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82 Cards in this Set

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The peripheral nervous system includes the

a. somatic nervous system.

b. brain.

c. spinal cord.

d. nuclei.

e. all of the above.

A. Somatic nervous system

The part of the nervous system that controls smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glands is the

a. somatic nervous system.

b. autonomic nervous system.

c. skeletal division.

d. sensory division.



Neurons have cytoplasmic extensions that connect one neuron to another neuron. Given these structures:

1. axon

2. dendrite

3. dendritic spine

4. presynaptic terminal

Choose the arrangement that lists the structures in the order they are found between two neurons.

a. 1,4,2,3

b. 1,4,3,2

c. 4,1,2,3

d. 4,1,3,2

e. 4,3,2,1

B. 1,4,3,2

A neuron with many short dendrites and a single long axon is a neuron.

a. multipolar

b. unipolar

c. bipolar

A. Multipolar

Motor neurons and interneurons are neurons.

a. unipolar

b. bipolar

c. multipolar

d. afferent

C. Multipolar

Cells found in the choroid plexuses that secrete cerebrospinal fluid are

a. astrocytes.

b. microglia.

c. ependymal cells.

d. oligodendrocytes.

e. Schwann cells.

B. Ependymal cells

Neuroglia that are phagocytic within the central nervous system are

a. oligodendrocytes.

b. microglia.

c. ependymal cells.

d. astrocytes.

e. Schwann cells.

B. Miroglia

Unmyelianted axon within nerves is associated with

Schwann cell

Action potential are conducted more rapidly

Along axons that have nodes of Ranvier


Clusters of nerve cell bodies within the PNS

Gray matter contain primarily of

Neuron cell bodies

Concerning concentration difference across the plasma membrane, there are

a. more K and Na outside the cell than inside.

b. more K and Na inside the cell than outside.

c. more K outside the cell than inside and more Na inside the

cell than outside.

d. more K inside the cell than outside and more Na outside the

cell than inside.

D. More K+ inside the cell than outside and more Na+ outside

Compare to the inside of the Resting plasma membrane , the outside surface of the membrane is

Positively charged

Non-gated ion channels are responsible for

Ion permeability fo the resting membrane potential

The resting membrane potential results when the tendency for ——— to diffuse out of the cell is balanced by their attraction to opposite charges inside the cell


If the permeability of the plasma membrane to K+ increases, the resting membrane potential—————-. This is called__________.

Increases, hyperpolarization

Decreasing the extracurricular concentration of K+ affects the resting membrane potential by causing



Membrane potential becomes more negative

Ion movement through the plasma membrane

- Movement of Na+ out of the cell requires ATP

- When Ca2+ binds to proteins in ion channels, the diffusion of Na+ into the cell is inhibited

- There are specific open channels that regulate the diffusion of Na+ through the plasma membrane

Ion movement through the plasma membrane

- Movement of Na+ out of the cell requires ATP

- When Ca2+ binds to proteins in ion channels, the diffusion of Na+ into the cell is inhibited

- There are specific open channels that regulate the diffusion of Na+ through the plasma membrane

Major function of the sodium- potassium exchange pump

Maintain the concentration gradients of Na+ and K+ across the plasma membrane

Ion movement through the plasma membrane

- Movement of Na+ out of the cell requires ATP

- When Ca2+ binds to proteins in ion channels, the diffusion of Na+ into the cell is inhibited

- There are specific open channels that regulate the diffusion of Na+ through the plasma membrane

Major function of the sodium- potassium exchange pump

Maintain the concentration gradients of Na+ and K+ across the plasma membrane

Local potential

- spread over the plasma membrane in decremental fashion

- are not propagated for long distance

- are graded

-can summate

Ion movement through the plasma membrane

- Movement of Na+ out of the cell requires ATP

- When Ca2+ binds to proteins in ion channels, the diffusion of Na+ into the cell is inhibited

- There are specific open channels that regulate the diffusion of Na+ through the plasma membrane

Major function of the sodium- potassium exchange pump

Maintain the concentration gradients of Na+ and K+ across the plasma membrane

Local potential

- spread over the plasma membrane in decremental fashion

- are not propagated for long distance

- are graded

-can summate

During the depolarization phase of an action potential, the permeability of the membrane

To Na+ is greatly increased

Ion movement through the plasma membrane

- Movement of Na+ out of the cell requires ATP

- When Ca2+ binds to proteins in ion channels, the diffusion of Na+ into the cell is inhibited

- There are specific open channels that regulate the diffusion of Na+ through the plasma membrane

Major function of the sodium- potassium exchange pump

Maintain the concentration gradients of Na+ and K+ across the plasma membrane

Local potential

- spread over the plasma membrane in decremental fashion

- are not propagated for long distance

- are graded

-can summate

During the depolarization phase of an action potential, the permeability of the membrane

