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3 parts to cell theory

1.) Cells are the basic unit of life

2.) If you are living, you are made of cells

3.) All cells come from other cells

3 things a microscope does

Magnification, resolution, and contrast


Dead specimen and 2D


Dead specimen and 3D

Cell Fractionation

Breaking a cell apart into its organelles

In both prokaryotes and eukaryotes

Plasma membrane, ribosomes, DNA, and cytosol

Surface area

Good for a cell to have a lot of surface area. Also easy for things to get places within a cell.


Control center of cell and contains DNA

Nuclear Envelope

Surrounds nucleus and has 2 phospholipid bilayers and has nuclear pores

Nuclear Pores

Used to get ribosomes and mRNA in and out of the nucleus


Genetic information. Found in nucleus, Mitochondria, and chloroplasts


Found inside the nucleus and it is where ribosomes are made

Nuclear Lamina

Keeps the nucleus from collapsing. Made of intermediate


Make protein and found in the cytoplasm are bound to rough ER

Endomembrane System

Nuclear Envelope, plasma membrane, rough and smooth ER, Golgi Apparatus, lyosomes, vacuole, and vesicles

7 Parts

Smooth ER

Detoxifies poisons, drugs, and alcohols. Produces hormones. And muscle contraction.

Rough ER

Helps produce protein. Has ribosomes attached

Golgi Apparatus

Modifies proteins and ships it out to the cell in transport vesicles

Cis and Trans

Cis is facing each other and Trans is facing the outside of the cell


The transport vesicles become the GA and the last trans layer breaks away and doesn't come back


Digestive organelle


When a lyosome recycles old organelles


Absorbing stuff from outside a cell. Think of white blood cells or how bacteria eats


Used for stored of water and other things

Contractile Vacuole

Specialized Vacuole that pumps water out of a cell. Looks like a star and remember video

Endosymbiosis Theory

Mitochondria and Chloroplasts used to be separate prokaryotic cells and were eventually absorbed into the cell. Evidence- They have DNA and ribosomes within their double membrane


Powerhouse of the cell. Burns sugar know as cellular respiration. Found in plant and animal cells


Makes sugar through photosynthesis. It does not burn sugar.


They detoxify using enzymes catalase and oxidase. The stuff is then let out as water and oxygen.


Shapes and supports a cell


Hollow, made of Tubulin, alpha and beta dimers, cilia and flagella.

Cell Motility

Movement of whole cell or stuff inside the cell


Animals only. Area that contains centrioles that are used for cell division.

Cilia and Flagella

Move the whole cell and have a 9+2 arrangement of microtubules

Basal body

Base of Cilia and Flagella. Microtubules have a 9+3+0 arrangement.

Dinean Arms

Proteins that move up and down the microtubules within the cilia and flagella. That creates the waving motion that moves the cell.


Solid, made of Actin, thin, used in cell division


Off branches of a cell that are used to create more surface area. Made up of microfilaments. Like a cell found in the intestines


Solid, made of Keratin, more permanent and makes up the nuclear Lamina

Cell Wall

Outside of a plant cell. Primary is built first and allows cell to grow. Secondary is solid and built second


A whole in a plant cell that allows it to communicate with other cells. Lets water and other small solutes through

Tight junctions

'Sews' doesn't let stuff get between the cells

Middle Lamella

Glues plant cells together


'Rivets' cells together. Held in place by intermediate

Gap Junction

Channels between animal cells. Lets sugars, amino acids, and other small molecules through

ECM (Extracellular Matrix)

Holds shape of animal cells and used for communication


Main protein of ECM


Attaches collagen to integrins


Protein channels used for communication

Proteoglycan Complex

Protein and sugar that helps hold the collagen in place