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97 Cards in this Set

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Match the two components of the digestive
system to their description
 Muscular tube from mouth to anus
Digestive tract
Match the two components of the digestive
system to their description
Organs that do not form the tube but assist in
Accessory organs
Match the functions/actions of the digestive
system to their description
 The bringing of food into the digestive tract
Match the functions/actions of the digestive
system to their description
Physical breakdown of large particles
Mechanical processing/digestion
Physical breakdown of large particles
 chewing
Physical breakdown of large particles
stomach churning
Physical breakdown of large particles
intestinal churning
Match the functions/actions of the digestive
system to their description
 Swallowing
Match the functions/actions of the digestive
system to their description
 Propulsion of tube contents through
coordinated contractions of circular and
longitudinal muscular layers
 Peristalsis
Match the functions/actions of the digestive
system to their description
 Chemical and enzymatic breakdown of large
Digestion/Chemical digestion
Match the functions/actions of the digestive
system to their description
Production of acids, enzymes, and buffers
Match the functions/actions of the digestive
system to their description
 Movement of nutrients across the digestive
The digestive tract has 4 histological layers
 Inner, mucous membrane often with folds to
increase surface area
The digestive tract has 4 histological layers
Connective tissue layer enclosing glands,
nerves, and vessels
The digestive tract has 4 histological layers
 Smooth muscle, generally two layers
Muscularis (externa)
The digestive tract has 4 histological layers
Outer, serous, in the peritoneal cavity
The digestive tract has 4 histological layers
Outer, collagenous, outside the peritoneal
What do we call thick rings of the circular
layer of smooth muscle in these tubes that
act as valves to control the movement of
materials through the digestive tract?
 Sphincters
What is the generic term for the double
sheets of parietal peritoneum that encase
areolar connective tissue, along with vessels
and nerves, which stabilize the digestive
 Mesentaries
Match the specific mesenteries to their
 Between the liver and lesser curvature of the
Lesser omentum
Match the specific mesenteries to their
Between the greater curvature of the stomach
and transverse colon, extending as an apron
over the small intestines
Greater omentum
Match the specific mesenteries to their
 Attaching the loops of the small intestine to the
body wall
Mesentary proper
Match the specific mesenteries to their
Attaching the large intestine to the body wall
Oral cavity components
 Lips
Oral cavity components
 Gums
Oral cavity components
 Mucous membrane fold connecting tongue to
floor of mouth
Lingual frenulum
Oral cavity components
Medial, dangling portion of the soft palate
What is its function?Uvula
Prevent food from entering pharynx
Oral cavity components
Entrance to the oropharynx
There are 3 pairs of salivary glands
 Inferior to the zygomatic arch, partially
overlaying the masseter
 Parotid
There are 3 pairs of salivary glands
Floor of the mouth, just below tongue?
There are 3 pairs of salivary glands
Floor of the mouth, medial and inferior to the
Teeth have three layers of tissue
 Outer, hardest biological substance
Teeth have three layers of tissue
Bulk of tooth, mineralized matrix similar to
Teeth have three layers of tissue
 Inner, spongy and vascular, contains vessels
and nerves
Pulp cavity
What do we call the bony socket in which
we find a tooth?
 Alveolus
What do we call the portion of a tooth
within the bony socket?
 Root
What do we call the visible portion of the
tooth, covered in enamel?
 Crown
There are four types of teeth in adults
 Blade/chisel-shaped in the front of the mouth,
single root
 Incisors
There are four types of teeth in adults
Conical, sharp, single root
There are four types of teeth in adults
 Flattened crown with ridges, one or two roots
There are four types of teeth in adults
Large, flattened crowns with 3+ roots
How many teeth are found in an adult with
wisdom teeth?
 32
How many teeth are found in the deciduous
or baby set of teeth?
 20
Special names for tooth surfaces
 Opposing tooth surface that faces the midline
Special names for tooth surfaces
Opposing tooth surface that faces the away
from the midline
 Distal
Special names for tooth surfaces
 Inner surface of tooth in upper row
 Palatal
Special names for tooth surfaces
Inner surface of tooth in lower row
Special names for tooth surfaces
 Outer surface of tooth by cheeks
Special names for tooth surfaces
Outer surface of tooth by lips
Special names for tooth surfaces
 Surface where upper and lower teeth contact
How do we number the teeth?
