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100 Cards in this Set

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Are String objects and reference variables immutable?

String objects are immutable, but String reference variables are NOT

What must you do after creating a new String to avoid it being lost to your program?

You must assign somthing to the new String

What happens to the old String if you redirect a String reference to a new String?

The old String can be lost

String methods use what based indexes?

zero-based indexes

Only exceptions for zero-based indexes

Second argument in substring()

Why can't the methods of the String class be overridden?

The String class is final

length() vs. length

  • length() is a method Strings have
  • length is an attribute arrays have

StringBuffer's API vs. StringBuilder's API

They're the same, except that StringBuilder's methods are NOT synchronized for thread safety

Which methods run faster between StringBuffer and StringBuilder?

StringBuilder's methods should run faster

True or False? Both StringBuffer and StringBuilder are NOT mutable?

False. They are both mutable - they can change without creating a new object

String Buffer and StringBuilder methods act on...

the invoking object, and objects can change without an explicit assignment in the statement

StringBuffer and StringBuilder equals() is NOT overridden, but it doesn't...

compare values

Chained methods are evaluated from...

left to right

String method charAt()

Returns the character located at the String's specified index. REMEMBER indexes are zero-based

String method concat()

Returns a String with the value of the String passed in to the method appended to the end of the String used to invoke the method.

The overloaded + and += perform functions similar.

String method equalsIgnoreCase()

Returns a boolean value depending on whether the value of the String in the argument is the same as the value of the String used to invoke the method.

*Will return true even when characters being compared have differing cases

String method length()

Returns the number of characters in a String

String method replace()

Replaces occurrences of a character with a new character.

replace(char old, char new)

String method substring()

  • substring(int begin) Returns a string starting at the location of int begin (zero-based)
  • substring(int begin, int end) Returns a string starting at the location of int begin and ends at location of int end (THE 2ND ARGUMENT IS NOT ZERO BASED)

String method toLowerCase()

Returns a string with uppercase characters converted

String method toString()

Returns the value of a String

String method trim()

Returns a String whose value is the string used to invoke the method, but WITH any leading or trailing blank spaces REMOVED

StringBuffer method append(String s)

Will update the value of the object that invoked the method, whether or not the return is assigned to a variable.

Similar to the + with Strings

StringBuilder method delete(int start, int end)

Returns a StringBuilder object and updates the value of the StringBuilder object that invoked.

First argument is ZERO-Based

Second argument is ONE-Based

StringBuilder method insert(int offset, String s)

Returns a StringBuilder object and updates the value of the object that invoked the method.

ZERO-Based argument

String vs StringBuffer objects

What will the output be?

StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer ("abc");


System.out.println( sb );


StringBuffer method reverse()

Reverses the characters in the StringBuffer object

StringBuffer method toString()

Returns the value of the StringBuffer object that invoked the method call as a String

I/O class File

An abstract representation of file and directory path names. It's used to work at a higher level, making new empty files, searching for files, deleting files, making directories, and working with paths

I/O class FileReader

  • Read character files with low-level methods
  • FileReaders are usually WRAPPED by higher-level objects (like BufferedReader)

I/O class BufferedReader

  • Used to make lower-level Reader classes (FileReader) easier to use
  • Compared to FileReaders it reads large chunks of data form a file at once and keeps the data in a buffer
  • More convenient methods for reading

I/O class FileWriter

  • Used to write character(s) or Strings to a file
  • Usually WRAPPED by higher-level Writer objects (like BufferedWriter)

I/O class BufferedWriter

  • Used to make lower-level classes (FileWriters) easier to use
  • Writes larger chunks of data to a file than FileWriters

I/O class PrintWriter

  • Can be used in places where you previously needed a Writer to be wrapped with a FileWriter and/or a BufferedWriter

I/O class Console

Provides methods to read input from the console and write formatted output to the console

True or False? A new File means there's a new file on your hard drive


File objects can represent either a ________ or a ________



The File class lets you do what to files and directories?

Manage them (add, rename, and delete)

createNewFile() and mkdir()

Add entries to your file system

FileWriter and FileReader are ______-level I/O classes. You can use them to _________ and ________ files, but they should usually be ________





True or False? Classes in java.io are designed NOT to be "chained" or "wrapped"


What is a common way to get access to higher-level (more convenient) methods?

By "wrapping" a BufferedReader around a FileReader or a BufferedWriter around a FileWriter.

This Java 5 I/O class has methods append(), format(), and printf()


Console objects can read non-echoed input and are instantiated how?

Using System.console()


"Save this object and all of its instance variables...unless I've explicitly marked a variable as transient, which means don't include that variable's value as part of the object's serialization

The classes you need to understand for Serialization (4)

  • ObjectOutputStream
  • ObjectInputStream
  • FileOutputStream
  • FileInputStream

What must a class do before its objects can be serialized?

Implement Serializable

ObjectOutputStream.writeObject() method does what?

