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13 Cards in this Set

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There is ST elevation in leads II, III, and aVF. Reciprocal changes in lateral wall (I, aVL). This type of ACS is associated with AV conduction disturbances: 2nd degree Type I AV block, 3rd degree AV block, sick sinus syndrome (SSS), and sinus bradycardia. Can have tachycardia= higher mortality. Associated with RCA occlusion. What is the ACS?

Inferior MI

Pt has JVD at 45 degrees, high CVP, hypotension, bradyarrhythmias, and clear lungs. There is ST elevation in V3R and V4R. What ACS is this and what is the Tx?

Right Ventricular (RV) infarct

Tx: fluids, positive inotropes

Avoid: preload reducers (nitrates, diuretics). Use caution with beta blockers due to initial hypotension

This type of ACS is associated with LAD occlusion. There is ST elevation in V1-V4: precordial leads, V leads. Reciprocal changes (ST depression) in inferior wall (II, III, aVF). May develop 2nd-degree Type II AV block or RBBB. Can develop systolic murmur. What type of ACS is this?

Anterior MI

ST elevation in V5, V6

ST elevation in I, aVL

Involves the left circumflex artery

What ACS is this?

Lateral MI

S3 heart sound

Associated with heart failure; may occur before crackles

S3 is also caused by: pulmonary HTN and cor pulmonale, mitral, aortic, or tricuspid insufficiency

Ventricular gallop “Kentucky”

S2 is louder with what condition?


S4 is caused by what and associated with?

Caused by atrial contraction of blood in a noncompliant ventricle

Associated with: Myocardial ischemia, infarction, HTN, ventricular hypertrophy, and aortic stenosis

Atrial gallop “Tennessee”

Murmurs of insufficiency occur when?

When valve is closed.


Murmurs of stenosis occur when?

Occur when valve is open


What are murmurs associated with acute MI

Mitral Valve Insufficiency (regurgitation)

Papillary muscle dysfunction

Papillary muscle rupture (surgical emergency!)

Ventricular septal defect

A patient recently undergone a PCI (percutaneous coronary intervention) with stent placement. The patient begins to show s/sm of chest pain, pain radiating to chest and shoulders, indigestion, SOB (s/sm of ACS). What complication is the patient most likely having?

Complication of PCI: Stent thrombosis (most likely to be on exam)- this is a thrombotic occlusion of coronary stent

A patient is post PCI and presents with bruising on the flanks/ abdominal area with severe low back pain and sudden hypotension. What is the patient most likely developing?

Retroperitoneal bleeding (most likely on exam). This is when blood enters the space immediately behind the posterior reflection of the abdominal peritoneum.

What is normal Ankle-Brachial Index (ABI)?


You divide the ankle pressure by the brachial pressure on the same side.