethnic groups.

Some ethnic groups are concentrated in ethnic enclaves.
are non-factual attitudes that target a group, usually negatively
Stereotypes are distorted, oversimplified, or exaggerated ideas passed down via culture.
Applied to all members of a group

Used to justify prejudice, discrimination, and unequal distribution of resource
self-fulfilling prophesy
is the incorporation of stereotyped behavior into an individual’s view of themselves.
Frustration-aggression theory
is a theory that states that acts of prejudice and discrimination are motivated by anger and frustration individuals feel when they cannot achieve their work or goals.
is a form of aggressive action motivated by frustration against minority groups because an individual is unable to vent frustration toward the real target or cause.
any attitude, belief, or institutional arrangement that favors one racial group over another; this favoritism may result in intentional or unintentional consequences for minority groups.
Ideological racism
is an attempt to justify racism on the basis of a pseudoscientific set of ideas.
Symbolic racism
people insist they are not prejudiced or racist, yet oppose social policies that would eliminate racism and make true equality of opportunity possible
Institutional racism
involves discrimination that is hidden within the system.
is actions taken against members of a minority group; differential treatment of and harmful actions against minorities
Individual discrimination
is action taken against minority group members by individuals that can take the form of exclusion, avoidance, or violence.
Institutional discrimination
is intentional and unintentional actions engrained in the normal or routine part of the way an organization operates that have consequences that restrict minority group members
Purposeful or De jure discrimination
is built into the law or is part of the explicit policies of an organization.
Unintentional or De facto discrimination
results from broad policies that favor one group and disadvantage another.
Side-effect discrimination
practices in one institutional area that have a negative impact because they are linked to practices in another institutional area
Past-in-present discrimination
practices from the past that may no longer be allowed but that continue to affect people today
The form of dominant and minority group relations in a nation depend on several factors
Who has more power

The needs of the domination group for commodities (labor and/or other resources)

The cultural norms of each group

The social histories of the group

The physical and cultural identifiers of the group

The times and circumstances
is the systematic effort of a dominant group to destroy a minority
Population transfer and transnationalism
refers to the removal of a minority group from a region or country
refers to the structural and cultural merging of minority and majority groups (minority loses their original identity).
occurs when each ethnic or racial group in a country maintains its own culture and separate set of institutions but has recognized equity in society
Conflict Theory
Privileged people perpetuate prejudice and discrimination against minority group members to keep privileges and resources
Three critical factors contribute to hostility over resources
If two groups of people are identifiably different then “we” versus “they” thinking may develop.

If the groups come into conflict over scarce resources that both groups want for themselves, hostilities are very likely to arise.

If one group has much more power than the other, intense dislike between the two groups and misrepresentation of each group by the other is virtually inescapable.
Split Labor Market theory
characterizes the labor market as having two levels
Primary market
"clean” jobs
Secondary market
minorities, especially from the urban underclass, are most likely to work in this market
Structural-Functional Theory

A cheap pool of labors who are in and out of work serves several functions for society
A cheap pool of labor provides a labor force to do “dirty work.”

They make occupations that service the poor possible.

They buy goods others do not want.

They set examples for others of what not to be.

They allow others to feel good about giving to charity.
Prejudice, racism, and discrimination are dysfunctional for society in many ways
They result in a loss of human resources.

They cost society due to poverty and crime.

They maintain hostilities between groups.

They fuel disrespect for those in power.
Individual Effects
Unequal life chances, health, and access to property

Victims can also have low self-esteem from devalued status in society.
Organizations and communities
Lose the talents of individuals they exclude

Government subsidies cost millions but made necessary by lack of opportunities for minority individuals.
Cultural costs
Attempts to justify racism by stereotyping and labeling
Five common reactions to dealing with a minority group status
Assimilation—accommodation to prejudice and discrimination

Acceptance—live with minority status with little overt challenge to the system

Avoidance—shunning all contact with the dominant group

Aggression—results from anger and resentment over minority status and from subjugation may lead to retaliation or violence

Change-oriented action—minority groups pursue social change in meso and macro-levels of society
Nonviolent Resistance
think of Martin Luther King Jr. or Gandhi
Individual or small-group solutions
human relations workshops, group encounters and therapy
Group contact
integrated housing projects, job programs to promote minority hiring, busing children to schools
Institutional and societal strategies
lobbying, watchdog monitoring, education information dissemination, protest marches, rallies, and boycotts
Affirmative action
is a social policy created to change the unequal distribution of resources
Strict affirmative action
is a policy that involves affirmative or positive steps to make sure that unintended discrimination does not occur
Quota systems
are policies that require employers to hire a certain percentage of minorities (now considered unconstitutional and therefore illegal)
Preference policies
policies are policies based on the belief that sometime people must be treated differently in order to treat them fairly and to create equality
Objectives of preference policies include
Eliminate qualifications that are not substantially related to the job that unwittingly favor members of the dominant group

Foster achievement of objectives of the organization that are only possible through enhanced diversity