To Na+ is greatly increased

During the redepolarization of the plasma membrane

K+ diffuse out of the cell

Ion movement through the plasma membrane

- Movement of Na+ out of the cell requires ATP

- When Ca2+ binds to proteins in ion channels, the diffusion of Na+ into the cell is inhibited

- There are specific open channels that regulate the diffusion of Na+ through the plasma membrane

Major function of the sodium- potassium exchange pump

Maintain the concentration gradients of Na+ and K+ across the plasma membrane

Local potential

- spread over the plasma membrane in decremental fashion

- are not propagated for long distance

- are graded

-can summate

During the depolarization phase of an action potential, the permeability of the membrane

To Na+ is greatly increased

During the redepolarization of the plasma membrane

K+ diffuse out of the cell

The absolute refractory period

- limits how many AP can be produced during a given period of time

- prevents an AP from starting another AP at the same point on the plasma membrane

Ion movement through the plasma membrane

- Movement of Na+ out of the cell requires ATP

- When Ca2+ binds to proteins in ion channels, the diffusion of Na+ into the cell is inhibited

- There are specific open channels that regulate the diffusion of Na+ through the plasma membrane

Major function of the sodium- potassium exchange pump

Maintain the concentration gradients of Na+ and K+ across the plasma membrane

Local potential

- spread over the plasma membrane in decremental fashion

- are not propagated for long distance

- are graded

-can summate

During the depolarization phase of an action potential, the permeability of the membrane

To Na+ is greatly increased

During the redepolarization of the plasma membrane

K+ diffuse out of the cell

The absolute refractory period

- limits how many AP can be produced during a given period of time

- prevents an AP from starting another AP at the same point on the plasma membrane

Subthreshold stimulus

Produces a local potential


Neurotransmitters substances are stored in vesicles that are located in specialized portion of the


Neurotransmitters substances are stored in vesicles that are located in specialized portion of the

In a Chemical synapse

- AP in the presyanptic terminal causes voltage-gated Ca2+ channel to open

- NTS can cause ligand-gated Na+ channel to open

- NTs can be broken down my enzymes

-NTs can be taken up by the presynaptic terminal

An inhibitory presynaptic neuron can affect a postsynaptic neuron by

- producing an IPSP in the postsynaptic neuron

- hyperpolarizing the plasma membrane fo the postsynaptic neuron

- causing K+ to diffuse out of the postsynaptic neuron

- causing Cl- to diffuse into the postsynaptic neuron


- is the caused by combination of two or more local potential

- occurs at the trigger zone of the postsynaptic neuron

- results in an AP when 2 AP arrive in close succession at a single presynaptic terminal


- is the caused by combination of two or more local potential

- occurs at the trigger zone of the postsynaptic neuron

- results in an AP when 2 AP arrive in close succession at a single presynaptic terminal

In convergent pathway

The response of the postsynaptic neuron depends of the summation of EPSPs and IPSPs

Electrical synapses is

Gap junctions in which tubular proteins called connexon allows local current to move between cells

Electrical synapses is

Gap junctions in which tubular proteins called connexon allows local current to move between cells

Presynaptic inhibition does

Decreases NTs release

Presynaptic facilitation does

Increases NTs release

Neuromodulators (does what?)

Influences the likelihood that a AP in a presynaptic terminal will result in a AP in the postsynaptic cell

Neuromodulators (does what?)

Influences the likelihood that a AP in a presynaptic terminal will result in a AP in the postsynaptic cell

Presynaptic terminal-

Enlarged area on the axon, containing synaptic vesicles

Postsynaptic membrane

Contains receptors for NT

Postsynaptic membrane

Contains receptors for NT

Synaptic cleft-

Space that separates the presynaptic cleft and bind to the receptors of the postsynaptic membrane

Postsynaptic membrane

Contains receptors for NT

Synaptic cleft-

Space that separates the presynaptic cleft and bind to the receptors of the postsynaptic membrane

Convergent pathway have

Many neuron synapsing with a few neuron

Postsynaptic membrane

Contains receptors for NT

Synaptic cleft-

Space that separates the presynaptic cleft and bind to the receptors of the postsynaptic membrane

Convergent pathway have

Many neuron synapsing with a few neuron

Divergent pathway have

Few neuron synapsing with many neuron

Postsynaptic membrane

Contains receptors for NT

Synaptic cleft-

Space that separates the presynaptic cleft and bind to the receptors of the postsynaptic membrane

Convergent pathway have

Many neuron synapsing with a few neuron

Divergent pathway have

Few neuron synapsing with many neuron

Oscillating Circuits have

collateral branches of postsynaptic neurons synapsing with presynaptic neuron

- Potential difference-

electric charge different across the plasma membrane

- Potential difference-

electric charge different across the plasma membrane

- Resting membrane potential-

potential difference across the plasma membrane

- Potential difference-

electric charge different across the plasma membrane

- Resting membrane potential-

potential difference across the plasma membrane

- Local potential

change in resting membrane potential when a stimulus is applied at one location of the plasma membrane

- Threshold level

when a local potential causes depolarization of the plasma membrane to a level