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28 Cards in this Set

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social stratification
system of structural social inequality
estate system
the ownership of property and the exercise of power is monopolized by the elite who have total control over societal resources
socially defined position in a group or society
social differentiation
process by which different statuses develop in any group, organization, or society
caste system
one's place in the stratification system is an ascribed status
class systems
stratification exists, but a person's placement in the class system can change according to personal achievements
social class
social structural position groups hold relative to the economic, social, political, and cultural resources of society
life chances
the opportunities that people have in common by virtue of belonging to a particular class
status attainment
the process by which people end up in a given position in the stratification system
socioeconomic status
the image of stratification as a laddered system. Income, occupational prestige, and education are three measures
the amount of money a person receives in a given period
total value of what one owns, minus one's debts
median income
midpoint of all household incomes
the value others assign to people and groups
occupational prestige
the subjective evaluation people give to jobs
educational attainment
total years of formal education
urban underclass
those likely to be permanently unemployed and without much means of economic support
net worth
dollar amount of wealth for one person
economic restructuring
refers to the decline of manufacturing jobs in the US
system in which one's status is based on merit or accomplishments
social mobility
a person's movement over time from one class to another
class consciousness
the perception that a class structure exists along with a feeling of shared identification with others in one's class
false consciousness
the class consciousness of subordinate classed who had internalized the view of the dominant class
belief systems that support the status quo
poverty line
the amount of money needed to support the basic needs of a household, as determined by the government
feminization of poverty
the large proportion of the poor who are women and children
culture of poverty
attributes the major causes of poverty to the absence of work values and the irresponsibility of the poor
Temporary Assistance to Needy Families
stipulates a lifetime limit of five years for people to receive aid