 #1 is the back, upper right molar
 #32 is the back, lower right molar
What is the name of the common
passageway for food and air?
 Pharynx
What is the name of the muscular tube
transports food from the pharynx to the
 Esophagus
What is the name of the opening in the
diaphragm through which this tube passes?
Esophageal hiatus
What do we call the lower sphincter of the
esophagus that is associated with heart
 Cardiac sphincter
What J-shaped expansion of the digestive
tract has an extra layer of smooth muscle
(oblique) to assist in mechanical churning of
food and glands that produce acid and a
proteolytic enzyme?
 Stomach
What ring of muscle regulates the flow of
material from the stomach to the small
 Pyloric sphincter
What do we call the soupy, acidic mixture
of partially digested food that leaves the
 Chyme
What part of the digestive tract plays the
primary role in digestion and absorption of
 Small intestine
Structures that increase surface area
 Large, transverse folds, most apparent in
Plicae circulares
Structures that increase surface area
Finger-like projections of inner mucous
membrane with vessels
 Villi
Structures that increase surface area
Extensions of the plasma membrane on the
What do we call the lymphatic capillary
within each finger-like projection of the
intestinal wall that picks up lipids from the
digestive tract?
3 regions of the small intestine
 First, short, c-shaped (contains head of
3 regions of the small intestine
Second, longer, site of most absorption/most
 Jejunum
3 regions of the small intestine
 Last, longest, fewer folds more lymphatic
 Ileum
What part of the digestive tract serves to
reabsorb water, absorb vitamins, and store
feces prior to defecation (it also has
abundant goblet cells)?
 Large intestine
What valve regulates the passage of
materials from the small intestine into the
large intestine?
 Ileocecal valve
What do we call the pouches of the large intestine
that allow it to elongate?
 Haustra
What do we call the 3 bands of longitudinal
smooth muscle that help form these pouches? Haustra
 Taeniae coli
What do we call the globs of fat that attach to
these smooth muscle bands?Taeniae coli
 Omental appendices
What expanded pouch forms the beginning
of the large intestine?
 Cecum
What slender, hollow organ dominated by
lymphatic nodules comes off of this pouch?
 Appendix
Portions of the colon
 Travels superiorly on the right side of the
Ascending colon
Portions of the colon
 Curve to the left
 Right colic (hepatic) flexure
Portions of the colon
 Travels to the left across abdomen
Transverse colon
Portions of the colon
 Curve inferiorly
 Left colic (splenic) flexure
Portions of the colon
 Travels inferiorly on the left side of the
Descending colon
Portions of the colon
S-shaped, from iliac fossa to midline of lower
Sigmoid colon
What final, expanded section of the large
intestine triggers the defecation reflex when
its walls are stretched by feces?
 Rectum
What do we call the orifice at the end of the
large intestine?
 Anus
This orifice is controlled by two sphincters
 Involuntary, smooth muscle
 Internal anal sphincter
This orifice is controlled by two sphincters
 Voluntary, skeletal muscle
External anal sphincter
What organ, the largest visceral organ in the
body, is located in the upper right quadrant
of the abdomen?
 Liver
List the 3 general categories of liver
 Metabolic regulation
 Hematological regulation
 Synthesis and secretion of bile
Four lobes of the liver
 Left and Right
 Caudate - Inferior vena cava
 Quadrate - Gallbladder
What piece of mesentery divides the left
and right lobes anteriorly?
Falciform ligament
What thickened inferior portion of this
mesentery is the remains of the umbilical
 Ligamentum Teres (round ligament of the
What pear-shaped organ on the inferior
aspect of the liver is a muscular sac for bile
 Gallbladder
What glandular organ, lying deep to the
stomach, extends from the c-shaped section
of the small intestine to the spleen?
 Pancreas
Biliary apparatus
 Collect bile from the liver’s lobes
L&R hepatic ducts
Biliary apparatus
 Unites ducts from each lobe into a single duct
Common hepatic duct
Biliary apparatus
 Carries bile to or from the gallbladder
 Cystic duct
Biliary apparatus
Carries bile from liver and gallbladder to
Common bile duct
Biliary apparatus
 Enlargement and valve where bile joins
secretions from pancreas
Hepatopancreatic ampulla/sphincter
Biliary apparatus
Raised projection/opening into small intestine
(major) Duodenal papilla