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39 Cards in this Set

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List four essential functions of epithelial tissue.
Provide physical protection, control permeabliity, provide sensation, and produce specialized secretions
Summarize the classification of an epithelium based on cell shape and number of cell layers.
The three characteristic shapes of epithelial cells are squamous, cuboidal, and columnar. A single layer of epithelial cells is simple epithithelium, whereas multiplelayers of epithelial cells constitute a stratified epithelium
What is the probable function of an epithelial surface whose cells bear many cilia?
The presense of many cilia on the free surface of epithelial cells aids the movement of substances over the epithelial surface.
Identify the various types of epithelial intrecellular connections.
Epithelial intracellular connections include occluding junctions, adhesion belts, gap junctions, desmosomes, and hemidesmosomes.
How do epithelial tissues, which are avascular, obtain needed nutrients?
Epithelia rely on blood vessels in underlying tissues to supply needed nutrients.
What is the functional significance of gap junctions?
Gap junctions help coordinate the functoning of adjacent cells by allowing smalll molecules and ions to pass from cell to cell. In epithelial cells, gap junctions help coordinate functions such as the beating of cilia. In cardiac and smooth muscle tissues, they are essential in achieving coordinated muscle cell contractions.
What properties are common to keratinized epithelia?
Keratinized epithelia are both tough and water resistant.
Why do the pharynx, esophagus, anus, and vagina have a similar epithelial organization?
All these sites are subject to mechanical stresses and abrasion- by food, by feces, or during intercourse or childbirth.
Under a light microscope, simple squamous epithelium is seen on the outer surface. Could this be a skin surface sample? Why or why not?
No. A simple squamous epithelium provides too little protection against infection, abrasion, or dehydration to function effectively on the skin surface.
Identify the epithelium that lines the urinary bladder and changes in appearance as stretching occurs.
The epithelium that lines the urinary bladder and changes in appearance during stretching is a transitional epithelium.
Describe the epithelium that lines the urinary bladder and changes in appearance as stretching occurs
In a sectional view, simple cuboidal epithelial cells are square and have central nuclei, and the distance between adjacent nuclei is roughly equal to the height of the epithelium.
Stratified cuboidal epithelia are assiciated with what epithelial structures?
Stratified cuboidal epithelia are associated with the ducts of sweat glands, mammary glands, and other exocrine glands.
Describe the appearance of simple columnar epithelial cells in a sectional view.
In a sectional view, simple columnar epithelial cells appea as tal slender rectangles containing elongated nuclei close to the basal lamina. Cell height is several times the distance between adjacent nuclei.
Explain why a pseudostratified columnar epitheliu is not truly stratified.
A pseudostratified columnar epithelium is not truly stratified-even though its nuclein make it appear so-because all of its epithelial cells contact the basal lamina.
The columnar epithelium lining the intestine typically has ---------- on its apical surface.
The columnar epithelium lining the intestine typically has microvilli on its apical surface.
Name the two primar types of glands.
Endocrine glands and Exocrine glands
What mode of secretion occurs in secretory cells of sebaceous glands, which fill with secretions and then rupture, releasing their contents?
The mode of secretions in which secretory cells fill with secretions and then rupture to holocrine secretion.
Which type of gland has no ducts to carry the glandular secretions, and the gland's secretions are released directly into the intersticial fluid?
A gland that lacks ducts and releases its secretions directly into the intersticial fluid is an endocrine gland.
Identify the types of cells found in connective tissue proper?
Cells found in the connective tissue proper are melanocytes, fixed macrophages, mast cells, fibroblasts, adipocytes (fat cells), plasma cells, free macrophages, mesenchymal cells, neutrophils, eosinophils, and lymphocytes.
Which type of connective tissue contains primarily lipids?
The connective tissue that contains primarily lipids is adipose (fat) tissue.
Describe the role of fibroblasts in connective tissue.
Fibroblasts secrete the proteins that form collegen, elastic fibers, and reticular fibers in the matrix, and fibroblasts alsomaintain these connective tissue fibers.
Which two types of connective tissue have a liquid matrix?
The two types of connective tissue that contain a fluid matrix (that is, are fluid connective tissues) are blood and lymph.
Lack of vitamin C in the diet interferes with the ability of fibroblasts to produce collegen. How might this affect connective tissue function?
A vitamin C deficiency would impair the production of colllagen fibers, which add strength to connective tissue. The deficiency would result in tissue that is weak and prone to damage.
Summarize the role of extracellular fluid in maintaining homeostasis.
The continuous recirculation of extracellular fluid (plasma, interstitial fluid, and lymph) helps eliminate local differences in the levels of nutrients, wastes, or toxing; maintains blood volume; and alerts the immune systen to infectious agents or infections.
Mature cartilage cells are called-------.
Mature cartilage cells are called chondrocytes.
Which connective tissue fiber is characteristic of the cartilage supporting the ear?
The fibers characteristic of cartilage supporting the ear are elastic fibers.
If a person has a herniated intervertebral disk, which type of cartilage has been damaged?
The type of cartilage in intervertebral discs is fibrous cartilage.
Mature bone cells in the lacunae are called ---------.
Mature bone cells in the lacunae are called osteocytes.
Distinguish between the two types of supporting connective tissues with respect to their characteristic fibers.
Whereas bone contains only collagen fibers, cartilage may contain collagen, elastic, and reticular fibers.
Explain why bone does not undergo intersticial growth.
Bone cannot undergo intersticial growth because the matrix of bone is solid and calcified.
Name the four types of membranes found in the body.
The four types of membranes found in the body are mucous membranes, serous membranes, the cutaneous membrane, and synovial membranes.
Which cavities in the body are lined by serous membrane?
The body cavities lined by serous membrane are the pleural, peritoneal, and pericardial cavities.
A sheet of tissue has many layers of collagen fibers that run in different directions in successive layers. Which type of tissue is this?
The tissue is probably fascia, a connective tissue layer and wrapping that supports and surrounds organs.
Identify the three types of muscle tissue in the body.
The thtee types of muscle tissue in the body are skeletal muscle tissue, cardiac muscle tissue, and smooth muscle tissue.
Which type of muscle tissue has small, tapering cells with single nuclei and no obvious striations?
Muscle tissue containing small, tapering cells with single nuclei and no obvious striations is smooth muscle tissue.
Irregularly shaped cells with many fibrous projections, some several centimeters long, are probably which type of cell?
These cells are most likely neurons.
Identify the two processes in the response to tissue injury.
The two processes of the response to tissue injury are inflammation and regeneration.
What are the four indications of inflammation that occurs following an injury?
Inflammation produces swelling, redness, warmth, and pain.
Why can inflammation occur in any organ in the body?
Inflammation can occur in any organ in the body because all organs have connective tissues.