Serializes objects

ObjectInputStream.readObject() method does what?

Deserializes objects

What happens if you mark an instance variable transient? (in regards to serialization)

It will NOT be serialized even though the rest of the object's state will be

You can supplement a class's automatic serialization process by implementing what methods?



If a superclass implements Serializable then what do its subclasses do?

Implements Srializable automatically

What happens if a superclass doesn't implement Serializable when a subclass object is deserialized?

The superclass constructor will be invoked, along with its superconstructor(s)

java.util.Date class

Use this class to bridge between Calendar and DateFormat class.

Instance of Date represents a mutable date and time

java.util.Calendar class

Provides a variety of methods that help you convert and manipulate dates and times

java.text.DateFormat class

Used to format dates

Various styles like "01/01/70" or "January 1, 1970"

Format dates for numerous locales around the world

java.text.NumberFormat class

Used to format numbers and currencies for locals around the world

java.until.Locale class

Used in conjunction with DateFormat and NumberFormat to format dates, numbers and currency for specific locales.

How is a Date stored?

As a long, the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970

Date objects are go-betweens what two classes?

Calendar and Locale

What do the methods of Calendar provide?

Methods to manipulate dates, getting days of week, or adding some number of months or years to a date

How to create Calendar instances?

Using static factory methods (getInstance())

Calendar method add()

Allows you to add or subtract various pieces (minutes, days, years...) to a date

Calendar method roll()

Works like add() except it doesn't increment a date's bigger pieces. (Adding 10 months to Oct changes the month to Aug but not the year)

How to create DateFormat instances?

Using static factory methods (getInstance() and getDateInstance())

How to create a wide array of outputs for any given date?

DateFormat styles can be applied against various Locales

DateFormat.format() method is used to create?

Strings containing properly formatted dates

The Locale class is used in conjunction with which two classes?

DateFormat and NumberFormat

Both DateFormat and NumberFormat objects can be constructed with?

A specific, immutable Locale

Regular Expressions (regex) are the patterns...

used to search for data within large data structures

regex lets you create search patterns using...

literal characters or metacharacters (metacharacters allow you to search for slightly more abstract data like "digits" or "whitespace"

Searches using Metacharacters /d

A digit

Searches using Metacharacters /s

A whitespace character

Searches using Metacharacters /w

A word character (letters, digits, or "_" (underscore))

Searches using Metacharacters .

the "." (dot) means "any character can serve here"

source: "ac abc a c"

pattern: a.c


3 abc

7 a c

regex provides for quantifiers which allow you to...

specify concepts like: "look for one or more thing in a row"

Greedy quantifier +

Find one or more of the things in a row

source: "1 a12 234b"

pattern: /d+


0 1

3 12

6 234

Greedy quantifier *

Zero or more occurrences

Greedy quantifier ?

Zero or ONE occurrences

How do we fix the problem that metacharacters and Strings don't mix well?

We add another backslash in front of the metacharacter

Ex. "//d" instead of "/d"

Which classes have Java's most powerful regex capabilities?

Pattern and Matcher classes

Tokenizing is the process of...

splitting delimited data into small pieces

How to create a Matcher?

Use the Pattern.matcher() method (that takes String sourceData)

In tokenizing, the data you want is called_______


In tokenizing, the strings that separate the tokens are called.....


How can tokenizing be done? 2 ways

With the Scanner class or with String.split()

True or False? Delimiters are multiple characters?

False. They are single characters like commas, or complex regex expressions

What does the Scanner class allow you to do that allows you to stop whenever you want to?

Allows you to tokenize the data from within a loop

The Scanner class allows you to tokenize these 3 things...

  • Strings
  • streams
  • files

Why might the String.split() method be slow at processing large amounts of data?

It tokenizes the entire source data all at once

Two methods used to format data for output. Found int eh PrintStream class, an instance or which is the out in System.out



format() and printf() methods are...


How do you format data with printf() or format()?

With FORMATTING STRINGS that are associated with primitive or string arguments

format() allows you to mix...

literals in with your format strings

Format strings values to should know are FLAGS: -,+,0, "," and (

  • - : Left justify the argument
  • + : Include a sign (+ or -) with this argument
  • 0 : Pad this argument with zeros
  • , : Use locale-specific grouping separators
  • ( : Enclose negative numbers in parentheses

Clue to determining whether you're looking at formatting data...

Formatting data will always start with a percent sign (%)

Format string values you should know are CONVERSIONS: b, c, d, f and s

  • b boolean
  • c char
  • d integer
  • f floating point
  • s string

int i1 = -123

int i2 = 12345

System.out.printf(">%1$(7d< /n", i1);

System.out.printf(">%0, 7d< /n", i2);


> (123) <


2$ and 1$ in formatting with printf() and format()

2$ represents the second argument

1$ represents the first argument

What happens if your conversion character doesn't match your argument type?

An exception will be thrown