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41 Cards in this Set

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The upper boundary of life, which is the maximum number of years an individual can live.

Increased an avg of 31

Life expectancy

The number of years it will probably be lived by the average person born in a particular year


People alive at 110-119

Compression of morbidity

Process of staving off high mortality chronic diseases until much later ages than is usually the case in the general population

Women have this kinda stuff in their genes and have better coping strategies for stress.


Involve a thickening of the lens of the eye that causes vision to become cloudy and distorted

30% of 70 year olds


Damage to the optic nerve because of the pressure created by a buildup of fluid in the eye

1% in 70s, 10% in 90s.

Macular degeneration

A disease that involves deterioration of the macula of the retina which corresponds to the focal center of the visual field.

Would have normal peripheral vision but be unable to see clearly whats in front of them

1 in 25 individuals ages 66-74

1 in 6 individuals ages 75+


Inflammation of the joints that is accompanied by pain, stiffness, and movement problems

Especially common in older adults


A chronic condition that involves an extensive loss of bone tissue and is the main reason many older adults walk with a marked stoop.

Women are especially vulnerable

Explicit memory

Memory of facts and experiences that individuals consciously know and can state

Aging linked with a decline in this

Implicit memory

Memory without conscious recollection

Involves skills and routine procedures that are automatically performed

Less likely to be adversely affected by aging

Episodic memory

The retention of info about the where and when of life's happenings

Older adults think that they can remember long ago events better than more recent events

Researchers have consistently found that the older the memory is the less accurate it is in older adults

Semantic memory

A person's knowledge about the world including a person's fields of expertise, general academic knowledge of the sorts learned in school, and everyday knowledge

Often take longer to retrieve this info but usually they can also automatically retrieve it other than very specific information like names


Expert knowledge about the practical aspects of life that permits excellent judgment about important matters

Paul bates conclusions on wisdom

1. High levels of wisdom are rare

2. Factors other than age are critical for wisdom to develop to a high level

3. Personality related factors, such as open to new experiences, generativity, and creativity, are better predictors of wisdom than cognitive factors such as intelligence


A global term for any neurological disorder in which the primary symptoms involve a deterioration of mental functioning

Alzheimer disease

A progressive, irreversible brain disorder characterized by a gradual deterioration of memory, reasoning, language, and eventually physical function


Parkinson's disease

A chronic, progressive disease characterized by muscle tremors, slowing of movement, and partial facial paralysis. Affects smell.

Soft slurring speech, shuffling movement. Didnt swing his arms

Dopamine affects this


Avg life expectancy


Avg life span is ___

Life expectancy gender differences

81 in females, 76 in males

___ in females, ____ in males

Biggest cause for this is manual labor that leads to more accidents, more hardcore damage to body.

Which leads to disease.

Women tend to have healthier habits.


Less likely to have disease. Like cancer and heart disease.

Better mental health

Happier across the lifespan

Physically fit earlier


Brain loses ___ of its weight between 20-90 years old

Brain volume decreases bc

Shrinkage of neurons

lower numbers of synapses

Reduced length of the axons

Areas most likely to lose brain volume are frontal lobes (prefrontal cortex) and hippocampus

Hippocampus + how it relates to aging

Consolidation of new memories.

Loss of memories. Forget new info. Cant connect it to something. Like forgetting to take medicine.

Slowing of function in brain and spinal cord related to

Slow reflexes, physical coordination. Moving smoothly, without support.

Sends messages to rest of body and to the brain vice versa. Leads to jerky movements. Leads to falls.

Less likely to be affected by aging

Sensory processes


Demyelination is happening. So processing/perceptual speed decline is happening because of this

Adaptive brain

Compensates for some of the things that are being affected by aging.

Reading, exercise, crossword puzzles, almost anything that requires cognition.

Will keep it active and help it last.

Another thing that happens is neurogenesis.

Decrease in lateralization

Brain is compensating for the fact that both sides arent as functional as they used to be. Have to use both sides

Nun study

50% of brains showed alzheimers but hasnt affected her everyday life.

Lead very intellectually stimulating lives. Different from women in their generation bc they dont retire alone. Also are all educated, most were teachers too.

Hearing loss

Directly associated with reduced cognitive functioning


Lung capacity drops __ between 20-80


___ difficulty sleeping

60% of 65-74 die of cancer or cardiovascular disease

___ of 65-74 die of cancer or cardiovascular disease

3% adults 65+ live in nursing homes

__ adults 65+ live in nursing homes

Selective attention declines.

Sustained attention isnt affected in the same way. No difference between older and younger adults

What happens to selective and sustained attention

Executive Function

Declines with the shrinking of prefrontal cortex.

If bad, predicts increased likelyhood of stroke


Only places _________ happens in late adulthood are the Hippocampus and olfactory bulb. Limitation of ________ is they dont last very long. We dunno why it keeps happening, might be related to dementia (parkingsons and Alzheimer's)

Men more likely to experience hearing loss, while women are more likely to experience vision loss

Men more likely to experience ___ loss, while women are more likely to experience ___ loss

At about the same rate

Fuctioning of the hippocampus and frontal lobes decline: