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52 Cards in this Set

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Cutaneous Maximus
(cutaneous trunci, panniculus Carnosus)
Origin- Linea alba and fascia of latissimus dorsi

Insertion- dermis of skin in the trunk
Action: moves skin of the trunk
Platysma and superficial facial muscles
Origin: fascia and muscles of the face and neck

Insertion: Dermis of skin in the face and neck
Action: moves skin of the face and neck
Origin: Bones around the temporal fossa

Insertion: coronoid process (dentary bone)
Action: elevates mandible
Origin: Zygomatic Arch

Insertion: dentary bone
elevates mandible
Origin: Dentary bone

Insertion: median raphe
Action: elevates floor of mouth
origin: occipital bone

Insertion: dentary bone
Action: depresses mandible
O: manubrium of sternum

I: lamboidal ridge and mastoid process
A: flexes cervical vertebral column; rotates head
O: clavicle

I: mastoid process
A: rotates head
O: lambdoidal ridge

I: clavicle
A: draws scapula craniodorsad
( trapezius-pars cervicalis)
O: cervical vertebrae (spinuous processes)

I: scapula (spine)
A: draws scapula mediodorsad
spinotrapezius (trapezius - pars thoracica)
O: thoracic vertebrae (spinuous processes)

I: fascia of scapular muscles
A: draws scapula caudodorsad
O: first costal cartilage

I: hyoid
A: draws hyoid caudad
O: dentary bone

I: hyoid
A: draws hyoid craniad
O:dentary bones ( medial surfaces)

I: root of tongue
A: draws root of tongue craniad
O: hyoid bone

I: tongue (dorsal surfaces)
retracts tongue
longissimus dorsi
O: sacral and caudal vertebrae

I: thoracic and cervical vertebrae
A: extends and hyperextends vertebral column
Iliocostalis (separate muscle bundles)
O:lower thoracic ribs (separate origins)

I: 3rd rib craniad to the origin of each bundle
A: draws ribs together
external abdominal oblique
O: lumbodorsal fascia and ribs

I: pubis and linea alba (via aponeurosis)
A: compresses abdominal contents; laterally flexes and rotates vertebral column
internal abdominal oblique
O: lumbodorsal fascia and pelvis

I: linea alba (via aponeurosis)
A: compresses abdominal contents; laterally flexes and rotates vertebral column
Transversus abdominis
O: costal cartilages of lower ribs, ilium, lumbar vertebrae

I: linea alba
A: compresses abdominal contents
rectus abdominus
O: pubis

I: sternum and costal cartilages of ribs
A: compresses abdominal contents; flexes vertebral column
external intercostals (separate muscles)
O:ribs (separate origins)

I: rib caudad to origin
A: protracts ribcage
internal intercostals ( separate muscles)
O: ribs (separate origins)

I: rib craniad to origin
A: retracts ribcage
O: ribs

I: cervical vertebrae ( transverse processes)
A: flexes vertebral column; draws ribs craniad
Serratus dorsalis (group)
O: ribs

I: mid-dorsal raphe over thoracic vertebrae
A: draws ribs craniad
serratus ventralis
O: upper 10 ribs

I: scapula
A: draws scapula craniad and ventrad
O: thoracic vertebrae

I: scapula
A: draws scapula dorsad
latissimus dorsi
O: thoracic and lumbar vertebrae; lumbodorsal fascia

I: medial humerus
A: draws upper arm caudodorsad
O: sternum (manubrium)

I: fascia of elbow
A: adducts upper arm
Pectoralis major
O: sternebrae (cranial)

I: humerus
A: adducts upper arm
pectoralis minor
O: sternebrae (middle)

I: humerus
adducts upper arm
O: sternum (xiphoid)

I: humerous (proximal)
adducts upper arm
deltoid (group)
O:scapula (acromion process and spine)

I: humerus
A: abducts, rotates, and flexes upper arm
O: scapula (supraspinous fossa)

I: humerus (greater tubercle)
A: extends upper arm
O: scapula (infraspinous fossa)

I: humerus (greater tubercle)
A: rotates humerus laterad
triceps brachii
O: scapula and humerus

I: ulna (olecranon process)
A: extends forearm
biceps brachii
O: scapula ( area above glenoid fossa)

I: radius ( radial tuberosity)
A: flexes forearm
O: humerus ( lateral surfaces

I: ulna ( proximal end)
A: flexes forearm
gluteus maximus
O: sacral and caudal vertebrae

I: femur ( greater trochanter)
A: abducts thigh
gluteus medius
O: sacral and caudal vertebrae

I: greater trochanter of femur
A: abducts thigh
Tensor Fasciae latae
O: ilium

I: fascia lata of thigh
A: tightens fascia lata
Adductor Femoris
O: ischium and pubis

I: femur (shaft)
A: extends thigh
biceps femoris
O: ischium

I: patella and tibia
A: adducts thigh; flexes lower leg
O: ischium

I: femur (distal), and tibia (proximal)
A: extends thigh
O: ischium

I: tibia (proximal)
A: flexes lower leg
O: ischium and pubis

I: tibia (proximal)
A: adducts thigh
O: ilium

I: tibia (proximal) and patella
A: adducts and rotates thigh
rectus femoris
O: ilium

I: tibia via patellar ligament
A: adducts thigh; extends lower leg
vastus medialis
O: femur

I: tibia via patellar ligament
A: extends lower leg
vastus lateralis
O: femur

I: tibia via patellar ligament
A: extends lower leg
tibialis anterior
O: fibula and tibia

I: metatarsal 1
A: flexes foot
O: femur and patella

I: calcaneus via achilles tendon
A: extends foot