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17 Cards in this Set

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What are the 4 retinal destinations?
The four nuclei: The suprachiasmatic nucleus, the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN), the superior colliculus, and the pretectum.
For what is the LGN responsible?
Passing information about color, contrast, shape, and movement on to the visual cortices.
For what is the superior colliculus responsible?
Controlling the movement and orientation of the eyeball itself.
For what is the pretectum responsible?
Controlling the size of the pupil.
What are the two major visual pathways?
1) Retina to optic nerve to brainstem
2) Retina to optic nerve to lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) of thalamus to primary visual cortex (area 17) to temporal and parietal cortices.
What is decussation?
Some axons from optic nerves cross over to the other side of the brain: half of each retina's visual field is represented on each side of the brain.
What do ipRGCs contain that is photosensitive? To what brain region do ipRGCs send information? What do they detect? What do they help regulate?
Melanopsin. Suprachiasmatic nucleus of hypothalamus. Overall light intensity. Circadian rhythms.
What does the superior colliculus do?
Produces the eye orientation response (eye and head movements to bring image onto fovea). .
How is the superior colliculus an example of retinotopy?
The arrangement of cells in the colliculus is identical to that of the corresponding cells in the retina.
How is the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) organized?
It keeps visual information separate based on which eye it comes from.
Where are the magnocellular layers in the lateral geniculate nucleus and from where do they receive input?
They are the bottom two layers an they receive input from the M-type ganglion cells.
Where are the parvocellular layers of the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) and from where do they receive input?
The are top four layers of the LGN and they receive input from the P-type ganglion cells.
Where are the koniocellular cells in the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) and from which ganglon cells do they receive input?
They are in between layers and they receive input from the non-M/non-P ganglion cells.
From where and to where does the feedback of the corticofugal pathway travel?
From the primary visual cortex to the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN).
In what brain region is the primary visual cortex?
The occipital lobe.
Where are the spiny stellate cells of the primary visual cortex?
In layer IV.
Where are the pyramidal cells of the primary visual cortex?
In all layers, connecting to other brain regions.