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16 Cards in this Set

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What are the functions of bone tissue?

1. Support

2. Storage of Minerals and Lipids

3. Blood Cell Production

4. Protection

5. Leverage (Assistance in Movement)

What is the structure of Long Bones?

The Structure are elongated bone consisting of a body (diaphysis) and two terminal parts (epiphyses).

Where is each part of the Long Bones found

Long Bones are located in the

1. Arm and Forearm

2. Thigh & Leg

3. Palms

4. Soles

5. Fingers & Toes

What is found at the articular surface.

Is any surface of a skeletal formation (bone, cartilage) that makes normal direct contact with another skeletal structure as part of a synovial joint

What is the Periosteum

a dense layer of vascular connective tissue enveloping the bones except at the surfaces of the joints.

What Is Periosteum made of and what cells are found in it?

It is made up of an outer tough fibrous layer and a deeper more succulent osteogenic layer and The cells are called progenitor cells.

What is the function of Periosteum?

is to defend the bone against injury and harm.

Where is the Medullary Cavity

is the cavity within a bone where a soft and flexible substance called marrow is stored.

What is found inside the Medullary Cavity

Red and Yellow bone marrow are found in the medullary cavity

What is the Endosteum


In anatomy the endosteum is a thin layer of connective tissue that lines the surface of the bony tissue that forms the medullary cavity of long bones.

What is the composition of bone

Bone itself consists mainly of collagen fibres and an inorganic bone mineral in the form of small crystals.

What are the cells of the bone and what does each one do


There are two categories of bone cells. Osteoclasts are in the first category. They reabsorb (dissolve) the bone. The other category is the osteoblast family, which consists of osteoblasts that form bone,osteocytes that help maintain bone, and lining cells that cover the surface of the bone.

What is the composition of Compact Bone

Bones form the skeletal frame of the body and are made up of calcium.

What is the structure of an osteon

the chief structural unit of compact (cortical) bone, consisting of concentric bone layers called lamellae, which surround a long hollow passageway, the Haversian canal

How do nutrients and waste move in osteon

Through the Haversian canal which contains small blood vessels responsible for the blood supply to osteocytes.

How are osteons positioned and why

The osteons in all bones are arranged in two helical systems of opposite directions, which lie on the opposite sides of the diaphysis. this special type of osteon orientation corresponds with the directions of the maximum principal stress and/or strain in the walls of the bones, which are exposed to both the bending and torque moments