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16 Cards in this Set

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Religious Order and Francis Assisi

Francis Assisi started a religious order of monks teaching people about God and being kind to all living things.

Reconquista and Inquisition

Spain's reconquest of Iberian Peninsula from Muslim rule is called Reconquista. A court system called the Inquisition was used throughout Europe to punish non-Christians. The Spanish Inquisitions were most widely used from 1478 to its abolition in 1834.

Hundred Years' War and Joan of Arc

When the English had gained control of most of France in 1400s, Joan of Arc became a knight when she was a teenager and helped the French drive out the English which ended the Hundreds' Year's War.

King John War and Magna Carta

King John went into so many battles and wars that it weakened the English economy. The nobility grew tired of King John's policies and wars and demanded that he recognize their rights in a document they called Magna Carta.

Osman War and Suleyman

The Seljuk Turks were conquered by the Mongols soon after the crusades. In the early 1300s a leader named Osman founded the Ottoman empire in present day Turkey.

Why did Church officials often have great political power?

Church officials often had great political power because higher officials were well educated and were advisors to rulers.

What role did monastic orders play in the Church?

Monastic orders followed the Pope and his advice because the Pope was accepted as spiritual leader of all kingdoms. The Pope also had more wealth than all the monarchs or rulers in Europe

How did the Crusades begin?

Seljuk Turks seized Jerusalem in 1071 AD and did not allow non- Muslim into Palestine which was the Holy Land to Jews, Muslims and Christians. Merchants supported the Crusades so they could access trade routes

How were Jews affected by the Crusades?

Hostility increased toward Jews by Christians, after Crusades, the Jews were expelled from France and England. So the Jews moved to eastern Europe Muslims continued to be tolerant of Jews and Christians in Palestine

What effect did the Bubonic Plague have on Europeans?

The bubonic plague spread through Western Europe in the mid 1300s and killed tens of millions of people. The plague brought about decrease in trade and shortage of labor. The shortage of labor led to demand for higher wages and workers leaving feudal kingdoms for higher wages.

The Magna Carta guarnteed that the King could not collect money for nobles without their approval. It also guarnteed some important individual rights such as trial by jury amd punishment must the crime. It set precedence for democratic government ideas such as citizens' right to vote, representation in government, and property ownership.

How did the Magna Carta contribute to the growth of democracy?

How did the English Parliament lay thr foundation for future representative institutions?

King Henry's son eventually reclaimed the throne in 1265 but kept parliament system to please thr nobles. Parliament's powers grew slowly but it included controlling tax collection and making and passing new laws. The powers of parliament limited the king's powers to collect taxes and make new laws.

How did the Ottomans manage their empire?

The Ottomans effectively governed the empire with an imperial system

How did the Catholic Church become so politically powerful?

The concern was the afterlife, as opposed to the current one so religiously the Church held a lot of power. Eventually, that power was used to collect taxes and tithes which in a turn created more power and influence.

Were the religious motivations behind the Christian Crusades similar to or different from the motivations of the later Muslim Ottomans?

There were seven major Crusades first began in 1095 with Pope Urban ll's famous speech last of the Latin holdings in Palestine, was lost.

What effect did Islamic law have on Ottoman society?

Sultans passed laws to address such situations. Suleyman organized these laws into a legal code that could effectively govern the vast and expanding empire.