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30 Cards in this Set

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What is adolescence?
the period between the normal onset of puberty and the beginning of adulthood (in the US about age 12-19) p120
What is anticipatory socialization?
learning of the rights, obligations, and expectations of a role in preparation for assuming that role at a future date p126
What is puberty?
physical maturing that make an individual capable of sexual reproduction p120
Why do sociologist not consider adolescence to be an universal concept?
because in some societies, children immediately take on adult roles at a certain time (they do not recognize a separate stage between childhood and adulthood)
What are three factors in American society that led to the develoopment of a separate stage of life called adolescence?
mandatory education of children through age 16, child labor laws, the development of the juvenile-justice system
Describe the five general characteristics of adolescence?
biological growth & development, an undefined status, increased decision making, increased pressure, and the search for self p121
What is dating?
dating is or the meeting of pople as a romantic engagement and is a social behavior that allows individuals to choose their own marriage partners 127
What is courtship?
courstship is a social interaction similar to dating but with the sole purpose of eventual marriage p127
What did Willard Waller do?
Willard Waller conducted one of the earliest sociological analyses of American dating patterns. During the late 1920s & early 1930s, he studied the dating habits of students at Penn State University.
What is homogamy?
tendency for individuals to marry people who have social characteristics similar to their own, p129, 305
What is a courting buggy?
a horse-drawn carriage received by Amish men during their teenage years p134
How did the rise of industrialization contribute to the development of dating in the United States?
The Industrial Revolution caused many people to move from farms to cities, where people established their own homes independent of their parents. This freedom reduced parental control over courtship and led to dating.
What are the five functions served by dating?
entertainment, socialization, fulfillment of psychological needs such as companionship, status, and spouse selection p131
Compare traditional dating patterns with dating patterns common today.
Modern dating is less ritualized and formal, less focused on the couple, and marked by greater equality than traditional or courtship of the past. In modern dating either sex can ask for and pay for a date.
What is the definition of the word drug?
any substance that changed mood, behavior, or consciousness p137
What is social integration?
the degree of attachments people have to social groups or to society p141
What are some of the chief predictors of teenage suicide?
alcohol or drug use, triggering events, age, sex, population density, family relations and the cluster effect
According to social scientists, what are some of the causes of early sexual activity?
one-parent families, low family income level, and lack of religious participation
According to social scientists, what are some of the consequences of early sexual activity?
teenage pregnancies and STDs
According to social scientists, what are some of the causes of teen suicide?
confusion and self-doubt, problems tha seem overwhelming, and social isolation
What major social problems face American teenagers today?
risks from early sexual behavior, drug use and drug violence, and suicide
True or False?
Dating in the United States is a fairly recent phenomena?
True. Dating did not emerge as a form of social interaction between the sexes until just after World War I. Moreover, only in the past 60 years have sociologists taken an interest in dating, as a topic of study.
What is a puberty rite?
A formal ceremony that marks the a child's movement from childhood to adulthood. Puberty rites are common in may preindustrial societies.
True or False?
Adolescence as a life stage is a relatively new phenomena.
True. Adolescence as a life stage is a relatively new phenomena. In the United States, this stage did not exist prior the Civil War. Before that time, young people were treated simply as small adults.
True or False?
Puberty is not found in every society.
False. Puberty is the one aspect of adolescence that is found in every society. Puberty is universal because it is biological rather than cultural in origin. The brain and the endocrine system control biological development.
True or False?
The human brain does not finish developing until people are in their early twenties.
True. The part of the brain called the prefrontal cortex is not fully developed in teenagers -- or even very active. This region of the brain handles decision making and control of emotions.
True or False?
Experts agree that jobs benefit all students.
False. Experts diagree about whether working benefits students.
What were some of Willard Waller's findings in his studies of dating at Penn State University in the 1920s and early 1930s?
He said dating was a form of entertainment with little to do with mate selection. Status attainment & excitement were key factors. Partners were selected on the basis of status characteristics (good looks, nice clothes & popularity). Most dating occurred between members of fraternities and sororities.
What are some negative consequences of teenage pregnancy?
Babies have lower birth weights & higher death rate and children have more learning difficulties. Teen parents are less likely to finish school and have lower lifetime earnings. Children of teen parents are more likely to become teen parents. Teenage mothers face significant emotional stress.
What are some factors (influences) associated with teenage drug use?
having friends who regularly engage in drug use, having social and academic adjustment problems, and living in a hostile and rejecting family setting